Eskimo Kiss

List of Kisses - Ravi

The Eskimo Kiss - It is commonly used by children and parents as an indication of affection. It involves rubbing your nose against your loved nose back and forth. This type of kiss has its origin from the Eskimo, hence the name Eskimo kiss.


Pulling the blanket tighter around your shoulders, you sunk further into the couch to find a comfortable spot while you waited for Wonsik to get back. You watched the TV screen flicker for a moment before settling back onto the frozen scene of a couple kissing. It was a Friday night - the only time that Wonsik had the night off - and a nice thunderstorm decided to roll in an disrupt the quiet night. The way the TV was flickering, it looked like the power would be going out soon, which is why Wonsik was looking for candles and flashlights scattered around the house.


Hearing the floor creak, you looked up and smiled softly when you saw your little girl standing in the doorway to the living room; she was rubbing her eye and hugging her stuffed kitty. You beckoned her towards you and wrapped the blanket around her when she was in your lap.


“Why are you awake?” You asked her quietly. She pouted and nuzzled into your chest.


“The booms woke me up.” She admitted quietly, already falling asleep on you. You chuckled quietly and rubbed her arm as she fell back asleep.


When the floor creaked again, you leaned your head back against the arm-rest of the couch to look up at Wonsik, who had found a few candles and a flashlight. He laughed quietly when he saw his little girl sleeping on you and motioned for you to sit up a bit. He set the candles down on the coffee table and slipped the flashlight into his sweatpants pocket; he sat down gently behind you on the couch and slinked his arms around your shoulders, hugging you close to his chest as he rested his chin on your shoulder.


“Some night this turned out to be,” He mused quietly, amusement leaking throughout his words and you could feel his chest rumble a bit with his laughter. You leaned your head back and to the side, so that you could see him better, and stuck your tongue out at him. He laughed again and kissed your cheek.


“Not like I planned it this way, you dork,” You huffed, sending him a playful glare. He smirked at you and rubbed your noses together, a playful eskimo kiss that always made you giggle. You gave him a look when he was done and he just smiled childishly at you, making you roll your eyes in mock disgust.


He chuckled and kissed you softly, “Of course you didn’t, sweetie,” he said, teasingly, as he reached for the remote, grunting when you elbowed him in the stomach and pressed the play button - remembering to turn down the volume so the movie didn’t wake your little girl.


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Chapter 7: i love this collection of ravi! (:
cant wait for moreeeeee :D
Chapter 6: It's so flahfffy~~~ Makes me feel all fuzzy hehe. I love it :D
Chapter 6: omg this is cute. Ravi is soo sweet here ><