Yearning Heart

Can We Love ?

“I Missing You”


Febuary, 13

T-ara were at Cambodia, they will have a concert tomorrow together with SPEED. They already finished their rehearsal and were back to hotel. During the ride, Jiyeon become quiet, not interest with the topic which her unnies bring up. She just staring outside, her eyes looks tired, and she occasionally sighed in heavy.

Soyeon was about to give snack to Jiyeon saw it, this is not once or twice she saw Jiyeon like this. First time Soyeon saw Jiyeon become quiet in the day they have practised for MBC Gayo, Jiyeon still a cheerful Jiyeon when being a T-ara Jiyeon or while with T-ara. But when it’s like this time, she often in daydreaming, or rather there was something bothering her mind.

Soyeon nudged Jiyeon’s arm making Jiyeon turned her head to see her. “Gwenchana ?” She asked as whispering.

Jiyeon looked at Soyeon in confused as raised her eyebrows.

“I mean you look qui..” Soyeon said but cutted by Jiyeon.

Jiyeon knew what will Soyeon said to her. Quiet.. Quiet.. Quiet.. Soyeon often asked her it lately. She knew that she’s become quiet than before, but she didn’t thought if her unnies would be worried.

“I’m just sleepy, unnie.” Jiyeon said.

She immediately plugged the earpiece into her ears as playing the music, supossed to avoid another question from Soyeon, causing Soyeon shook her head in disbelief.

10 minutes later, T-ara reached at the hotel. Jiyeon hopped down from the car after Soyeon, then when they entered the hotel she walked a bit faster her unnies causing them looked at her with full of question.

“Jinja what’s wrong with Jiyeon ?” Hyomin asked.

“I don’t know. I’m so curious with her.” Soyeon replied.

“Let’s to talk to Jiyeon. But we go to our room first.”Boram said.

“I’ll text you all after that.” Eunjung said.


in Jiyeon and Eunjung room, 11:00 p.m

Jiyeon and Eunjung shared room together. They were in their room. Not as usual, Jiyeon will watch her favorite movie or drama before go to bed. It was Jiyeon’s habits when they’re abroad, but this time, Jiyeon was ready to sleep and didn’t say anything since they entered the room, Eunjung surprised to see that. Its true there must be something bothering Jiyeon, she tought. Then Eunjung texted her members to come to her room, and talk to Jiyeon.

A minutes later, Hyomin, Soyeon, Qri, and Boram were come to their room. They acted like they want to watching movie together. During the movie playing, they not really into it, they also spying on Jiyeon who looked not into in the movie too. They stared each other, gave sign that its time to talk to Jiyeon.

“Jiyeon-ah, gwenchana ?” Eunjung asked.

Jiyeon just nodded her head weakly as said, “Unnie, i’m okay. Why you all asked me that ?”

“Is something bothering you ?” Qri asked.

Jiyeon turned silent again, does not answered her unnie.

 “Jiyeon-ah, be honest to us.” Hyomin said as took a seat beside Jiyeon.

“Its already one month you being more quiet, more of zoning out, Jiyeon-ah you makes us worry.” Soyeon said.

“Mian, unnie.” Jiyeon apologize.

“So, tell us! What’s your problem ?” Eunjung asked.

Jiyeon still remained silent until her phone rang, signaling there was a new message. She grabbed her phone, and opened the message, the same message and from the same person, Myungsoo who was sent message to her, just asking how are you ?

Don’t knows how many messages sent by Myungsoo since Myungsoo confessed his feeling to her, as it Jiyeon never reply his message.

Her phone rang again, a message from Myungsoo, again. This time its read, you are in cambodia ? for concert ? good luck and fighting! Jiyeon sighed heavy. Hyomin who beside Jiyeon looked at her with curiousity, immediately snatched Jiyeon’s phone, making Jiyeon into a panic. Jiyeon trying to snatched back her phone. Hyomin immediately stood up and stepped away from Jiyeon, “Stay there, Park Jiyeon!” Hyomin said firmly. Finally Jiyeon obeyed Hyomin’s words.

Hyomin saw the phone screen to see the message log with Kim Myungsoo. It is L, right ? She tought. Hyomin started scanning through the log. After finished reading, Hyomin staring at Jiyeon intently and quizzically. “He sent the same message since a month ago, and no one else you reply it. Do you not reply his message ? What something happens to you and L ?” Hyomin asked in curious.

“L ? Did it about him, which makes you so quiet like this ?” Soyeon asked.

Again and again, Jiyeon sighed deeply, then answered many question from her unnies, “Last month, Myungsoo confessed his feeling to me.”

“Wow. So it is true that L has feelings for you.” Eunjung said.

“Then, what about you ?” Hyomin asked.

Jiyeon lowered her head as answered, “I.. I rejected him.”

“What ?” T-ara members asked in disbelief.

“We tought you have feelings for him..” Boram said.

“Right, i’ve feelings for Myungsoo, i.. i love him. But, that is not easy for us.” Jiyeon responded.

“What the meaning of not easy ?” Qri asked.

“Before Myungsoo confessed to me, manager oppa suspicious about our closeness, he warned ah rather advised me to not have a relationship with anyone.” Jiyeon answered.

“So, manager oppa don’t allowed you ?” Boram asked again.

“I wonder why manager oppa doesn’t allow you and L, whereas Soyeon unnie and Jonghyuk oppa permitted.” Hyomin said and paused for a seconds, “Even when you with Yesung sunbae, manager oppa is also allowed you.” She continued again.

“Jiyeon-ah go and tell him your feeling too. About manager oppa, we can talked later to him.” Eunjung said.

“Gomawo unnie, but no. Maybe this is the best for us. I’ll just focus on T-ara, and it’s not the right time for Myungsoo to has a relationship, he is in his peak career anyway.” Jiyeon said.

“Jiyeon-ah..” Boram said.

“Gwenchana unnie, really.” Jiyeon said. “Its too late, i’m already sleepy.” She continued.

T-ara members except Eunjung come out of her room with pityful face. Eunjung closed the door and jumped to her bed as took a look at Jiyeon as asked, “Jiyeon-ah, do you miss him ?”

Jiyeon sighed and answered in low tone, “I miss him. So miss..”

Eunjung gave Jiyeon a advise, “Jiyeon-ah, better you thinking again. What actually do you want ? Just friend with him or be together with him. Don’t be regret after all.”

Jiyeon turned her head to Eunjung as nodded her head and gave Eunjung a small smile, “gomawo, unnie.”


Febuary 16 in a cafe, 09:00 p.m

Hoya, Sungjong, and Jiyeon were in the one cafe in near Jiyeon’s apartment, the place where they usual to meet. But they seldom to meet again because the rough schedule of Infinite and T-ara, their last meeting when on MBC Gayo.

They talked casually as usual while joking around, Sungjong behaviour always success makes the other laugh, and Hoya’s jokes too, despite his mature and seriuos side. Meanwhile Jiyeon’s cuteness and caring side behind her cold face could melted her two best friend.

“Jiyeon-ah...” Hoya suddenly said.

“Ne ?” Jiyeon replied, still laugh..

“Let’s to talk serious!” Hoya said again.

At that time, Jiyeon stopped her laugh and looked at Hoya, “Eo ? Talk serious ? About what ?” She asked.

“You and Myungsoo.” Hoya replied.

Jiyeon gasped a bit as her shoulder tensed up, she turned silent. Since that day, when Myungsoo confessed his feelings to her, and she rejected him, there is a feeling that can not be explained popped into her. Guilt and hurt, perhaps it could be represent what she feels. Her heart throbbed, as it always appears in her reaction when she heard Myungsoo name.

“Then what do you want to talk ?” Jiyeon asked.

“Myungsoo, he being more quiet than before. He seldom talk to us. I knew you rejected him, but what makes him quiet like this ? Myungsoo is not the type like that.” Hoya asked.

“He did ? But i saw Infinite on TV and he looks fine.” Jiyeon said.

“Of course, hyung is a great actor, right ?” Sungjong said.

Jiyeon turned silent again, “is he really being quiet ?” she asked to herself.

“Noona, you don’t know how Myungsoo hyung loves you. He always caring about you, when T-ara scandal sticked out, he was the person who really worried about you. Everyday, hyung always checked your news on the internet, altough he was dating with that girl, he still checked your news. You can call hyung a stalker.” Sungjong said as giggled when say stalker.

“How hyung very frustated when he knows you broke up with Yesung sunbae, but in the time hyung already in relationship.” Sungjong said again.

“Myungsoo.. he know i was dating with Yesung oppa ?” Jiyeon asked in shock.

“Ya. Hyung accidentaly knew it before noona told to him. Hyung tried to move on but not to avail. Hyung stuck his feelings on you. When Myungsoo hyung’s dating scandal sticked out and almost ruined everything, hyung very upset. Noona know it too, right ? That the reason why i asked you to accompany hyung, because i know you could makes hyung cheer up again. And true, hyung back to dorm in better condition. His face grinned, makes us confussed.” Sungjong said.

“Oh so, Jiyeon is the reason why Myungsoo back with his grinned face those time ?” Hoya asked.

“Ne. I asked help to noona.” Sungjong replied.

“Myungsoo’s face is so idiot those time, but it was more we like than his depressed face.” Hoya said as giggled. “He even made apologize to Woohyun. And that because of you, thanks to you, Jiyeon-ah.” Hoya said as patted Jiyeon’s head.

“Really ? i’m glad if it was so. Well, Myungsoo ever calm me down as well as T-ara’s problem popped out.” Jiyeon replied.

“Really ? You two! You seems closer to Myungsoo than us, now.” Hoya said.

“Aww, thats so sweet. Noona and Myungsoo hyung give each other’s shoulder to lean when you two were facing problem.”

“Oh god, Sungjongie, you’re too mature. Where did you read these words ? Jiyeon said as acting surprised.

“Yah! Noona.” Sungjong yelled as glaring at Jiyeon. Making Jiyeon sticked out her tounge playfully.

“Urgh!” Sungjong said in annoyance.

“Yah, stop! Stop!” Hoya said.

Jiyeon and Sungjong laugh, then Hoya said again, “Oh. Let’s talk serious again!”

“We even know right you rejected him, but Myungsoo thinks that you just need time. We know he was just denying the reality.” Hoya said.

“I often saw Myungsoo hyung was stared at his phone, and i’m shocked when i know hyung just saw at your log message. Hyung still texting you, right ? Ask how you are, hyung still checking news about you.” Sungjong said.

“We worry seeing Myungsoo very quiet. Myungsoo likes to dissolve in his own world, and this time his world is you. Initially, i let him being quiet, but it’s been a month, i couldn’t stand to see it as it continues.” Hoya said.

“Mianhae. I never mean to makes Myungsoo being like that. I thought if i rejected him it would be more good for him. I’m worry about Myungsoo.” Jiyeon said as apologize to Hoya and Sungjong.

“What are you worry about ?” Hoya asked.

“Everything. I worry if his fans know, he would left by his fans, again. He got into new troble, which more complicated, maybe. I worry if he has a relationship with me, would be bad for him, such ruin his career.” Jiyeon said as lowered her head.

“That’s your reason ?” Hoya asked.

“Then, what about when you were with Yesung sunbae ? Didn’t you worried him ? He also at the peak of his career. In fact you survive up to two years, a long time, it means you’re convinced him. With Myungsoo, don’t you have feelings for him ? don’t you want to try to be conviced ?” Hoya asked.

“Oppa, i’m the person who public most hate. I don’t want Myungsoo affected.” Jiyeon said.

“Do you think he care about it ? No, Myungsoo will just listen his love.” Hoya said.

Sungjong grab his phone and asked Jiyeon to plug the earpieces into her ears. “ Noona, listen this! I recorded it without hyung knowing.” He said.

Jiyeon was ready with the earpieces and starting to listening, in the beginning, Sungjong’s voice was heard, Hyung, don’t be like this. You should meet noona again, and talk to her, ask noona how her feelings to you.

I want to meet Jiyeon, i want to confess my feelings again. I really want to know her feelings too. Jiyeon avoid me, never once she reply my messages. Is she really didn’t like my confession ? If i know it would be like this, i shouldn’t to confess. Jiyeon bit her lips when heard that. This time is Myungsoo voice.

Sungjong-ah, how is she ? she is so busy ? Don’t laugh when heard it! Sungjong-ah, i miss her. I though i’m stuppid, after she rejected me, i still miss her. I just feel that i can’t move on. Myungsoo said as giggled sad, Jiyeon could hear it clearly.

Jiyeon could not say anything, her feeling hurt like sliced, her heart like cut after hearing that, Myungsoo miss her. She was also same as Myungsoo, she miss Myungsoo, want to see him.

“When manager told us about our schedule, Myungsoo hyung always asked me, T-ara is also there. I’m annoyed with it, he thought i was T-ara manager who know your schedules. But i’m not. Oh god.” Sungjong said.

Jiyeon let out a small smile on her face.

“At least, you two still can be friend, can’t you ? Please reply his message eventough not as often as he sent to you.” Hoya asked.

“Mianhae.. Jeongmal mianhae. I was hurt Myungsoo’s feelings. I.. i just don’t know how to face him if we meet.” Jiyeon said as apologize again.

“Jiyeon-ah, can we ask something ?” Hoya asked.

hello~ i'm back with chapter 13.

do you want Myungyeon be together or just as a friend ? ;)

please look forward for the next chapter!~

@cherryeppeo thanks a lot for your parise, kekeke. sorry for my bad grammar and some typo.

keep Comment, Vote, and Subcribe. Thank you~

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Chapter 21: CEO, please let them together.. Update soon^^
Retsel_ #2
Chapter 21: ohno... Please CEO.. accept them..
I don't know but I would like that CEO support Myungyeon in this fic and in real life ♥
♥ Myungyeon ♥ update soon :)
Chapter 21: please~Update~!!!
Chapter 21: oww.. Myungsoo the most ert man in this world.. and overprotective.. why they were not allowed to date? Lee sajangnim, wae?? wae?? hahahaa!! Kim Doyeon, a girl with attitude issues.. that title really suit you..
parkleni #5
Chapter 21: new problem??!!! Please, Lee Sajangnim will allow MyungYeon dating.........
parkleni #6
Chapter 21: new problem??!!! Please, Lee Sajangnim allowed MyungYeon dating.........
parkjiyeon_Lkim #7
Chapter 21: I hope this will not cause a big problem. Well, I've always think Woolim's CEO is understanding, I hope it's not just a thought. WooMin's so sweet with each other, but.. Myungyeon's the sweetest. Yeah, sweetest kiss ever! Yiieee
myungsoo-jiyeon #8
Chapter 21: i hope his CEO will allow them.
Chapter 20: my myungyeon feels;3
update soon^^~
Chapter 20: kyaaa... finally... Jiyeon's manager allowed them to dating.. actually, he not cold-hearted people, he just too worry about Jiyeonnie... new couple was born.. ^^