T r a p

Words With No Emotion

P R E V I O U S L Y ~ 
"W-What are you doing here?" Mayu asked trying to hide the weapon she had in her hand, while pulling her sleeve down. " Its no use in hiding them " Kuro announced looking down at the surprised female, he sat down and grabbed her arm, pulling her sleeve up and seeing the blood trickle down her arm. Looking up at her, staring into her pale grey eyes, she looked down with tears trickling down her face. Wiping away the tears with his free hand, he caressed her face and embraced her into a warm hug, " Don't cry...I'm here... so don't shed another tear Mayu." He announced with a gentle voice, yet inside he was hurting, his chest tight, filled with pain. Both teenagers sat their in the cold night air, hugging one another. Letting the heat radiant off of each other. 
" Nothing can hurt you now" 
At least That's what I wanted to believe.... 
P R E S E N T 
He looked at her as he did the first time he saw her he smiled so kindly for the first time in a long time he was happy, He couldn't tell why but she was different. 
Kuro noticed it was almost midnight but he didn't want to tell her that he had to go. He just wanted to stay there holding her all night. As time kept passing she fell asleep in his arm's, He didn't want to but he woke her up "Hey, Sleepyhead where do you live?" Kuro asked with a gentle voice, "R-Right over there why?." Mayu managed to stutter while pointing to a neighborhood, they started walking over there. Kuro held Mayu's hand while walking to her house. She couldn't help but form a little smile on her face. When they had gotten there, You could hear her foster parents screaming at each other. "Uh.. You going to be okay?.." Kuro asked a little concerned and tighting his grip on Mayu's hand "Y-Yeah.. I'll be fine " Mayu announced as she walked up to her house, She hugged him tightly as a goodbye. Kuro being shocked by it, he returned the gentle hug. Mayu's dad had opened the door and started screaming at Kuro to go away as he started to walk away Mayu ran up stairs crying. 
Kuro began walking home in the dark. As he headed to the front door and walked in his mother hugged him "oh my god your okay." his mom announced with a shaking voice " Yeah I'm fine" Kuro announced as he pushed his mom back slowly and lightly. He noticed his sister and smiled gently before walking up to his room and getting ready for bed as he layed down he looked at his phone and saw Mayu's number in it he was so happy for the first time in forever it seemed. At least that's what the world wanted him to believe and feel. Kuro began falling asleep tell someone walked in, His mom walked in, knocking lightly on his door. "You sure your going to be ok when we're gone?" His mother asked with full concern "Huh?. What do you mean?" Kuro asked a little shocked and confused "Me and your sister are going to Your grandparents house for a week remember?" his mother replied. "Yeah I'll be fine" Kuro said with a small smile. "Well ok night Sweetie" his mother whispered closing the door slowly. 
The next morning... 

( A/N Thank you for those who have subscribed and up voted my story <3~ love you all and yes it's a bit of a cliffhanger ^u^ stay tune~)

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