Chapter 2

As The Years Passed By

The first rays of sunlight lit Kyuhyun's massive bedroom, making the man stir in his sleep. Slowly waking up, he stretched his hands and long legs as he still laid on his king-sized bed. Finally he managed to open his eyes and took in his still unfamiliar surroundings, a smile appearing on his face as he remembered this wasn't just another dream of his, while he was still living in the states. This was real, and Kyuhyun loved it.

He lived in Korea now. And most importantly, he lived in a small village, where he still was a stranger to most people. Not a celebrity in a mega-city like Seoul, or maybe New York, where everybody could know his name and his face. He was just Kyuhyun, and that's how he wanted it to be from now on.

After washing up and getting dressed, and this time leaving his shades behind, Kyuhyun decided to go out for a morning walk, and to buy some breakfast and something to fill his empty fridge with. He quickly checked the temperature outside, and decided to wear his leather jacket just in case. He didn't want to fall ill immediately after moving in. 

The weather turned out a lot warmer than Kyuhyun had expected. After only a two minutes walk, he could feel droplets of sweat starting to form on his back. In one swift motion his jacket was off, his white v-neck top revealing his toned chest and biceps.

Across the road, Kyuhyun noticed some local girls in their school uniforms, staring at him. Holding himself from smirking and waving at the girls, as Marcus Cho would have done, Kyuhyun simply nodded towards the girls. They gaped at him, wide-eyed.

For a moment, Kyuhyun thought they had recognized him, but then again they would have chased after him like a pack of hungry wolves. Deciding to just ignore his stupid thought and continue walking, Kyuhyun swung his jacket over his shoulder, making his newly found fangirls squeal in excitement. He just ignored them, however, and continued making his way through the silent neighbourhood. 

Everything is perfect, Kyuhyun thought. His footsteps felt lighter and lighter, and by the time he reached his destination, the grocery mart,  he had forgotten all about the girls who he had encountered. He felt something, which was brand new to him – complete relaxation. Sure he had taken a few yoga lessons in the midst of his busy schedule in the States, but this was something else. He knew he could live like normal people could, he knew he didn't have to worry about money for many years, he knew he had people to talk to.

This life was everything he had dreamed of. As soon as he started to gain more fans, he started to regret his choice of career. It's not that he didn't like the attention, or the singing. In fact, he liked it all too much. But the lack of privacy was something he didn't quite take into consideration when signing with his label. In the states, he always had to have security staff with him no matter where he went – even the hospitals couldn't offer the needed privacy. He was never able to move around freely, always being watched by at least the two or more staff members, if not fans too.

The freedom of doing his own grocery shopping. Such a mundane event for most, was luxury to Kyuhyun. A smile spread on his face as he reached the food mart. That smile disappeared as quickly as it appeared, though, as the automatic doors refused to let Kyuhyun in – without knowing about the opening hours, he had arrived an hour too early.

Stomach growling, Kyuhyun turned around to see if there was any other place he could get breakfast from, for starters. The pub he had been to the day before seemed to be closed still, too. Besides the food mart and the pub, Kyuhyun could only spot a small hospital, a post office, a bank and a library. This sure was a small town, compared to the American cities Kyuhyun had seen. It wasn't even small, it was tiny. 

It seemed like only the post office was open at this hour, so Kyuhyun headed towards it, deciding to buy and send a card to Sungmin, for once being the one who contacted the other first. Maybe the older man could come and visit Kyuhyun sometime soon. Of course, Kyuhyun also had an ulterior motive for going to the post office. He secretly hoped he might find something to eat there, chocolate bars, cookies, anything. 

Just when Kyuhyun stopped in front of the post office, a thin man with black hair stepped out of the building with a huge package. Quite politely, Kyuhyun took the door handle and helped keeping the door open for the man. As the man was about to thank him, as anybody would, their gazes met.

For Kyuhyun it was nothing special, he just smiled, ready to say 'you're welcome'. The 'thank you' was never heard though, as the man accidentally dropped his package just to stumble over it and fall, too. Surprised, Kyuhyun made a move to help the unlucky man, but before Kyuhyun could reach him, the man was already back on his feet and sprinting away with his package, not sparing another glance to Kyuhyun. 

Merely shrugging, Kyuhyun just turned around and entered the post office. Much to his delight, he could find landscape card of this tiny town, he picked one, scribbled a quick message to his cousin and headed towards the cashier with it. He couldn't see any workers there, but there was a bell on the counter, so he rang it.

”Just a moment, please!” The voice came from somewhere behind the one gigantic-in-a-small-way organizer which, surprisingly enough, was full of packages. Then suddenly, a blonde head popped out from behind it.

”Kyuhyun! What brings you here this early in the morning?” Eunhyuk nearly squealed as he saw his new friend. 

”Good morning to you too, Eunhyuk”, Kyuhyun chuckled, a bit overwhelmed by Eunhyuk's reaction. ”My empty stomach brought me here, actually. And I also have to write a card to my cousin. He still lives in the states, I'm inviting him over for a visit.”

”Is he as handsome as you are?” Eunhyuk asked, confusing Kyuhyun even more. After a moment he finally realized he had made Kyuhyun feel a little uneasy by his comment, so he continued, ”I mean, if you're cousins he must be quite handsome too? Unless you did plastic surgery, that is. I mean, I think it's totally fine if you want to do that and if you did that but it'd be a shame if your cousin wasn't as good-looking as you are if you know what I mean?”

As Eunhyuk's babbling kept getting faster and faster, Kyuhyun felt laughter starting to erupt from his chest. The blonde just stared as the taller man nearly fell over while laughing so hard. When Kyuhyun was finally able to calm down, Eunhyuk's face had turned pink and tears were flowing down the former singer's cheeks.

”Yeah”, Kyuhyun said. ”He's as handsome as I am. We don't look much alike though. Actually, I think you might totally be his type.” The blonde didn't respond, just stood there staring at his feet, embarrassed. After waiting for a response for a moment Kyuhyun decided to let the poor man off the hook, and continued: ”Where can I find post cards?”

Eunhyuk then pointed the post card stand right next to Kyuhyun. ”There, normal ones are 1,000 won, the folded are 1,500 won. You can write it first and pay when you're done.”

”Oh, I didn't notice them. Thanks, Eunhyuk”, Kyuhyun replied, turning to see what kinds of post cards were available. Quickly deciding on a landscape card of his new home town, he scribbled a short message:

    Hello Sungmin-hyung,
    It's Kyuhyun, I just arrived to my new place yesterday.
    Are you missing me already, hyung? Come visit me quickly,
    I already found a guy you might be interested in~
    Take care!

”Ya Kyuhyun!” Eunhyuk shrieked in disbelief, as Kyuhyun handed him the postcard and he happened to notice the second to last row. ”That's not something you can write, you don't even know me that well to know I'd be his type. And I certainly don't know anything about that guy so just leave it, ok?” Kyuhyun merely chuckled in response.

”But hyung, I already wrote it. Which means I have to pay for it right?” Eunhyuk nodded, so Kyuhyun decided to a bit more and continued, ”I'm so sending that card. I don't want to pay for nothing. Too bad I can't add your name on that card, Sungmin-hyung would so google you.”

”Seriously, this guy...” Eunhyuk muttered. ”Alright, just send that card. But never mention me to your cousin again, alright?” 

”Your wish is my command”, Kyuhyun said, making both men laugh it off. ”So, apart from that card, I'd like a chocolate bar. Do you have those?”

”Actually we don't... You're lucky to find actual post cards, this town is so small they figured we didn't need to sell any additional stuff, just the packaging materials, envelopes and post cards. But if you're hungry, you could go to the library, it's opening any minute now. You can also find a small cafe there, where you can buy breakfast.” Eunhyuk said, motioning towards the library.

”Thanks, Eunhyuk, I'll try it. Would you like to join me?”

”Thanks buddy, but I can't. I'm so busy here at work”, Eunhyuk laughed, while Kyuhyun paid him for the post card and the stamps. Al of a sudden, his face went serious, as he remembered something. ”Oh and Kyuhyun?”


”The librarian... He's a weird man, don't be too startled by him, ok?”

”Are you serious?” Kyuhyun asked, puzzled. Why would Eunhyuk warn him about someone merely working at the library?

”I am. He's just... Different. You'll see.” Eunhyuk shrugged at the thought of the weird librarian, as Kyuhyun exited the post office. He always had this weird aura around himself, he seemed so isolated, and he was never seen with other people. Also, he didn't talk. Feeling himself getting goosebumps, Eunhyuk just continued his work. Kyuhyun really didn't have any idea as to what he was about to encounter.

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Still waiting for the next update <3 Forever waiting <3
Chapter 5: Oh my Yesung is going though a trauma and illusion thinking Ryeowook is still alive ...oh my he is affected mentally by that accident..and he still believes Ryeowook is alive Author-nim please update sooner or later i am waiting for the next update
Chapter 5: I really want to know what is going to happen so if u ever saw this please consider completing it because this is really good (๑´•  .̫ •ू`๑)
Chapter 5: Wonderful.... please continue. ㅠㅠ
This story is very wonderful and unique; do you think that you will ever continue it? :/
I would love to see where it goes. <3
mayosh #6
Chapter 5: Poor yesung, I hope somehow Kyu would initiate to befriend him ㅠㅠ Please continue your story, it's really good :)
kpopmaru #7
Chapter 3: i waiting for you next chapter TT^TT its soooo gooood dont stop!!
AlyciaC #8
Chapter 5: omg i'm sad for yesung ... I hope kyu will be more kind !
i'm waiting for the next uptaded ! :)
KcuLL22 #9
Chapter 5: :( poor yeye...
finally u update though it's rather short for an update after months :p
kyuhyun lol bullying ppl so easily haha the guilt ate him~
Chapter 5: Yesung isn't a loony. ;; And Kyu... Oh my God... Kyuuu. XDDD
This story is good. ^^
I'll wait patiently for the next chapter. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ