

Jiyong was bored, bored, and bored as hell. His eyes couldn’t be focused on the whiteboard anymore. The teacher’s voice was like a lullaby to bring his consciousness into the dreamland. It was an hour after break time—also after his meeting with the mysterious girl, and now he couldn’t make it. Someone just had to give him a pillow and he could fall asleep in 3 seconds.

“I’m sorry, I’m late.”

A soft voice broke the silence of the classroom. Suddenly, Jiyong saw that mysterious girl in front of the door, bowing to the teacher.

She’s my classmate?

After that, she walked inside and sat down on her chair, three rows back from Jiyong’s seat. The teacher didn’t seem care at all—he just continued explaining the theory, made Jiyong raised his eyebrows. This school isn’t that strict, not like what appa told me.

Curious, Jiyong turned his head back and glanced at the girl. She was carefully listening to the teacher, then unintentionally their eyes met each other. He didn’t remember how long he stared at those deep brown eyes until the teacher scolded him for not paying attention to the class.

After bowing politely and apologizing, Jiyong sat down and turned back at the girl again. He was red-faced, seeing her laugh silently from her place.


Today was a very long day for Jiyong. Studying 7 hours was like a century for him. He packed his bag and right before he left the classroom, something reminded him of thing he had forgotten. When he turned away to the girl’s chair, it was completely empty.

“Where the hell is she...” he quickly carried his backpack and ran off the classroom. Luckily, she wasn’t far from there. Without any chitchat, he poked her back.

“I wanna ask you something. Do you have a time?”

 “Isn’t that impolite because you didn’t say ‘hi’ to me first?” the girl questioned back, made Jiyong sighed.

“Hi,” he flatly greeted.

The girl arched her eyebrows, “So, what is it?”

“Well... It’s about the piece that you played before. Can you tell me what the title is?”

She showed her unreadable expression again. “Do you really want to know?”


She slowly walked then leaned closer, tiptoed and whispered softly in Jiyong’s ear,

“It’s an unspeakable secret.”

Right as simple as that, the girl jumped off and ran away, leaving Jiyong with a what-the-heck face.

“W-wait! Hey! What does that mean? What kind of secret?” Jiyong shouted, “I... I’m Kwon Jiyong, what’s your name?”

But the girl seemed not listening and disappeared in the sea of students.


On the next day, the girl disappeared again without any trail. Jiyong didn’t see her attending the class until the bell rang. It means that she skipped school today.


Jiyong turned back, hoping it was the girl but his expectation washed off with Jessica’s appearance.

“Oh. Hi, Jessica.”

“I see that you’re coming to school today by motorcycle. Getting used to Seoul’s streets?”

“Yeah, my dad keeps insisting me to go with him,” he continued packing his thing, “but the whole school won’t stop going crazy if I get out of my dad’s car every day.”

Jessica chuckled. “So, how was your day, Mr. Celebrity?”

His eyes unintentionally caught a figure walked down the hallway. He blinked to make sure that his sight wasn’t blurred, but he couldn’t doubt it again. That girl!

“Sorry, Jessica!” Jiyong quickly stepped off his classroom and tried to chase after her. He won’t lose her again now. But it didn’t make sense because the girl had gone, disappeared out of thin air. He couldn’t notice her in the crowd at all, not even the tiniest part of her presence.

“Is she a ghost or what...”


Jiyong jumped off like crazy after someone suddenly pushed his back. Then his eyes blinked for some second, staring at the laughing girl behind her.

“You...!” he was about to explode.

“Why are you following me?”

“M-me? Following you? Hell, no!”

She just pouted and walked away. “Okay, then. Bye!”

“W-wait!” Jiyong pulled her arm. “What’s your name?”

She stood there in silence for some seconds, then she replied, “Park Sandara. Just call me Dara.”

“I hope you still remember my name.”

“Why should I bother to remember?” she chuckled, “Kidding. Nice to meet you, Jiyong.”

Dara left him immediately, but before she’s totally gone again, Jiyong prevented it to happen. “Where are you going?”

“Home,” she briefly answered.

“Wanna go home with me?” he spontaneously blurted out without even thinking. Both of them were surprised with what Jiyong just said.

“Yeah, you know... I’m a new student here, so I’m looking for new friends as much as I can.” that was the most stupid reason that Jiyong had ever made and he regretted it.

Unlike his expectation, after considering his offer, she nodded in agreement. “Sure, let’s go.”



“I know what you’re doing now.” Dara opened the conversation while sitting on the backseat.


“Do you really wanna know the piece I played yesterday? So you ride me home today then you must be thinking I’ll give you the music sheet after that.”

Jiyong scoffed, “Forget it. Even if I force you so hard to give it, you won’t change your mind.”

Then, an awkward silence came back, suffocating them, until Jiyong decided to start again another conversation, “Why you skipped school today?”

“I was in the music room all day long.”

“Ah, I see. You’re a bad girl.”

“Excuse me?”

“I also didn’t see you in class yesterday, before the break time. You like skipping class?”

Jiyong could hear Dara’s soft giggle before adding, “I’m just bored.”

“You really like playing piano?”


“Who’s your favorite musician?”

“A lot.”

“Hey, now it’s your turn to ask me some questions.”

“Why should I do so?”

“Yeah...I think that’s how a conversation flows, right?”

“But I have nothing to ask.”

“Uh, well...” he scratched his head in frustration. He actually wanted to know more about Dara, but why does she look so... untouchable? “Why you don’t talk much?”

She gave a short pause before replying with an answer, “I don’t know.”

Such a weirdo.

Wait, why did he want to know more about her? He didn’t really know, though. From the start, he only looked for the piece that she played yesterday, but after seeing her mysterious side, he was like tickled. There was something that invited him to discover more about her.

“Okay, I can walk from here.” Dara tapped Jiyong’s back, made him stopped his motorcycle.

“Where’s your house?”

“That one,” Dara pointed at an old white house, not far from where she stood. “My mom is a bit protective, she doesn’t really like it when I go home with a boy.”

“I see,” Jiyong nodded, and then he waved awkwardly at her. “Bye, then. See you tomorrow.”

“Thank you, bye.” Dara smiled as she walked away toward her house. After making sure that Dara already opened the fence and entered her house, Jiyong rode his motorcycle home.


Jiyong didn’t see her again on the next day. She disappeared like a smoke. He couldn’t see her in the entire school. He thought, at least she would show up to go to the restroom or eat at the cafetaria, but he ended the day without seeing her presence at all.

And suddenly, when he walked down the hallway towards the parking lane...


Jiyong was surprised with that voice and the hands that patted his back. As he turned back, there she was. Park Sandara stood there and giggled like a little girl.

“Are you surprised?”

“Yeah, a little,” Jiyong couldn’t hold his smile, “Where have you been?”

“I was practicing piano.” Dara said, like skipping class for some days, just only practicing piano isn’t a serious problem at all. Then she leaned her face towards him, giving her teasing look, “Why? Did you miss me?”

“O-of course not! I’m just wondering... it’s not good if you always skip classes like that...” he abruptly said.

“That’s too bad. I thought you would miss me.” then Dara walked away, leaving Jiyong dumbfounded. But just like yesterday, something forced him to hold her.

“Hey!” he called out again, made her turned away at him with a blank face. 

"Is there anything else?"

“Eh... actually, tomorrow... after school, I want to visit a place, you wanna come with me?”

Once again, Jiyong didn’t really know what he was doing and what he had said to her a moment ago. He just wanted the earth to bury him after saying that to Dara. But he can’t take back his words. It’s surely his own fault for losing his ability to control his mouth at that moment. All he could do was holding his breath and bit his lips, waiting for Dara’s answer.

She seemed thinking for a while, then she played her eyes in amusement. “Sure, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

After that answer, Jiyong was still standing there. His eyes followed Dara’s figure as she walked away, leaving the school hallway. And without realizing, his lips curled up, forming a smile.



Luckily I can update this before new year lol.

Thanks for reading and subscribing, I will keep updating for you guys as soon as possible :)

Well...I know this is too early, but I wanna wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy New Year! hohohoho

Hopefully you'll enjoy the holiday as I do and have a good time with your loved ones ^^

See you on the next chapter ;)

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Crazy4dara #1
Chapter 5: So sweet!!!!
Crazy4dara #2
Chapter 3: I love the "Secret" movie, & i love that your story has Dara & Jiyong in it.