On the Edge

From that day on, Jong In has this urge to see you again.


It keep him restless that even during his work, all he would think of is your blurred face and your soft caress on him that night.



"Are you listening?"



He looked up to see the older woman raising her sharp edged brow. He was so focused on the memory that he haven't notice his 38 year old client.

Though she's too old for him, Jong In thought that this woman is a real beauty queen in her younger years. He could say that her flawless fair skin shows the maiden beauty she had before. But, it's true, nothing lasts forever. This woman's youth faded already and what's left on her are traces of her withering beauty covered with heavy various cosmetics.



Jong In nodded, "Uhm yeah. So where do you want to go?"



He leaned closer to the old woman's left ear, making her giggle a bit.

The woman tried to hide her reaction but it's too late for this young man already got the hint that she's as vulnerable as the others that he used to be with every other night.


Well, it's his expertise. He just needed to focus on his work. She'll probably his last client for this night and maybe the last sin he could've added on his daily note of his "passes to hell". At least he knew the reasons why would someday, his soul would be writhing in pain and his bones be burning to ashes as a reward as the most sinful creature on earth.

But, sometimes, the remaining good part of him thinks, will there be a reason for a sinner like him to turn back his life? Will a sinner like him be saved from the fires of hell? And will there be someone who could save his soul before it's too late?




Jong In blinked. His mind flew again.


The woman flicked her slender finger and her smile disappeared that was replaced by a thin frown on her face. She took her last shot of vodka and gulped it down to let the warm sensation pass through her drying throat.

Their conversation goes on like this. Her as the talker whiles the kid as the listener - as if he's really listening to her stories.


After drinking, she put down the glass on the counter with a sound as if it’s going to crack in front of him.


Jong In was surprised, "I'm sorry. Where are we...?”


He stopped when he caught the piercing glare of the woman.

"What? Is there something wrong?"


The woman shook her head with a small smile on her lips.


"I'm Elizabeth, in case you've forgot my name too."


"Oh yeah, Elizabeth." Jong In noticed his mind's drifting away again.



Elizabeth, a thirty eight year old secretary in a law firm nearby. It's just a small one with four old attorneys just waiting for their retirement age. Here she is, spending her free time pleasuring herself with a young man's conversation- too bad for her that Jong In is preoccupied with something else.


Elizabeth requested for a gin tonic for Jong In to the bartender.


"So, let's not talk about me now. Let's talk about you, kid. How're you doing'? You know, mind fleeting, what's the reason huh?" She moved her hands around her head.


Jong In watched her in amusement. He took the glass of gin tonic and took a sip from it.


"Thanks for this."

"You're welcome. So, what's up?"


Jong In is in doubt if he's going to share his petty misery or not but well anyway, it'll be probably their last conversation. He huffed in and blew out. With enough courage, he faced the old lady.


"There's this..."


"Girl? You like her?" She excitedly asked.

His raise a brow on her, "Want me to continue or not?"


She gestured him to go on.


Elizabeth saw how Jong In’s caramel colored cheeks blush in pink. It was her first time seeing him as a normal boy. With the usual matured and cocky Jong In, it is sure a surprise for her seeing his other side.

Jong In cupped his neck uncomfortably then continued his story.


“Well, this girl helped me.”


“Love at first sight?”


“That sounds so cliché.” Jong In commented.


Elizabeth elbowed the young one and said, “You know sometimes, the most clichéd things on earth are the sweetest candy we could taste.”


He shrugged and went on. He is not into listening some of the old lady’s love advices.


“I don’t know but there’s something inside me that my mind couldn’t explain; something foreign that so new to me.”


She shook her head and said, “You’re in love.”


“Do you think, am I really in love with her even I just barely met her?” he asked innocently.


Elizabeth found him cute and pinched his cheek.


“You’re so cute.”


Jong In slapped her hand away and then patted his cheek.

“I’m not a kid.”


With eyes so warm, she planted her gaze on the blushing face of the young man.


“You know, you don’t have to look tough to be a man. Showing your soft side can even make you manlier.”



Jong In got confused more and thought that he is just wasting his time so he got up from his seat and finish his drink.


“Thanks for this.”


“Hey, where are you going?”


Jong In waved at her and said, “Somewhere I can think better.”



“But how about me?” she wore a mischievous grin.



“Go home and rest.”




With that, Jong In left the bar with confusion still lingering on his head.








Early in morning, Jong In took a walk where he first met you.


This is the first time he took a break from his daily routine – look for a target as he consumes three cigarettes an hour.



There, he sat on the bench directly facing a small nursery school. Kids with plain white top with black skirt and short runs around the yard.



He thought of every single detail he could remember from his vivid memory. But whenever that thing flashes back, worry comes and holds back his feelings.

He is not living as clean as the others. Danger is just hanging around him and death is waiting any moment he fails.


Will it be okay for him to feel this way?


He wanted to drown his self with this weird feeling but with the life he has, loving someone like you is impossible.



I wanted to know the feeling of being in love but its like, fate already destined us to be apart.



After a while a petite figure of a girl went out from the school being guided by two identical girls.


Jong In rose from his seat.



At times, your reactions are somewhat idiotic. Jong In commented on his self.



Like an excited kid, he waited for you to look on his direction. Fidgety he was, he waited on his place with his eyes fixated on your warm and soft features.


From afar, he could hear the excited screams and greets of the kids to you while they took turns in guiding you towards the swing hanging on the old tree.



She’s blind?



It was just this time he realized your impairment of sight. He examined how the kids carefully set you down on the swing. He watched your lips move saying thank you to everyone and telling them that you can do it on your own.





“Mister, you’re drooling.”




Jong In was startled by a small husky voice on his side. He looked down and saw a pale boy with rounded face and eyes with his bike eating an ice drop as his eyes scrutinizing him.





“You’re drooling.”



With that, Jong In wiped off the side of his lips feeling nothing wet on it. His eyes went back to the kid that is now giggling quietly.



“That’s not funny.”


“But I found you funny.” The kid said.



Jong In towered him but the kid did not move.


“Are you trying to scare me?” the kid boldly asked.



“I’m not.”



“Then why are you looking at me that way as if you’re going to eat me up?”



“Because you’re irritating.”



For a matter of second, their staring game began.




“You have a crush on her right?” he asked Jong In while still staring directly on his eyes.



He gulped after gulped.






Suddenly, the boy took his hand, leaving his bike in the play ground and then ran towards your direction.



“H-hey! What are you doing?” Jong In is starting to panic.



“Helping you with your first move.” The boy answered.



He can’t fought back the grip and turn his back anymore. All he did was to let his feet bring him to where you are.



When the two of them are already standing just in front of you, the kids move aside as if they really know what’s happening and what’s going to happen. Some of them are holding their giggles and some of them are smiling so big as if their lips would hurt.

“Kids, why is it so quite huh? Where are you now? Are we playing hide and seek?” you asked.



The boys gestured Jong In to lower his head.


He whispered, “I’m one of her friends. She’s Naru unnie.”



Jong In was caught off guard when three of the boys from the crowd pushed him to you.




“What’s happening?”






“Not funny anymore.”



“At the count of three, I will catch all of you~”



Jong In cannot help but to smile at your helpless situation. All the kids favored him despite he only met them for the first time. Just like you, you didn’t hesitate to extend your hand at him when he needed help.



Jong In looked back at the boy.



The boy mouthed, “Go on.”



He swallowed up his pride and fear then he stepped forward.






Your ears perked up as you heard an unusual voice.


“H-Hi, who are you?”


With your other senses, you tried to get the scent and recall any familiarity of it but even how many times you tried to smell him from the swing discreetly, you can’t remember anything.



“Why are you here? What do you need?”



Hesitantly, Jong In spoke, “You.”







All of the kids you are taking care of in the school as a teacher’s assistant giggles.




“WHAT!?!” you stood up, not understanding any of what is happening.





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Chapter 1: BGM: we belong. OTL
/drowns in feels/