Spring Melancholy

Spring Melancholy
Author’s POV
The bright colour of the trees and birds chirping happily. When the wind blew through, the trees sway along as if waving.
The season where the flowers blossoms. And the love blossoms.
A blonde-haired boy shouted from afar, making his way towards a girl in front of his house gate.
“It’s Haejin! Not Heyjin! H.A.E.J.I.N! HAEJIN!!!!” the girl with long, black-hair, vented her anger towards Luhan.
“But it’s easier to call you Heyjin instead of Haejin. There’s no need for me to put ‘hey’ in front. If I call you Haejin, it would be ‘hey Haejin!’ doesn’t it sounds weird?” Luhan raised an eyebrow.
Haejin dropped her jaws at Luhan’s rubbish explanation and in the end, sighed in despair. “Suits yourself, Lugay.”
The girl stomped her way towards the school with Luhan trailing behind and then, they walked side by side. “Hey! I’m not gay! Stop calling me with that name!”
“Unfortunately, that’s the truth. Lugay with Segay. Perfect!” Haejin let out an evil laugh.
“I’m not gay with Sehun! How many times should I tell you this? Gosh!” Luhan rubbed his temple.
“Dude, you don’t have any girlfriend yet. And you’re always sticking with Sehun. Doesn’t it show that you like him? Or in other words, gay? Fufufu~”
“Then, what are we? You’re always sticking with me too.”
“Wrong term of word, boy. You are the one who sticks with me.”
“Am not!”
“Are true!”
“Am not!!”
“Are true!!!”
And their days went by with all those bickering. Even though Luhan and Haejin are childhood friends and neighbors to boot, but they never have the same head. I mean, they never agree to each other. There’s never one day they don’t argue. 
Peace is not the suitable words to describe the duo. And hate is also not one of it.
More evidence to prove they’re incompatible, here it is. Luhan loves to sing. Meanwhile, Haejin got her interest in dancing. Luhan doesn’t like to waste his energy and Haejin thinks that singing is just a waste of her voice.
And so, the two were chosen for the upcoming Spring Theater. But, of course…
It’s been already half an hour since the theater teacher-in-charge, Miss Kim, pleaded to the both of the hard-headed students. 
It is because two students from the theater club withdraw themselves from the theater. To make it worse, the two students were the main character. It’s nearing ‘Spring Festival’ yet the theater club can’t seem to find the suitable student for replacement.
Since Luhan and Haejin are the best in singing and dancing, the teacher has no other choice. But their answer is still no.
“Theater is singing. And no, my precious voice is not to waste.” Call her rude, but that’s Goo Haejin. Once she’s determined, she’ll never compromise.
And same goes to Luhan. Perhaps that’s their similarities found so far. Hard-headed. “I ain’t gonna waste my energy on dancing. Sweating is so not me.”
“But…” the teacher is on the verge of crying (wow, what a view) when suddenly, a student barge in.
“Yes, Miss Kim? Baekhyun said that you need my help. So, anything?”
Miss Kim rushed towards Sehun and fakes a tear. Well, as expected from the theater teacher. She, then, pointed to Luhan and Haejin. “Your friends don’t want to obey my order.”
Haejin crossed her arms stubbornly. “Sorry, but I’m not his friend.”
Sehun gave a look towards Luhan, asking for explanation. Luhan wailed his hands in the air. “Well, Miss Kim wants us to participate in the spring theater.”
“So, you know I’m not going to dance!” Luhan rolled his eyes.
“And I’m not singing either!” Haejin protested.
Miss Kim stood there, waiting for Sehun to persuade those two. Well, maybe not Haejin but at least, he’ll try to convince Luhan since they’re best friend. Don’t ask why Haejin is not listed in Sehun’s friend because the girl is not the type to care much.
Sehun, which is the member of the theater club, sighed. “But hyung, our theater club is shortage of member. It’s not like we’re going to force you two to join the club. It’s just for a temporary replacement.”
“Right, go on and convince your friend, I’m out of this.” Haejin simply pushed Sehun aside and walked away to her class. Of course, Luhan will also not going to tolerate. Thus, Sehun and Miss Kim were left dumbfounded.
But fate seems to have its’ own plan. And there they are. Standing on the stage in the theater room.
“Gosh! I can’t believe Miss Hyoyeon did that!” Haejin facepalmed herself. 
How she got there? Well, her dancing class teacher, Miss Hyoyeon ‘blackmailed’ her to expel her from the dancing class unless she agreed to join the theater. 
The same goes to Luhan. His vocal class teacher, Mr. Kyungsoo, said, “It will improve your skills anyway.”
Told you so. Fate brought them together.
Miss Kim, who was satisfied with her plan, grinned widely. Yes. She’s the one who did a ‘report’ to Kyungsoo and Hyoyeon since they’re friends anyway.
“And, for this part, Haejin will stand in front and sings. Then, Luhan comes from the other side and extended his hands to Haejin and asks her to dance.” Miss Kim explained their respective parts.
Luhan and Haejin scoffed unbelievably. “No way!”
“Ohoo~ Yes way. You’re going to do it. Unless, you want to get expel from your classes.” Miss Kim smirked.
Haejin sighed defeatedly. “But how? I don’t know how to sing.”
“And I don’t know how to dance.” Luhan in.
Miss Kim tapped her chin, thinking for a while. “Hmm… Well, Sehun will teach Luhan how to dance. As for Haejin, Baekhyun will teach you. Problems solved!”
And so the day passed by…
Both Luhan and Haejin received their own private training from their tutor every time their theater training ends. Which means they will spend more time at the school.
Luhan was with his best friend, Sehun, in the dancing studio.
For the umpteenth time, the younger guy whined. “Hyung~ why are you so bad at this? Don’t you know what this theater is about?”
Luhan leaned himself at the mirror-wall and panted, tired from all the dancing. “I know. It’s about love. But, why must dancing involved? I can’t get it! There’s nothing to do with dancing!”
Sehun sighed and sat beside Luhan. “There is! This is a love theater and dancing is needed to express the love.”
“No! Singing is important to send the love message! Dancing is nothing!”
“Hyung, listen. Dancing and singing is two important things for this theater. Only then the audience will feel the love.”
Meanwhile, in the singing studio…
“Aish! This is so hard! How many times should I tell you to put more feelings in singing?”
Haejin rolled her eyes and sat on a table. “And I told you I’m bad at singing!”
Baekhyun ruffled his hair in frustration. “Your voice is already good enough but the way you sing it is wrong! There’s nothing to feel when you sing. Zero soul! You know this is a love theater, right?”
A feeling of guilt washed over Haejin as she looked at her annoyed tutor. “Sorry, oppa. But… what is love?”
Baekhyun softened at the view of the little innocent girl. "You never fall in love, do you?"
Haejin shook her head and pouted unknowingly. Baekhyun found her cute doing like that. He grabbed a chair and sat in front of her. "Haejin-ah, love... is something that we can feel."
Feeling confused, Haejin creased her eyebrows. Baekhyun smiled at her. "Love, is when you see someone and your heart will sings a beautiful melody."
Thinking for a while, Haejin blinked. "Eww, theater student is cheesy, eh?"
Baekhyun burst out laughing. "Yah! You asked me about love so I told you one!"
Back to the dancing studio...
"This is the problem when you never fall in love. Aish!" Sehun stood up.
"You know hyung, you need it to express your feelings in the theater." Sehun grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door.
Before going away, he gave a last piece of advice to the older guy. "Think about it, hyung."

The theater club members are busy preparing for the performance. Some crew were busy at the stage and the backstage was filled with chaos. Some were rushing here and there, some were changing to their supposed costume while some were getting their makeup done.
It is the time for the last scene where Haejin and Luhan will dance together after Haejin finished singing. Haejin rushed over to the changing room and wear this dress:
When she finished, she bumped into Luhan after getting out of the changing room.
"Ah! Sorry!" Haejin bowed and when she lifted up her head, she saw Luhan in a dark blue tuxedo with his hair styled handsomely.
She was mesmerized by the angel-like creature in front of her. Luhan was also stunned at the girl beautiful appearance. Both of them interlocked their eyes at the moment. It seems like time has stopped for the both of them.
And that's when Haejin remembered what Baekhyun said, "Love, is when you see someone and your heart will sings a beautiful melody."
Finally she understands.
The beautiful melody is the sound of her heart beating wildly. 
After a while, Luhan is the one to break the utter silence. He smiled at the girl and motioned her to the stage. It is the most beautiful smile Haejin had ever seen.
And so, for the last part of the theater, Haejin stood on the stage and started singing.
Somehow, that day she managed to sing with full of emotion. Baekhyun at the backstage smiled upon hearing that. Finally Haejin managed to understand what he said. How she did it?
Haejin's mind wandered to all of the memories she had with Luhan all this while. That's how she managed to express her feelings through singing. And the memories stopped at the moment when she met Luhan in front of the changing room.
As she stopped singing, Luhan appeared on the stage as scripted. But then, he started singing (imagine he sings the song 'Angel') which surprised Haejin.
Miss Kim at the other side of the stage waved her hands towards Luhan and mouthed 'That is not in the script!' But that boy isn't looking at her.
Haejin was about to stopped Luhan from singing when he kneeled in front of her and extended his hand, asking for a dance. And so she followed what written in the script and took his hand. 
The duo then danced on the stage with Luhan's hand on the girl's waist and Haejin wrapped her hands around the boy's neck. The song 'Baby don't cry' was heard throughout the hall.
"He's confessing." Sehun muttered at the backstage.
Miss Kim who was standing in front of him turned towards him with wide eyes. "Excuse me?"
"Yes. Luhan hyung confessing to Haejin right now. He never danced like that before. And I haven't taught him some of the part."
"And so do Haejin. This is the first time she sings with full of emotion." Baekhyun continued Sehun's sentence.
Miss Kim dropped her jaws and soon, a grin appeared on her face. "So... our spring theater needs something magical, right?"
The other theater club members stared at her in confusion. The teacher then flashed a 'hundred-meaning' smile.
Back to the dancing duo, they were dancing swiftly while staring into each other's eyes when suddenly something popped open. The roof.
Luhan and Haejin lifted up their head to see the roof of the stage opened and soon the purple pink petals flew into the hall through the open roof.
The audiences stared in awe at the magical view upon their eyes.
While Haejin was still amazed by the 'non-scripted' scene, Luhan was staring at the beautiful smiling face of Haejin under the moonlight. When Haejin met Luhan's eyes, she could see sincerity and a loving stare sparkling through his eyes.
Miss Kim clasped her hands together and was delighted by the 'real' performance.
As soon as the music stopped, the audiences stood and clapped at the amazing theater. All of the crews and the theater club members came out to the stage and hand in hand, they bowed to the audiences.
As for Luhan and Haejin, the spring is the most precious season than summer and winter. Because during the spring, they fall for each other.
In the audiences' eyes, it looks like just a plain performance but for the both of them, it means more than just a performance. 
"Even though words are not exchanging but the action itself is more than enough for them to realize their love for each other."
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hailey95 #1
Chapter 1: its a beautiful n cute story...!!! :-)
Shawol11 #2
Chapter 1: this is cute~
Winter. Spring. Fall. Summer. its reminf me of apink ot7 tho TTTTTT but this fics look nice. keep on going chingu