Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend- Hoya

Today was the day that you were finally going to get a dog from the humane society. Anticipation surged within you as you didn’t know what dog you wanted to get, you just knew that the dog would stand out when it was the right one.

Walking past the windows of the toy store, little kittens pawed at the windows pleadingly, wanting to give their heart to you as they called out for anyone to come and rescue them from their cages. Pulling the door open you were greeted with barking from the dogs as you smiled at them as they stood against the glass that was holding them back.

Finding your way to the front counter, you peered onto the woman that was behind the desk, you looked at her name tag, Betty.

"Excuse me, Betty?" You caught her attention as her head raised from her paper work.

"Yes, Miss. How may I help you today?" Betty gave you as soft smile as you smiled at her happily.

"I would like to adopt a dog that I can love and take care of. Would you mind showing me some of your dogs that are up for adoption?" Your kindness struck Betty as she smiled already finding the perfect dog for you in her mind.

"Sure darling. This way." Betty stood up from her spot behind the desk "Now the dog I am about to show you has been abandoned by his parents and has been in and out of here all his life. Since he is mostly part wolf, he is hard to take care of but I am sure that you can take care of him." She reassured you as you nodded and followed her to the kennel in which the dog was being held.

"Dogs are already part Wolf, so I think I can handle it." You said confidently as you knelt before the cage. The dog slowly awoke by your presence as he lifted his head from the sleeping position that he was in. Threading your fingers through the diamond patterned metal, the dog behind the bars looked up at you as you didn’t see how anyone could ever abandon such a cute dog.

The light brown eyes of the dog shined in the florescent lights as his brown coat glistened as he sat up facing you. He was a medium to large dog, but the right size for cuddling and spending your lonely nights together. His right front paw was white up to his ankle and he had a white blaze on his chest as he tilted his head at you cutely, causing your heart to fall for him even more.

"How are you Buddy?" You said as you gave him a smile as he his lips happily and his tail began to thump behind him. Tearing your eyes away from the adorable creature, you looked back up to Betty.

"I’ll take him." You said as you stood back up.

"Killer? You will take Killer?" Betty stood back in shock as you stood back up onto your feet.

"His name isn’t Killer anymore, it’s Buddy." You said confidently as you looked over your shoulder to see him looking up at you with a happy expression.

"Ok, if you want to. But he cannot be returned under any circumstances." Betty threatened

"Don’t worry, he’s a keeper." You looked her directly into her eyes.

After a few hours, you filled out all of the paperwork and got all of the things that you would need to take care of Buddy. Walking him home, he was very alert but stayed right by your side as you walked him home.

Arriving at your house, you unhooked his leash from his black collar as he tried to get the black collar off.

"What’s wrong Buddy? Do you not like the new collar that they gave you?" Bending down to his level you unlatched the collar from around his neck as he quickly bit it and you pulled it from his grasp.

"No biting, first rule." You told him holding up your finger as you swore that you saw him nod. "Second rule, you have to listen to what I say so I can keep you, ok?" Again you thought you saw him nod, "Third, be yourself with me".

Walking towards your room, to get your spare collar which happened to be a nice lavender purple, Buddy followed you around the house, learning where everything was and how it was suppose to be. Bending down to his level again you wrapped the new collar around his neck as he leaned forward and your face.

"Buddy, you are so cute." Wrapping him in a hug, he sat on your lap as he snuggled into you. "Aish, how can no one not like you." Kissing the top of his head, you two spent the day together, cuddling, playing fetch, listening and singing to music.

At the end of the day you sat on the floor with Buddy laying on your lap as you pet his back following the direction of his coat as he started to fall asleep on you as you watched your favorite shows.

"Today was so much fun, but tomorrow I have to go to work." His ears pricked up and looked up at you. Looking into his eyes, he was scared, "Don’t worry, it will be ok. I will come back. I promise." You sealed your promise with a kiss on his head before standing up and turning off everything and going into your room.

"Buddy, you can lay by my bed." You pointed to the doggie bed that was next to your side of the bed as you changed, he got comfortable and laid his head on his paws as he curled up on top of his doggie bed. Coming back out, you smiled at your sleeping dog as you knelt before hims once again.

"Goodnight, Buddy. I love you." Kissing his head he his lips and snuggled into his paws before you slid into your bed. Turning off the light, you just watched him sleep next to you before falling asleep yourself.

The next morning you woke up to a soft and gentle kiss on your hand as it fell off of the bed. Soft barking and whimpering came from Buddy as you woke up to his lovable face.

"You are such a cute alarm to wake up to." You petted his head as you looked at the clock. "Do you want to go on a walk before I go to work?" You asked as he panted happily and pawed at your bed.

"Ok, Ok. Let me go change then and then we can go." Hoping out of your bed, you changed into some shorts and a tank top as you put your hair into a ponytail.

Buddy had his leash dangling from his mouth as he was too excited to wait. Hooking the leash onto his collar, you both ran out of the house as he walked next to you. He curiously looked around at the new world that he was now in. With his pink tongue hanging out of his mouth he pranced along side of you as you picked up your pace to a jog. Putting your trust in Buddy, you slowed down and took the leash off of his collar.

"Race you back to the house, Bud!" You stood up and ran towards the house as Buddy bounded after you, passing you easily he ran up the stairs to your house and sat in front of the door.

Catching your breath you walked up the stairs and opened your front door. “Good job Buddy. Welcome home.” He slid in through the opening of the door as you slipped off your shoes.

"What do you say to some breakfast?" A light yelp came from his mouth as he spun around in circles waiting for you to get him food. Pouring some of the food into his bowl, he ate it up happily as you let him know that you were going to go shower.

Putting on some decent clothes for work, Buddy watched you as you kissed his head and told him to be safe and not to get into any trouble while you were at work.

Moping around the house, he discovered every nook and cranny in the house, smelling your sweet perfumes to playing with his ball all by himself, he kept himself busy.

When the door sounded that you were home, he got up from the couch and ran to the door and pranced happily to finally see you. Once more you wrapped him in a hug and kissed his face happily you then stood up and moved to the couch as he followed you. Sitting on the couch you patted your lap as Buddy hesitantly looked at you.

"Come on, you won’t get in trouble, I just need some cuddles from my hard day." You patted your lap once more before he jumped onto the couch and sat right on your lap as you wrapped your arms around him tightly. His head rested against your shoulder as tears streamed down your face. Spilling out your day to Buddy, every day seemed to go like this.

Buddy was always there for you, he was your rock and the one that you could always lean on.

After a few months of owning Buddy, you felt that he was perfect in every way. The way that he would make you smile when you had a rough day, or just cuddling with you when there was a scary movie on. He had perfect manners when people came over to visit and he just hung around you all the time like you hoped a best friend would.

Laying on your bed, you watched the dark night fold around you as you watched the rain flow down the window. Lightning and thunder crashed as the storm turned worse, much worse than anyone could have expected.

Soft whimpering and whining came from Buddy as you woke up from your sleep. Patting your lap, you moved over for him as he leaped up onto the bed and you held him between your arms as you pulled a blanket over him to help him sleep. Singing him a soft lullaby, he fell asleep as you quickly fell asleep afterwards.

The morning light streamed through your window as you snuggled into Buddy’s shoulder so that you wouldn’t wake up, but something didn’t feel right, nuzzling your head against the surface, you focused on what you were feeling as you opened your eyes seeing skin, a back, a man in your bed with your arms wrapped around him.

Pulling your arms away from his quickly you moved to the edge of your bed as you covered yourself from this stranger.

"Buddy!" You called as the man suddenly sat up and stretched his back like Buddy always did. He looked at you with a smile as he shook his head and started to climb over to you. Your breathing became rapid as Buddy climbed closer to you tilting his head wondering what was wrong.

"Stop!" You called as he obeyed and his head dipped down to avoid your gaze. "Buddy" You called quieter as the man’s head rose slowly before he moved slowly onto your lap, with a blanket around his waist, he moved between your arms as the purple collar that you still bought him was on the man.

"You’re a man?" You asked as Buddy turned his head up to you and stuck out his tongue to kiss you on your chin. "Ewwwwww." You called as you quickly wiped off his slobber and moved from him. Getting off of the bed, Buddy looked hurt but didn’t understand to what was happening.

"Ummmmmm Buddy, I don’t know how to say this but… you aren’t a dog anymore…" You watched his expression as he tilted his head at you like the first time you two met. Quickly grabbing a mirror you held it in front of him as he looked at himself horrified at what happened, but knew the reason why.

”_______, master. I know that I haven’t been honest with you. I got turned into a wolf/dog thing and I am sorry that I couldn’t tell you before. I am a human now because of you. Thank you.”  Buddy said but it came out as whimpers and soft barks.

"I can’t understand you, Buddy." You said sadly as you sat on the edge of your bed, not knowing what to do next.

Hours passed as you both just sat there without any clue on how to talk to each other, finally putting some pants on him, you grabbed some paper and a letter chart that you had when you first started learning other languages and put them in front of Buddy.

"I at least need to know your real name." You said, "Point to the letters and I will get your name and your story, then I can start to teach you a little." Buddy nodded his head as he looked at the letters.

First he pointed to the H then to the O, Y and the A.

"Hoya?" You asked as he nodded his head happily as his collar clinked together.

Both of you spent the rest of the afternoon, you exchanged your name with his and taught him some words. Hoya learned really quickly, also remembering some before he got turned into a dog, the words that he needed to talk with you.

”_______” Hoya said slowly, “You like Buddy, more me?” Letting your brain process his request you shook your head.

"I was just shocked, I like you. It is just different." You said as your hand gently intertwined with his fingers.

"I turn from you to dog to you again." Hoya tried to explain

"I know you can’t control it." You ran your fingers through his hair as you began to massage his head just like you used to when he was Buddy. He happily laid on your lap as his bare chest stared up at you as your fingers trailed down his neck to his muscular chest where his white mark used to be. Your eyes looked at his toned body and the beautiful face that rested on your lap. Wishing, hoping that he almost wouldn’t turn back into a dog.

Weeks passed as you helped Hoya learn how to walk, sleep, talk, eat and act like a human. Although sometimes the dog in him would come out.

One night, you came home from work as you saw Hoya sitting on the couch, with his legs under him like he was a dog.

"Hoya I’m home." You called as you sat on the couch next to him. Wrapping your arms around him you kissed his head, just like you used to.

"I’m glad you are home." He said drawn out trying to say it right.

"I’m glad I am home too." You rested your head on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around you bringing you onto his lap.

"Hard day?" He asked pronouncing every letter, nodding your head against his chest, he felt his heart flutter as he looked down at you, nuzzling his head against yours he gently your cheek then kissed it like a human should.

Even though he was your pet, he became your best friend. If it was when he was your pet or while he was a man living with you. To you it didn’t matter, you loved him for him and you wouldn’t let him go for the world.

To him, you were more than a master, you were a woman who took a chance on him and loved him with all your heart and that is all he ever wanted, knowing that your golden heart is what cured him from his dog/ wolf like state.

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Chapter 1: That is so cuute, I want to have a pet :(

Different than your other scenarios and I enjoyed it!!
Thank you for recommending it to me <33
koruxkpop #2
Chapter 2: God, this story is just amazing, thank you fot making my day better...
Chapter 2: Seriously, this made my day complete! I was actually worn out because of school, and there were things that did not go well his day, BUT not until the moment I read this story... Oh gosh, simple yet heartwarming. It's like the bad feeling I'm having right now because of a not-so-good moment that happened to me in school is now gone. Hahaha :-) And I have to thank you for that!! Seriously, I'm feeling better now, and it made my heart melt with happiness. :-) I'm looking forward to your new stories in the future, author-nim! Kamsahamnida! :)
Chapter 2: Omg. May I say this is really cute? >///<
My hearts melting.... Thanks author-nim!
Chapter 2: aww this is cute...but if i may i thought the characters seemed a bit too young to become lovers; my feels on them from reading.
Chapter 1: gosh! it's just too cute,unnie~~ don't u want to make a sequel? pleeeeeeease :3
Chapter 1: Wow, that was definitely interesting. You should make a a back story from how Hoya got turned into a wolf/dog. Another cute story that made my day better. Thank you ^_^
Chapter 1: Very different but incredibly well written. i like it a lot