
Red Reflection.
His reflection in the mirror made him sigh, his hand's grabbed the gold tube slipping the lid off and twisting the bottom a blood red crimson stick slowly showing it's self. 
Dragging it across his pinkish plump lip's he pressed his lip's together smoothing it out. Placing the tube back down he looked back at the mirror a small smile playing on his now red lip's as both index finger and middle finger's rested in the middle of his lip's soon pulling out across his mouth and smudging the red far past the corner's. 
He raised an amused brow as his red stained finger's grabbed a white powder and puffer, patting it unevenly over his tannish skin. 
A cackle fell from his lip's as he continued applying different product's to his face until he was satisfied. 
Wondering through the quiet hall's of his near abandoned looking apartment he looked at his prized possession he had hand crafted him self. 
his finger's ran over the skin like feeling lampshade as he admired it with loving eyes, his eye's soon wondering over to were a crimson outfit was lay neatly on the broken bed he slept in. 
Pulling at the material and slipping piece by piece on he smoothed out the wrinkle's and did a small jig to compensate with how his mind was working at the time. 
His devilish toothy grin spread over his lip's as he picked up a black cane up from resting against his arm chair, twirling it between his finger's and slamming it down with a mad man like giggle. 
He was ready to watch the world burn in flame's question was how long would it take for him to make it happen.? 
[A/N: really don't know if i want to do a continue on or just leave it as it is.]
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