

Prologue / Chapter one.

"Um, sir. You didn't order yet.. And you're holding up the line," The cashier said, with a hint of annoyance. A small scowl was beginning to form on her petite face. It was obvious she didn't have the time of day to be serving as a cashier. She looked like she could've been working at the local Etude House or Face Shop. Luhan looked up, before squinting his eyes towards the menu, having a moment of wonder of how she got this job instead of a cosmetic one, but he wasn't informed to ask. He hummed in response, continuing to tug on the patience of the cashier. He even brought his fingers to lightly tap on the aubrun-wooden top of the counter. It's not that he had a hard time to order, he always came to this same coffee shop ever since he started high school, it was just that he loved to bring annoyance to every cashier in the coffee shop employment.

"I'll just take a taro bubble tea," He finally responded, handing her the small amount of money on the tips of his white slender fingers. The cashier replied with a heavy, yet loud sigh, making the doe-eyed boy in front of her release a small chuckle of his victorious mission. She took the money, putting the the won percisely into the cash register. After, she quickly gave him the drink, rejecting any eye contact before continuing on with the list of orders.

"Thank you," Luhan told the cashier, leaning in to read her name tag. "Yoona." He gave a tight grab on his newly made drink, before continuing on with his day. It was obvious that his eyes were glued onto his phone, tripping on his feet once or twice while walking over to a seat facing the window. He sat down, nearly missing the soft cushion that was clearly super-glued onto the wooden stool. 

He was currently in a conversation with his best friend, Byun Baekhyun, debating if he was in love with Kai, the step brother of Baekhyun. Perfect face, perfect body, perfect personality, perfect guy. Well, at least in Luhan's dreams. The three have known each other ever since they were in grade school. Despite Kai being one grade above the two, they were like three peas in a pod. You could say Luhan had always admired Kai. Growing up, he was just like an older brother that he always wanted. But as time went by, those feelings changed in a split second. Luhan would always wonder if those feelings were wrong, so he kept them between himself, and of course, Baekhyun.

"You do," The little box popped onto the screen on Luhan's phone with a ding. It echoed throughout the whole coffee shop. He got some stares on how loud his phone was, but usually, Luhan didn't care about what other people thought about him, not since High School started of course.

"No, I don't. Maybe. Just a little." Luhan tapped on the 'send' button before continuing to drink his bubble tea. He hesitated, looking back at the message he sent if he wrote the right words, the right words that would hopefully, not make his best friend go crazy like the new Girl's Generation album went on sale the moment it went out. But we all know that would never happen unless it was sold by a creepy old dude off the street, not that Luhan was critisizing creepy old dudes. He had talked to one and the guy was actually pretty nice. He blew in the straw to make small bubbles pop into the flavored liquid for just his amusement.

His phone then dinged about five times in a row, giving the boy a slight jolt. He gasped into his drink, making the lavender-like purple stain his smooth, milky-white skinned face. Luhan grumbled, grabbing a napkin and wiping it around his face. He could practically hear the waitress laugh at his un-cautioned mistake. He rolled his eyes before bringing his phone inches away from his face to read.

"Maybe?" No, not maybe.

"Wait, MAYBE?"

"That's a yes!" How did maybe go into a yes?

"Should I tell him?" Luhan felt his heart almost jump out of his chest when he read that small question, but sighed of relief after knowing what Baekhyun said the text after.

"Haha, just kidding!" 

Before Luhan could text back, he'd received another text. Wanting to tell the person that he was busy, he tapped on his phone and slid it to the new messages that were given onto him. There were still three people who Luhan hasn't replied to, only because he was busy. Busy with having a debate with best friend. He let out a small cough to clear his throat, it was an unknown number. He squinted his eyes, glancing at the number, making sure that he's never seen that number in his life. He was correct. He opened the message, almost falling off the cheap wooden stool to fall on his .

It read. "Do you really love Jongin?"

Luhan pondered his thoughts for a second. Who is this? How'd this person get my number? What if it's Kai?! Wait, this isn't even Kai's number, pabo. Maybe he got a new phone. Yeah, that's what it is. He continued to think, additionally making weird faces. However, he even gotten weird faces back. Again. Luhan swears his day keeps on getting weirder and frustrating by the second. He closed his eyes to lessen his heart beat more, before opening them back up to locate his phone in a tight grip on the palm of his hand.

He snapped out of his trance, tilting his vision away from the scene of an ice cream truck passing by to a text from a person who he's never met before. Or at least he was sure he's never met this person before. Luhan let out a frustrated groan from overthinking, before he brung his fingers to text the unknown person back. "Who is this?"

In the next minute, he got a text.

"Oh Sehun,"

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kittyhun #1
update soon :D