I Have to Win


Two boys that never had a girlfriend finally finds a girl they like.

Oh. It’s the same girl.

They have no flirting skills no experience no knowledge.

A hilarious yet very ual story of two boys and a girl learning about the first time with everything. Everything.


You (minju)

18 – quiet but not shy. You just don’t want to talk. Aggressive at times and very judgmental. Have ridiculously high standards in boys so obviously you have never had a boyfriend before.



18 – sassy hypocritical boy. Cant express emotions very well. Sarcastic but is actually really ridiculously nice. Always looks unsatisfied. Finds it difficult to smile.



19 – very handsome but evil. Wants everything his way. Girls usually like him and stop liking him for his personality. Bold and truthful. He thought he was heartless until he is fascinated with you.


i'm personally chen (jongdae) biased but recently sehun is jusT idk ;alskdjf like

anyways so yeah i havent decided yet who should be the happy winner at the end ehehEHEHheh >u< 

readers are my favorite people i love you guys / laptop screen

i will update soon ~subscribe and comment~


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