Who Wins?

Tug o' War


Jessica followed after Stephen only to see him holding onto Krystal tightly as she tried to thrash and free herself from his grip.


“Let me go!”


“No.” He countered softly while he held her tighter.


Jessica couldn’t help feeling envious toward her sister. Unlike her, Krystal had managed to become Stephen’s first priority when it came to protecting someone. Even back then, Jessica was always second choice.


“I miss her.” Krystal confessed into Stephen’s chest once she gave up trying to break free from him.


“I know.” Stephen gently rubbed her back before lifting her into his arms and walking up the steps. Krystal was shaking as she silently cried on his shirt. His arms tightened around her. He understood how it felt to lose a parent. No matter how hard he tried not to think about his mom, the void in his heart that solely belonged to her would sometimes haunt him in the random times of the night.


“I’m going to get some fresh air.” Appa Jung’s fiancée had a forced smile plastered on her face as she walked out of the front door.


“That’s it. I’ve had enough of this.”


“No, dad. Let me talk to her.” Jessica quickly intervened when she realized her dad was about to explode with rage.


“Fine.” Appa Jung said as he went to his fiancée.


“Would you like me to come with you?” Taeng offered.


“No, I think I should talk to her alone. Your lunch break is ending soon. You should head back to work.”


“I can ditch.” Taeng said, earning him a pinch on his arm.


“No ditching.” Jessica glared at her boyfriend, but all he did was laugh.


“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow for the rehearsal dinner.”


Jessica nodded before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Taeng, however, decided he wanted more as he pulled Jessica back and kissed her deeply.


What Jessica felt right now was different from how she usually felt during their kisses. Emptiness was the best word to describe this kiss.


“Bye.” Taeng pulled back, looking completely in love with her, but all she could feel was emptiness.


Anger soon replaced that void. After Taeng left, Jessica marched up the stairs and to the hallway, where she witnessed Stephen trying to close Krystal’s door without making too much noise.


“She fell asleep.” Stephen whispered to Jessica, who was still fuming with anger.


“We need to talk.” Jessica said indifferently as she walked to the balcony of her bedroom.


“About what?” Stephen wondered as he stood beside her.


“About what?!” Jessica repeated in disbelief.


Stephen nodded slowly, wanting to take many steps back when Jessica was now standing dangerously close to him.


“About you coming here after all these years! Why did you have to come back! Why?!”


Stephen was taken aback. He should have known pretending to be Krystal’s boyfriend would be a bad idea. “If it’s about me dating your sister-“


Jessica shook her head at the man who still wasn’t getting it. “It’s not about Krystal! It’s about me, and how stupid I am for still being in love with you! I thought I was finally able to move on. When you decided to leave without telling anyone, I felt my world crumble down. But Taeng was there to help me back up. He was there for me when you weren’t, and I soon realized that I didn’t need you in my life. All I needed was Taeng. But then you came back… a-and—“


“I’ll leave.”


Jessica looked confusedly at Stephen. “What?”


“I’ll leave, but not until after the rehearsal dinner. After tomorrow, it’ll be like I was never here. You can go back to being in love with Taeng, and everything will go back to the way things were. I’m truly sorry for everything. I’m sorry for leaving and hurting both you and Taeng. Don’t worry, you won’t see me after this.”


Jessica bit back the urge to run after Stephen when he walked out of her room.


This was for the best. She didn’t need him in her life.


-Rehearsal Dinner-


“Say it.” Stephen nudged Krystal, who was pouting like a child in front of Appa Jung and his fiancee.


“I’m sorry for being such a —“ Krystal growled at Stephen when he poked her side. “I mean I’m sorry for being such a horrible daughter. It was selfish of me to want to keep mom as the only woman in your life. And, I’m especially sorry to you. I had a bad attitude. I was disrespectful and shouldn’t have yelled at you. You’re probably a wonderful woman considering my dad, who can’t stop smiling when you’re around. I hope you can forgive me and maybe we can start over.”


“I’d like that.” Appa Jung’s fiancée was crying as she threw her arms around Krystal.


“How sweet.” Stephen commented.


“Shut up.” Krystal mumbled before smiling and hugging the older woman back.


“What are you looking at?” Taeng was about to follow the direction of Jessica’s eyes before she stopped him.


“Nothing. Here, have some cake.” Jessica stuffed some cake into Taeng’s mouth before he could protest.


“Don’t eat so much, Taeng.”


The familiar voice had Jessica motionless in her seat.


“They’re already serving cake? I want some. Apologizing tends to make a person hungry.”


Stephen rolled his eyes at his date and finally gave into her silent plea. “How many slices?”


“Two! Thanks, honey.” Krystal beamed a playful smile at him as he stuck his tongue out at her.


“You two seem very close. How come you never told us that you were dating Stephen?”


Krystal looked taken aback by Taeng’s question. “Uh, we’ve only been dating for a month.”


“Oh, really? How did you guys meet?”


Krystal bit her lower lip. “Well, I was sitting in this café and he suddenly came up to me and drank my drink.”


“Really? Stephen did that?”


“Yeah. I asked him if he was crazy, but he replied with ‘I’m crazy in love with you.’”


“Who’s crazy in love?” Stephen asked while holding onto a plate filled with cake.


“You are.” Krystal whispered before giggling to herself.


“Huh? Oh, right. Yes, of course I am.” Stephen replied unconvincingly before handing over the cake to Krystal.


“Yay, thanks.” Krystal grabbed the plate and scooped up some cake before offering it to her fake boyfriend.


“No, thanks. I’m good.”


“Well, I have to make sure you didn’t add poison to it.” Krystal countered as she pushed the fork to Stephen’s lips.


“Glad you have so much trust in me.” Stephen sighed as he ate the cake.


After eating, they decided to dance in the dance floor. Actually, it was Krystal who literally dragged Stephen along.


“Be prepared to face my awesome dancing skills.” Krystal whispered into Stephen’s ear before she suddenly overwhelmed him with her dance moves.


“Haha. Looks like Stephen can’t keep up with his girlfriend.” Taeng said to Jessica who was too concentrated on Krystal grinding on Stephen.


When the song was over, Krystal was storming up to TaengSic with Stephen looking completely lifeless.


“Switch partners! He is the worst dancer ever!” Krystal practically yanked Taeng away and shoved Stephen to Jessica instead.


“S-sorry.” Stephen held onto Jessica’s waist before she could stumble over.


Jessica nodded as they released each other.


“Aren’t you going to dance?” Jessica blurted out when Stephen started walking away from her.


“I’m not much of a dancer. Sorry Krystal stole your date. I feel kind of bad for making you partner-less.”


“Well, a slow song is playing right now. You can’t possibly during a slow song.” Jessica assured. The words just came out naturally. The smart idea would be to avoid Stephen, but it seemed her heart had other plans.


Stephen rubbed his neck.


“Please? We’ve never danced together before.” That seemed to seal the deal as Stephen was reminded of his lies back in their high school days and how he tried to avoid Jessica at all costs.


“Okay. Just don’t sue me if I break your foot.”


“Not making any promises.” Jessica grinned as she placed her arms around his neck.


“Breathe, Stephy. Just let your body move to the rhythm of the beat.”


Stephen could feel his face burn up as Jessica pressed her head on his shoulder before letting out a sigh. He decided to finally give into his one desire as he held her closer.


“Jessi?” Stephen mumbled softly.


“Hmm?” Jessica had her eyes closed, fully content with being in his arms and swaying along with him.


This was it. He would tell her of his feelings for her. Maybe, things would change for the better if he just admitted that he’s always been in love with her. This was for him. No one else mattered at this moment. He was going to be selfish for once in his life. “Jessi, I love-“


“May I cut in?”


Stephen stopped moving and saw Taeng standing in front of them with his hand outstretched.


“S-sure.” Stephen hid his disappointment behind a smile as he walked away from the couple. The courage he had built up had completely deflated when he turned around to see Taeng and Jessica twirling and dancing so majestically and beautifully.


They really did look like the perfect couple. He thought sadly as he walked back to his seat to wait for Krystal.


“So, Stephen, how have you been?”


Stephen was a bit startled, but quickly recovered to address his attention to Appa Jung.


“Okay.” Stephen answered honestly.


“Just okay? Not fantastic or wonderful for dating one of my daughters?”


Stephen’s eyes widened. “It is truly an honor to be able to date Krystal, sir.”


Appa Jung laughed at the flustered boy. “I’m just messing with you. Loosen up.”


Stephen released the breath he was holding and soon after, his whole body began to relax.


“Would you like to know a secret?”


Stephen’s ears perked up as he gave Appa Jung his full attention.


“I’ve always imagined you dating my daughter.”


”And I am, sir.” Stephen replied with a grin. Lying was getting easier for him.


“No, not Krystal, but Jessica.”


“I’m sorry?” Stephen thought Appa Jung was kidding until the older man’s face never faltered.


“I may be old, but I know love when I see it. The way my daughter looked at you back when you two were kids is the same way that I look at my fiancée.”


Stephen was too speechless to reply, so he just sat there taking in Appa Jung’s words.


“When you left, it was like you took my daughter’s life with you. She wouldn’t eat, sleep or do anything. All she did was cry out your name. I thought I was going to lose her forever, and I hated you for it, but thankfully, Taeng was there to help bring life back into her eyes. It just goes to show that sometimes loving a person just isn’t enough. You have to be strong for the person you love, and even when you’re faced with impossible obstacles, you’ll go through them with everything you’ve got, because at the end of this, you know it’s worth the fight.”


Noticing the pain in Stephen’s eyes, Appa Jung said with a chuckle, “Don’t worry. I don’t hate you anymore. As long as you don’t break Krystal’s heart.”


Stephen nodded weakly. Appa Jung’s words had hit him hard. As he reflected on himself, he realized just how weak and cowardly he was all these years. He had given up the moment he realized Taeng was in love with Jessica. Without even trying to fight for Jessica’s heart, he had decided that Taeng and Jessica were the better couple. After all these years of telling himself that he was sacrificing his happiness for Jessica and Taeng, Stephen was finally able to admit that it was just because he was a coward.


“Hellooo. Is anybody there?” Krystal waved her hands in front of Stephen.


“Krystal? Where is everybody?” Stephen asked as he looked around the room to see nobody in sight.


“The rehearsal’s over. Everyone left while you were sitting here looking like a robot.”


“Oh, sorry. I was thinking about some things.”


“After what you did for me, you can act like a crazy lunatic and I’d be okay with that. Let’s go. I’ll treat you out for some coffee. I still owe you one after stealing yours.”


“No. I think I should leave now.” Stephen said as he stood up.


“But what about Unnie and Taeng? Don’t you want to say goodbye to them?”


Stephen shook his head. Stephen had decided to commit one last cowardly move.


“I don’t think I can say goodbye to them face to face.”


Krystal wanted to convince Stephen to see them, but with a pleading look by Stephen, she gave up that idea.


“Fine. You can run away from them, but not me, so give me your phone.”  


Krystal quickly punched in her cell number before handing his phone back to him.


“Stephen Hwang, you are now officially Krystal Jung’s real friend.”


“I thought I was your fake boyfriend.”


“Wow, this is awkward. I’m sorry to say this, but I’m breaking up with you.”


Stephen faked a gasp. “That hurts. You just broke my fake heart.”


Krystal nodded. “Now you’re on my list of ex-boyfriends.”


“It was my pleasure being your fake boyfriend. I’m glad you stole my coffee and made me run away from your crazy ex-boyfriends. Because of that, I was able to meet such an incredible girl.”


“Aw, why’d you have to go and say that?!” Krystal whined as she hugged Stephen.


“Are you crying?” Stephen laughed when he felt her body shake.


“Shut up.” Krystal punched his chest as she cried on his shoulder.




“Do you remember this place, Sica?”


Jessica was throwing rocks into the lake. “Of course. We used to play here all the time when we were kids.”


Taeng smiled as he walked to sit beside her. “Yeah. Me, you and Stephen. We were the three musketeers. We did everything together. Now that I think about it, we did a lot of stupid and dangerous things here.”


Jessica nodded. “I remember getting yelled at by my dad everyday because I would always come back with a bruise or cut.”


“You were such a tomboy. I almost forgot you were a girl.”


Taeng laughed as Jessica punched his arm.


“But that all changed when we got into high school.” Taeng added seriously.


“I finally saw you as a girl. I thought you were the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on and soon enough, I realized my feelings for you.”


“Taeng.” Jessica stared at Taeng, who was smiling at her. She never knew he was in love with her since high school.


“I’m in love with you, Jessica Jung. I’ve been in love with you since high school.”


Jessica’s heart stopped as his loving gaze turned cold.


“But I wasn’t the only one who was in love with you. There is someone who’s probably been in love with you since we were kids. He’s always seen you as a girl. He always took care of you and made sure you were safe.” Taeng confessed with a bitter smile.


Jessica’s breath hitched as she waited for Taeng to continue.


“That person is Stephen.”


Jessica felt Taeng’s words hit her like a wrecking ball.


“No. That’s not true. He doesn’t love me.” Jessica continued to shake her head as her watery eyes threatened to spill.


“He does. And I knew he was in love with you, yet I still asked him to help me get you.”


“If he was in love with me all this time. Then that means we could have been-“ Jessica’s words trailed away. She was just too shocked and hurt by the news.


“You could have been with Stephen. He could have been the one to hold you in his arms and whisper ‘I love you’ every moment he saw you.” Taeng finished for her.


“I was selfish. I wanted you all for myself. I knew how torn up Stephen was, but I still encouraged him to help me. Because of me, your friendship with Stephen suffered, but I pretended I didn’t know anything. I continued to stand by your side while at the same time, forcing Stephen out. I knew he wouldn’t say no to me. We were childhood friends after all. He probably thought I was the better choice for you, which was why he agreed to help me.”


“W-why are you t-telling me th-this?”


“Because I saw the way you’ve been looking at him. When we were eating lunch, I noticed how upset you were when Krystal fed, touched and kissed him. During the rehearsal dinner, you thought I didn’t see but I saw you smile lovingly at him when he managed to convince Krystal to apologize. When you were dancing with him, all you could see was him, despite me standing just a few feet away. Even after knowing all of this, I still have to ask."


"Are you in love with Stephen?”



I got really into writing these chapters that I've decided to make it an ongoing one. Yay! (please don't hurt me/sorry if it )

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Looking for a co-author. Is anyone interested? xD Please PM me if you are


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Chapter 7: Thank you for the story
Chapter 7: i read this story before you deleted some chaps? i think after that jess got taecyeon and stephen is back again to be his landlord? orz???
Chapter 6: Dafuq? Did I just dreamt everything up!? I donno if I have read it and you then deleted the chapters or if I made it up in my dream... But I dreamt that Stephan left and after some years in Japan, he was back in Korea. Jess had "moved on" and was together with Siwon. Siwon left for a buisness trip for 1month. In the meanwhile, the couple hired the room while. Steph was the one that was gonna live there. Jess has still not forgotten about him and he told her his feelings and then it all began again. Please athour-ssi can you confirm if this was all just a dream or not? T^T I'm feeling delusional.. OTL
JheiSii137 #4
Chapter 7: i cried at the end.. but you wrote it amazingly :)
great job ^_^
hwang_fiqah #5
Chapter 7: huhuhu i want them to be together huhu my broken heart...........:(((( nice story but it will be better if jeti were together
Chapter 7: What?! I thought it was going to have a good ending but now? Sadly, you broke my heart TT_TT
Chapter 7: I'm really confused. Did you change the story? Because the last time that I read this, Taecyeon was there and then Stephan suddenly appeared and confessed his feelings for Jessica. Am I wrong? I don't understand the last chapter. It was somewhat the same yet very different.
Chapter 7: aishh! Everything was a dramatic end. T_T why? Stefan is a coward. anyway, thanks for sharing your story. sad ending T_T

but you've done a great job here. XD
Chapter 6: Noooooooooo~~ T.........T
*Jetidal heart broken*
I actually loooooooove this story really really really really really much T.T
But yeah I get you, I cant even read Yoonhyun/Yoonseo pairings anymore; soooo awkward xD but srsly Your writingskillz is daebak, you could consider to write other stories even if it isn't a fanfic ^^