✫ the reviewers

「 a r t i s t ' s review shoppe 」┊(CLOSED)

the reviewers 



   rate 1 - 10 ( 1 is little, 10 is lots )

   harshness / 5

   experience / 8

first off, i'm an ape . *moving on* anyways, //ahem ahem// i'm extremely nice, but honest so i'll still give you a decent review. DON'T come to me if you're a masochist xD okay LOL jaykay, i'm not so nice as to give you absolutely no advice, but still, if you're sensitive, we are destiny <456 warning ; beware of the person under me . (BECAUSE SHE'S AWESOME /runs away) <- who wrote this :D



rate 1 - 10 ( 1 is little, 10 is lots )   .

 8-9 XD But I'm not scary I swear <3 I just love sweets ^u^ / harshness   . 

  *wiggling brows* what KIND of experience / experience   . 

What can I say. I'm a tall, sadistic masochist who beats up and gets beaten by a pole. ;D my biffle thinks bidet feels like oral X) (I might think so too). I have an abnormal obsession with exo, and I like to eat poop soup from congenial penguins HAHA. I'm going to write the next 50 shades of gray with DairyCow >:D I'm not so harsh as to compare your story with pumpkin cake (EW, If I do, I must really dislike your story), but I'll be blunt when I need to. :D   Let's get the meatloaf in the oven, eh? 




   rate 1 - 10 ( 1 is little, 10 is lots )

   harshness /

   experience /





   rate 1 - 10 ( 1 is little, 10 is lots )   .

   / harshness   .

    / experience   .




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Chapter 2: rate 1 - 10 ( 1 is little, 10 is lots )

harshness / 7.5

experience / 8.5

- - -

comments about yourself / I'm not quite sure if I should talk about myself or my experience in reviewing, but what the heck. My name is Dreamy, and… you can call me Dreamy. I'm taking AP English in my second year of middle college, making me 16. I may seem young, but I'm mature and a huge grammar nazi. I owned a review shop before it closed down and I worked part time at a review shop. I can review any genres or types of story, but I'm a bit awkward with . I also am an anti-fan of those cliche plotlines. What else… I have a writing guide/rant thing where I 'help' (but mostly rant) others with their stories.
I'm a big fan of angst and dark genres so I'll be keeping an eye out for those. I'm pretty easily entertained, but if its one of those cliche, overused plotlines I will be very harsh.
To end this, (and I'm not trying to be a up or one of those cliche "OMG I WILL TOTALLY HELP YOU MAKE YOUR STORY BETTER" kind of reviewer who's all nice and mush and stuff) my job as a reviewer is not only to review your story, but to help you improve and strengthen your writing skills.
(Err… I'm not sure if I wrote too much or if I wrote about the wrong things, but I hope that you consider to pick me. Thank you C:)
Chapter 2: harshness 4/10

experience 5/10

- - -

comments about yourself I have my own shop and has review two stories. English is my first language. I can be very active because I go on AFF everyday!^^ I don't really like to make other sad,so I am happy all the time! :D I really like writing and editing as it is my best subject in school and I really like Kpop,especially Exo,preferably Tao & Kris..

I hope you consider me and hire me! Thank You!
Chapter 2: Review Form

harshness 6/10

experience 2/10

- - -

comments about yourself / I've never worked in a review shop before but I really want to! I read a lot and I have read the reviews of other shops so I do know what I'm looking for and how to write a review. I'm not really harsh about anything but I will be blunt and try to put it as nicely as possible as I can. If I am really frustrated with a story then I won't sugar coat anything but I do try to add in some tips to make the story better. I am new the Kpop fandom so I only know a few groups really well like BAP, Exo, and VIXX. If I do get a story I will do research on the group/idol if I don't know them. I know I'm not a first choice but please do considerate it. Thank you!
Chapter 2: reviewer form

harshness: 7/10 } it depends, to be honest. if i'm in a really bad mood, i guess i'm around 8.5 over 10. however if i'm in a great mood, probably 6, i suppose.

experience: 3/10 } i haven't really done a review myself but i kinda read fics and their reviews before checking them out so yep.

- - -

comments about yourself: idk, should i use emots to make me sound more friendly? n u n ;; lmao alright i'm just a grammar and spelling nazi though i have some problems with grammar myself orz. but hey, when i meant that i'm harsh, i don't really diss you and be sassy. i just- well, i get straight to the point and be blunt.
Chapter 2: Review Form

Harshness/ 7 or 8

Experience/ 6/10


I'm really afraid of hurting other people's feelings so I'm honest but try not to sound too rash. You can just call me Minnie, like the mouse, you know? o u o Anyway, I'm a big fan of EXO, like that wasn't obvious. I won't be too harsh on you if you are new to AFF because be honest we were all babies to this site, right? :3 So Erm, let's begin? :)
Chapter 2: Hi, you're hiring, and so where do we send in our apps if we want to become a reviewer? :)
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for this review! I'll add it in now~
Chapter 11: Hello! :D
I'm fine with any reviewer as along as I'll get constructive criticisms :D
I've checked my review but ...
I only saw the title's marks ._.
Chapter 7: 12.5 over 20 is still not that bad right? Don't answer me. I'll just remain optimistic haha And thank you...again. I'll work on my tensions so my writing style won't be all breathers and boring x)

I can't say I'm pleased with the mark but since it's for this story, I'm satisfied. What I can say though, I'm more than pleased with this extremely helpful review! I can't thank you enough and I'll definitely be coming back for more. One more thing though, would you mind reviewing an old story of mine? I just want to know if all my stories are the same. Thanks again!
Chapter 7: For the part on characters, I can't say I completely agree. In my opinion, I think that I already shed some light to all five members -maybe not enough or equal - so you just have to piece the puzzle together at the end and you'll get TVXQ. I understand if my hints were too subtle but if a reader was to think through it all carefully then I think there wouldn't be a problem. Furthermore, I didn't exactly do a detailed plan on this story. I was just like "Oh why not," and I did it. My goal was just to write for OT5 fans and also as a tribute to Junsu's OT5-ness. I understand that it was quite shallow for me to think like that. Albeit, I do agree with you on the changes part. The reason why I didn't want any big changes is beause I didn't want the mood of the story to become too drastic and melodramatic. I know about their changes in real life but I didn't want to incorporate that into the story as I just wanted to stick to 'reminisce'. I didn't want it to be painful. Well not that type of pain anyway. I want the "Oh My God, I miss them" pain. Am I making any sense? Lol

Oh gosh, now's the plot part. I'm sad and disappointed with myself. Everything you said is true. I think I'm aware of all my problems but they're more towards habits and it's hard to break them. Very hard. I know what tension is but I don't know how to write them. I mean, even if I originally did write a tense scene, it gets mellowed down by my breathers so I just get back to square one again. You said I added in descriptions everywhere and that's very true. I think it's because I love descriptions and I tend to take it overboard. I just keep thinking if the readers will be able to imagine everything I want them to imagine. I don't want them to imagine everything for themselves and second guess throughout the story because there wasn't enough description, because to me, that'll mean I wasn't doing my job. I'll keep your advice in mind and try hard to stick to it.