Tagged by SeraizaLee


Just only had time to post this...

Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 10 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 10 people and link them to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Tagged by: seraizaLee

1. What do you do to get away from the craziness that is work/school/family and everything else, and literally have an ALL ALONE ME time ?

Tell the kids, hey mum's very tired, give me an hour time-out ok. Then go to my room and just lie in a boneless heap for an hour while catching up on my reading. LOL! 

2. What is the thing that you've always wanted to do but have not gotten to it yet because you don't have the time yet ? (like bungee jumping, deep sea diving, driving across the country).

Ah...this one...as I'm the so not adventurous type and such a lazy , the thing that I really want to do is write and my dream was to get published but eh..after attempting a few stories...I feel that meh...not good enough! but not giving up though...although i think i can shelve the dream for the moment. 

3. Among all the 4 seasons, which seasons do you like the most ? If you're that undecisive like me, lets have 2 ehh..??

I really like spring...the beginning of life and all that jazz...beautiful flowers springing up and blooming...but can I have more than 2? lol..coz i love autumn and winter too....

4. Android or iOS ? (random but I'm too techie to let this one go)


5. Where do you get your ideas from for writing FF (if ur a writer) or any creative things (if ur not a write)

I get my ideas from RL situations, YT videos, music or other stories (manga, books, other ff) i've read before but will never plagiarize! Plagiarizers should just burn and die! die! die! You horrible story thieves! Because of you people a lot of great writers have either left the communities or locked their journals! T_T.

6. Who is your favourite author be it here on AFF or out there?

If you're talking about FF, i've got quite a few fave writers, namely beeswaxing (love you nikki! your stories are just asdfghjkkl!!) smartcatt (just lovely writing and ...lotsa ...u gotta luve !! lol!! *smacks y self*) pxahyoo (another great writer...good english, grammar and such and good plots too!) well all of the above have the same/similar traits as in good plot, language and everything...and a whole truckload more! 

7. Where would you like to spend your ideal vacation ?

Bora-bora! But not enough money! T_T...maybe one day....sighs...

8. Most memorable K-Pop moment to you ? (like a concert you've been to or the most hilarious vid you've watched)

Since I am such a YJ shipper...of course MKMF 2008...the hug! the hug! and of course the day when (not if) all 5 DBSK reunite!! 

9. If you have been to Korea, where are the recommended places to go. If you have not, where are the places you'd want to go.

Oh god! definitely Jeju island..and DMZ...and nami island...and lotte world....but i didn't get the chianc to go to everland so that's definitely on the list when i go there next time...(next year hopefully!! most probably!!)


10. 5 Random facts about yourself that not many know of.

I don't think I have any cos I think I am a very open person.  To know me is to know everything about me (if you care enough to get to know me in the first place but hey! its your loss if not lol! *ughh thinks too highly of self head/desk*)

Oh! oh! I have one! I don't think many people knows I write (y stories) but yeah...lol!

yeah one crey crey bish....comin rite up! LOL!!

Well urm I'm supposed to come up with questions and tag people but what? what? what questions? Eh here goes anyway:

1. Who is your ultimate OTP in K-Pop?

2. What do you think of same OTP and why?

3. If you are granted with 3 wishes what would they be?

4. If you have a million dollars what would you do with it?

5. Given a choice, would you stay in your country or migrate elsewhere? Why?

6. Beach, mountain or seaside? To live or for vacation?

7. What genre of music do you listen to? (eg K-pop, K-rock, RNB)

8. Cooking or baking?

9. Travelling alone or with family/friends?

10. List your top 5 fave groups or individual K-Pop performers.

Agh...these are so lame...gah...ok i'll jus tag back that crazy woman...SeraizaLee



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