Walking Away

Walking Away

Sehun felt a sudden uneasiness tugging in his heart as he stood there on the welcome matt of the front door. He gazes mindlessley towards his foot ,thinking whether he should enter or not. Thinking further, his hands held tighter onto the flower bouqets- which he had prepared earlier. 

Day one, (FLASHBACK)

10: 54pm

"Sehun? Sehun? are you there?" Luhan waves his hands at Sehuns face, trying to bring him back to reality. Such an Angelic voice.. so soft, gentle and calming.. Sehun thought.   "Yes, yes im here.." He responds, slowly leaning his back against the dining chair. He examines Luhan, remembering how bright he always looked and how he always keeps a positive attitude. But today, it was different. The two sat opposite eachother, casually drinking their orange juice and having a light conversation. Unfortunatley, Luhan haven't had a single touch of his cup, yet, he haven't been initiating the conversation. Right then Sehun knew that somethings not right. 

Day Two

4: 00pm

Sehun shuts the door behind him, slipping off his shoes with the opposite foot and went direclty to the kitchen. He just gotten home from university. He entered the kitchen throwing his bag onto the edge of the room, and across him, sat Luhan on the dining table. Busy writing, Sehun ignors him and settles into the fridge. After picking a snack of his choice, he exits the kitchen and left to the living room. Luhan.. he looks different, less brighter than usual. what brings?


Its becoming a routine, I hate it. Everyday Sehun comes home from university, he sees Luhan in the kitchen writing on the same piece of paper. The past few weeks Sehun didn't hesitate to queston his actions, eventually curiosity overwhelms him when he realises that they haven't talked much either. Luhan.. He looks pale, unhealthy, and depressed. Day by day he looks even worst, whats up with him? what is he up to? 

In the middle of the night Sehun walks into the kitchen, yet to see unhealthy Luhan busy writing on the old piece of paper. Immediatley Sehuns heart sank to see him like this. He hid behind the counter, long enough til Luhan decideds to take a break, and when he did, Sehun walks to him "Luhan.. I hate seing you this way," but no response. Only the sound of ink scribbling on paper, followed by the Pit patters of rain outside. Luhan instantly grabs the paper, burrying them into his slacks, hiding them away from Sehun. "Enough. Time for you to rest." He held his remarkably weak body- feeling his shuttle shivering from the cold winter season, making Sehun feel worst than he was already. Sehun held his hands all the way to the bedroom, supporting his weight from collapsing He was certainley weak. That night, Sehun stayed awake, hearing the rain pattering while his chest felt cold in unease.


Sehun shuts the door behind him after a long day in university. Hoping to see Luhan still resting on the bed. He enters the kitchen, placed his bag and he notices Luhans Paper, folded and placed on the edge of the dining table. Frowning slightly he unfolds the paper and begun reading.

Dear Sehun, 

The reason why things had been strange latley is a long story. Its difficult to explain, 

please don't hurt yourself, like youv'e been doing to yourself lately. It taken me eternitny to find

a proper way to explain everything. weve been watching you act strangely calling

for Luhan. You will hate me after reading this, Please forgive me,

Sehun felt tears, which were delibretly being held back,

and forgive yourself.  And dont forget 

to visit for new years,

Why is Luhan doing this? 

dont forget to study too for youre upcoming exams and il will come

see you when you graduate, 

Tears began streaming down his cheeks as he continued reading.

Its not youre fault. Merryy Christmas,  


Kyungsoo? Sehun thought wiping his tears away, "I thought Luhan wrote this letter?" Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Sehun rushes to open. It was Kyungsoo, his best friend, who evidently wrote this letter. "Sehun.." kyungsoo says softly, As he enters, Sehun grabs the collar of his shirt pushing him against the wall causing a loud thump."You..." Sehun says coldly, "You, tell me what you did to Luhan and why you erased his name off this letter, saying its from you?!"  

" Please listen. Luhan's not real." he replies calmly, "SHUT UP! HES REAL!" Sehun wasn't convinced, hoping that this is just a bad joke, clenching his fists, his lips snarled with rage,  "Hes not real.. youre just sick."

Slowly, Sehun releases him, his knees felt weakened, then Kyungsoo continued  "Sehun.. you were bullied, harrassed, everything. You were so sick of it, there came a day when we visited the countryside and you bump into a person who you found satisfying, He had feminine feautures.. He was kind, he offered us to hung with him and show us around .. his name was Luhan. After we left the countryside, you missed him and the days gone by, you decided that to keep yourself companied, you created an imaginary person who you also called Luhan.. who apparently doesn't exist," 



"Thats why Luhan nevered talked much, thats why he never touched his juice. Every food I serve, He nevered touched it. And when he was weak looking, unhealthy and depressed..thats how i saw myself everyday" Sehun held up his hand into a fist, willing to knock on the door.  his imagination of luhan was actually himself, when luhan was depressed it was sehun who was depressed .. when luhan was crying it was sehun who was crying. His imagination of Luhan represented his emotions
"Now im here.. in the countryside, miles away from home.. standing infront of the real Luhans house,"
He smiles, Finally, everything will be okay. His life will change right after a single knock on the door, Everything will be different and much happier.
He was about to knock when, something came up. "Even though he haven't been living with me in the past.. He changed my life anyways.." He rotates, opposite the door towards the dark winter night. He takes one last glance at the door, as his lips forms a smile, a smile of determination and walks away. 
A flower fell off from the boutique as Sehun left. It lands on the front door of Luhans house. 
The door sways opens, and a handsome deer boy peeks outside, instincts told him someone had came, but there were noone. "Is some one here?" 
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Chapter 2: Omg, this is really good! :D
I wonder why is Kyungsoo being like that...
Chapter 1: its really awesome and it seriously needs a sequel!
spyvianca06 #3
Chapter 1: Can you do a sequel? Omg this is soo good
Andreagoon27 #4
Chapter 1: I'm a little confuse. Is Luhan real or not? Please tell me.
Chapter 1: Wow! This is really really good!
This is different from other stories! I never saw a plot like this before...
Chapter 1: ohh wow, author nim. i tell u this daebak. you make my jaw drop on the first chapter. i totally was stun and well no word to describe it but i got to ask is luhan really not real? all this long it was kyungsoo whose been with sehun? anyway, i hope we could be good friends. I'm kinda new here and nice meet to you. ^.^