Red String


❁ kaisoo ❁



"When you told me you loved me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. When you told me you were leaving me, I felt pain for the first time"




Jongin POV:


I heard someone call my name. I ignored it by rolling to my other side. Avoiding the voice. “It’s important! I


didn’t reply. “Kai!” I groaned and got up rubbing my eyes. “What” “Good Morning” I got my sight together


and saw that it was Sehun who woke me up. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him as he was running


towards the door. “Missed!” he yelled as he headed to i’m guessing the living room. I covered myself back


into the blankets and drifted off to sleep. That is until Suho came in. “Get up already!” he said as he took my


covers away making me shiver by the sudden cold breeze. I got up out of bed and followed him. “What’s so


important that you had to wake me up from my sleep” “Our new member is coming today. We must greet him.


All of us” I rolled my eyes and grabbed a glass of milk from the kitchen. We all sat down at the table waiting


for someone to cook breakfast. To be honest we’re all bad at cooking. Bad or not good. When nobody got up,


Baekhyun took the lead. As he was about to make some eggs the doorbell rang. “It must be him!” Suho said


as he lined us up to greet him. Me being the last one to wake up, stood next to Sehun. I took the opportunity to


hit him right in the stomach. Sehun tried to catch his breath when the door opened. Revealing a short guy with


red hair. His eyes looked big as he walked inside. “Hello! Welcome! I’m Suho” Suho bowed at him as he


grabbed hold of the short mans hand to shake it. The shorter gave him an awkward smile that I couldn’t help


but laugh. When I rose my head we locked eyes for a few moments. We all greeted ourselves to the short one.


I was the last one of course. “I’m Kyungsoo. But you can call me D.O”

hello hello! OuO so yes this is gonna be kaisoo! you know I can't take any otp in exo and i write a l o t 
but ya! i'll be writing this along with my taoris c: i'll probably be updating this one each saturday? if not sat then during the week! but i hope you guys enjoy and wait for a while until I post the first chapter >< thank you all <3


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purplekiss #1
Chapter 4: Uwaaaa can't help it they're tooooooo Cuuuuuuuttteeee!!!!! kaisooooo
AznDuckies #2
Chapter 6: Lol haha the ending line is funny
AznDuckies #3
Chapter 4: Hopefylly it stay fluffy :(
ernapoynter #4
Chapter 1: Update soon authornim! Hwaiting!
well... wonder what happen. the foreword is good~ Can I recommend you to read mine? 1 upvotes for the foreword