First day at the new work

It hurts more than you know

The first day as a dancer at TS Entertainment was hard. It was more than five different choreographies that you needed to learn and they told you about B.A.P’s tour in America and that they needed you with them.  So after you learnt 3 of the dances you went to meet with B.A.P.

Hey, Nonna! Do you want to come and eat with us when we’re done recording?” Zelo said as soon he’d seen you come into their recording studio. You nodded and smiled at him for an answer and then you heard Yongguk recording. Damn he’s good at rapping… oh look at his neck. Then suddenly he quit his rapping and they stopped the recording. “What’s wrong?” Everyone looked at Yongguk who they never heard had stopped in the middle of a recording. ”sore throat ” He faked coughed. You looked around the room and saw that the others nodded in disbelief.

You followed them to their dorm and on the way you all talked and laughed almost all of you. They said that they were going to have takeout. They showed you around the dorm. After ten minutes the food had come and all of you sat in the living room talking. “So how was your first day, heard you had to go and talk to the boss again? You didn’t do anything, did you?” Himchan looked at you and tried not to laugh at you when you pouted. “You really think a little angel like me could do anything?” You said in your sweetest voice. “All the ones who sound like a baby and try to look cute just like that most have done something.” Youngjae said. You stuck out your tongue at him. “Just so you know… The reason why I came to your recording today was to get to know you all a bit better. The boss told me that I’m the one going to come with you on your tour in America.” The jaws of all the members dropped.

Everyone thought a game would be the best way to get to know each other better. You all decided that truth or dare would be fun. Then you could get know their limits. You didn’t have a clue that one of them was some kind of a ert. You spun the bottle in the middle and it pointed at Zelo.
You started soft “Zelo, who’s your favorite hyung`” He looked at you a bit scared and all the others looked at him. “It’s Yongguk.” Everyone rolled their eyes because they knew he said so because they were close as brothers. Even if they all were close as brothers there would always be someone closer. Zelo spun the bottle and it pointed at Himchan. “Himchan hyung, Do you have a crush right now?” He laughed and his ears got a bit red. “yes.” He said in a whisper so no one could hear. When Himchan spun the bottle it pointed at Yongguk and he got a big grin on his face. “So what was the real reason you stopped rapping during the recording?” 


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