Why! Why! Why me?

Pineapples and Grapes

The week comes to an end quickly. The school is already empty of students who want to get their weekend started. Ahrim waits patiently on a bench in front of SOPA. Headphones in her ears, she surfs on the web as usual. Indeed, on her fan base, people are already talking about her new endorsement for the Time center.

            That will be so great!

            Can’t wait to see my goddess T^T

            Will she promote this time? She never promotes… :(

A black minivan pulls up in front of her. She quickly takes her backpack and slips in the car.

“Hi, unnie! I forgot my gym stuff this morning…” Ahrim complains a little bit.

“Ah, so you really forgot that, I wasn’t sure. It’s alright; I’ll remind you next week.” Jiwon assures Ahrim, “Sleep a little bit before the shooting. We might finish late today.” Jiwon knows that Ahrim is always tired at the end of the week. When she does not have any work Friday night, she goes home from school and goes to bed immediately. Ahrim mumbles an okay and went to dreamland.

Before arriving at the destination, Jiwon goes to a convenience store to buy food for Ahrim. She maybe won’t have time to eat later. Even if our model has the appetite of a monster, she is very professional! Seeing that they are early, Jiwon wakes Ahrim up.

“Ahrim-ah, eat a bit before working. Here’s for you.”

Hearing anything related to food, Ahrim shots her eyes opened,

“Food?!?” Her eyes wander on the two cups of ramen in the cupboard of the car. “Both are for me?” she asks with teary eyes.

“Yes, quick, eat.” Jiwon eats her own ramen while Ahrim devours her two cups.

“Thank you, unnie!! Ah! This brand has tattoos! Did you throw them away? Can I have it?” Ahrim wonders.

Jiwon sent a glare, “You’re not putting them on you?”

“Of course not, I know that I have work now. But I’m collecting them. They’re so cute. Little cows hehe” Ahrim giggles with a strange deep voice.

“In the drawer in front of you.” Jiwon does not care about her mental health anymore.

Ahrim happily finds them and put them carefully in her wallet. Three more!

The photo-shoot is located in an indoor garden for the spring feeling. Jiwon is quite satisfied of the settings. She thinks it fits Ahrim’s “image” perfectly. Right, “image.” To maintain the flowers, the room’s temperature is a bit high. It’s a greenhouse after all. Jiwon quickly takes off Ahrim’s coat as her manager. She has to work and not only acts as an unnie in Ahrim’s daily life. The makeup artist finds Ahrim and leads her to the waiting to get her dressed up. Jiwon first goes to the waiting with Ahrim before meeting the other staffs.

“Ahrim, I’ll leave your clothes here. On the sofa, after the shooting, wear these. Don’t change back to your uniform.”

“No problem. Thank you, unnie!” Ahrim, with her half of her hair covering her face, replies with a polite and delicate voice. Jiwon goes out of the room. Ahrim raises her head and addresses the hairdresser,

“Oppa, make my hair pretty?” The makeup artist and the hairdresser feel arrows shooting through their hearts. They quickly nod. Yes, yes, yes, everything for you, princess! Big and teary eyes are always Ahrim’s weapon.

When Ahrim is out, she is quickly directed to the photographer’s location. She noticed a bright blue hair before anything else.

“Ahrim, my dear!” This voice… She rolls her eyes in her heart.

“Hello, oppa!” Ahrim greets with energy. She has to show a young image. Tao comes to her meeting and gives her a big hug.

“I didn’t know you’re in charge of this photo-shoot.”

“I’m not the only one. Come, I’ll introduce you to the other photographer. Bomi!”

Bomi stops from adjusting the cameras and waves. “Hi!” She comes closer. Ahrim extends a hand and Bomi shakes it firmly. “My name’s Bomi. I’m also the photographer in charge, with Tao.” She playfully hits the taller guy’s arm. Tao acts as if it really hurts. “Hey, woman, be cautious.”

“Don’t act, you’re not good at it.” Bomi does not even give Tao another look. Ahrim giggles at their closeness.

“Hello, Bomi! I’m Jung Ahrim. Please take care of me!” Ahrim bows. Tao lightly pats her shoulder.

“Ahrim is quite good for her age.” Tao compliments.

“We’ll see that.” Bomi replies with a challenging tone.

Oh, yeah! I like challenges! Ahrim is confident of being able to prove Bomi that she is good. Jiwon comes to give last instructions to Ahrim.

“I see, you’ve met. My name’s Kim Jiwon, I’m Ahrim’s manager.” She shakes hands with both photographers. Basically, after Ahrim is starting to pose, Jiwon’s job is to socialize with people to broaden Ahrim’s network.

The clic sounds of the camera do not stop. Photos after photos, Ahrim showcases a young image for the shopping mall. Ahrim only has to hold different logos of stores located in the mall. For once, she is not modeling for clothes or jewelry. She finds it a little bit difficult as she is used to pose for clothing. Tao and Bomi give her a lot of advices. Ahrim is still posing diligently for Bomi now. Tao has received a call and has gone outside to take a call. From the corner of her eyes, she sees Tao coming back in the garden. Beside him is a guy who she did not expect seeing. She freezes for a few seconds. Bomi calls her back on earth,

“Ahrim, Ahrim!”

“Ah, sorry unnie, I was distracted.” Ahrim scratches her head and smile while bowing. Her hands were sweating.

What is he doing here?!?

Ahrim is panicking inside. She tries not to look over there and focus on Bomi.

No! Unnie! Don’t go to him! Ahrim cries inside as she watches Tao introducing the tall guy she saw at the supermarket and Jiwon. Seeing that Ahrim is not right at this moment, Bomi pauses the shooting.

“Let’s take a break first. Ahrim, come here for a second.” Ahrim lowers her head and walks over to Bomi. Jiwon excuses herself from the guys as she sees Ahrim in difficulty. Ahrim keeps her head low for two things. Firstly, she can seem sorry. Secondly, she can hide her face.

“Ahrim, you were good at first. What happened during the last pictures? Your gestures were so awkward.” Bomi firmly points out the mistakes.

“Sorry, unnie, I was thinking about school. I had an exam and I don’t think I did great, so…” Ahrim lies less and less loud. She is confident in her acting. Tao and the blond man are watching side. They exchange a few comments. Luckily, Jiwon quickly comes at her rescue.

“I’m sorry for Ahrim’s attitude. She had a rough day.” Jiwon bows and pulls Ahrim down with her. Bomi says it’s fine but she hopes it’ll get better and she goes to take a break.

“What happened? I just went to talk a few minutes and what did you do?” Jiwon whispers in Ahrim’s ear. Ahrim shrugged it off. Jiwon assumes that she is hungry.

“It’s fine. Do better after. You don’t want people to work over-time because of you.”

“I understand.”

Jiwon puts on a smile and pulls Ahrim with her,

“Come, I’ll introduce you to someone.” Jiwon pulls Ahrim towards Tao. Necessarily, the guy is also here.

“Ahrim!” Tao calls her. Ahrim tries to put on the most natural smile. It seems cute in the eyes of everyone else. But she thinks she failed miserably. Standing in front of them, Jiwon makes Ahrim bow,

“Ahrim, this is the advertising director of Time, Kris Wu.” Kris extends a hand,

“Hello, my name is Kris Wu. Nice to meet you.” Kris presents himself. As a matter of fact, Kris did not recognize Ahrim. Let’s say that our princess is very different with and without makeup. Noticing that Kris does not seem to recognize her, she lets out a sigh of relief.

“Hello Mr. Wu. I am Jung Ahrim.” Ahrim bows one more time.

A spark lights out in Kris’ eyes.

This voice… the girl?

Well, Kris recognizes her at the end. Being a successful businessman, Kris is quite good at remembering people. Even if Ahrim looks the total opposite of what she looks like at the supermarket. Kris manages to remember her voice.

Ahrim goes back to her waiting room with ease as she sees that Kris does not recognize her. Now that she’s alone, she throws herself on the sofa. Following her, Jiwon turns around to make sure that the door is closed.

“Ouuuf! I’m so tired!” Ahrim stretches.

On the other hand, Kris and Tao go to a table.

“Hyung, do you want to eat something?” Tao asks. They have known each other for years as Kris is a close sunbae of Tao in university. They were roommates. Bomi also comes, greets Kris and sits down next to Tao.

“No… actually, how about I prepare food for you and the staff?” Kris offers with a malicious idea in his head. Poor clueless Ahrim!

“Sure! That’ll be good!” Bomi quickly agrees. Tao also nods his head. They just can’t wait to eat now.

Twenty minutes later, pizza arrives. Smelling the good odor, Ahrim… Just joking! Ahrim is sleeping like a pig in the waiting room. Jiwon starts to find it weird to have such a long break. She comes out of the waiting room to see the staff surrounding boxes of pizza. Kris invites her and Ahrim to have pizzas.

“Sure, I’ll have three. I’m so hungry. Ahrim is sleeping. I’ll let her sleep for a moment. The poor girl is lacking sleep lately; she was worried for today’s shooting.” Jiwon declined and tries to compliment Ahrim at the same time. Our super manager is as good as an actor as Ahrim. Jiwon takes three pieces in a plate and comes back in the waiting room. This time, Ahrim smells the pizza. It smells good. Pizza good! She wakes up to see two pieces in front of her. Waking up to pizza, this must be a dream. Too good to be true.


“Eat, quick!” Without more words, Ahrim devours the pizza. A few minutes later, a knock is heard. Ahrim and Jiwon erase every trace of evidence as fast as they can.

“Come in!” Jiwon calls. Kris appears in the door frame with a seducing smile, arms behind him. Ahrim thinks he’s very handsome. Being a model, she really likes pretty things.

“Hello. Ahrim-sshi, there are pizza outside now that you’ve woken up.” Kris offers with the same smile.

“Thank you, Mr. Wu. Unfortunately, I don’t eat any oily things. I’m sorry.” Ahrim pulls a sorry smile.

“You don’t eat oily things?” Ah, she doesn’t seem to know that I know. Kris’ smile grows larger. “It’s a waste. I’ve brought a box of ramen for everyone.” Kris shows, indeed, a box of ramen, but not any ramen. Those ramen! The cartoon ox ramen! Why! Why! He knows! Ahrim cries inside. Her heart is running a sprint inside. Now that Ahrim does not have any reaction, Jiwon takes over.

“Thank you, Mr. Wu. I’ll take one for myself then.” Jiwon comes to take the box from Kris’ hands.

“You’re welcomed.” Kris says with a small chuckle.

Fxxk my life!

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday! My father was home, so we spent time in family.

Enjoy and leave comments!

;) xoxo

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sueyue_zoey #1
Yes I did! and I liked it so much! I read the manga and I also watched the drama hehe