One for Every Year

A Rose For Every Year
As the car door opened, and Minho stepped out, he straightened his dress shirt and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked over curiously at the resturant in front of him, not really knowing what to expect. His husband had called him from his work, telling him to be ready at 6 because a car would be there to pick him up. He had asked where the car was taking him, and why he couldn't just come home and both leave together, but Jinki had been presistant in his requests. So Minho was ready and waiting outside when the car came, and he was nervous. He really didn't know why. He had been with the man for 6 years, this was just their one year wedding anniversary. Minho knew he shouldn't make a big deal about this, but with what Jinki had done already, he also knew the older man had made a big deal about this.
He sighed before thanking the driver, and made his way to the door. A young woman walked up to him asking quietly. "Are you Minho sir?" He slowly nodded as the woman smiled and lead him up the stairs to the private room. "Here you go. If you two need anything there will be someone right out here to assist you." She smiled and walked away.
Minho took a deep breath and pulled open the door. He smiled when he saw his husband standing before him, his back turned. There were an assortment of food's on the table, candles lit and rose petals every where. Jinki's longer hair was slighty kinked, and the man nervously flipped it out of the way as he turned. A huge smile was plastered on his face, a single rose in his hand. He held it out to the younger man, before kissing the man softly.
"What is this for?" Minho asked in a small voice.
"A rose for every year Minnie." Jinki kissed him again, and for once, the food was forgotten.
The tall man scowled as he fussed with the mask that covered his eyes. He frowned when his hand was slapped away. "I told you to not touch it Minho." He just sulked at the sound of his husbands voice. He was sitting on their couch, a blindfold on his face, and his hands clasped in his lap.
Jinki had picked him up from work, slid the blindfold on before he could protest, and when they got home, he forced the younger man to sit on the couch while he went off and finished what he needed to get done. "What are you even doing Jinki?" 
The older man kissed him then, making him silently jump because he had no idea the man had returned. He heard the sound of plates being placed on the table, the music being played, and he felt Jinki sit next to him. His husband's warm hand's grazed against his cheek as he moved the blindfold off. First thing Minho saw was Jinki's beautiful beeming smile, and the two roses that he held in his hand. "Happy 2nd Anniversary Minnie." 
Minho smiled before saying softly. "One for every year."
They spent their 5th anniversary in New York, because of Jinki's job. The older man hadn't wanted to go, knowing full well that he would be gone for their anniversary, so he bought Minho's ticket and brought him along. The younger man was eternally greatful that he had Jinki, because without the older man, he would never be able to get around this huge city. For one reason, he wasn't as good in English as his Husband.
They were standing at the top of the Statue of Liberty, Minho's hands grasping the railing as he peered through the window, when he felt Jinki wrap one arm around him. He turned to see the older man's flushed cheeks, his wool hat loppsidded on his head, and 5 roses in his hand. 
Minho smiled softly, reaching up and fixing the man's hat over his silky light hair. He cupped his cheek, and softly kissed him. They didn't care that people were watching, or that they were talking about the two men, because when they parted and Jinki handed him the 5 roses, Minho almost wanted to cry. No matter where they were, the man always had roses for him. One for every year they were married. Bright red roses, that smelled as if they were just picked. There was always a brightly colored blue ribbons tied around their stems, a note rolled up on a tiny piece of paper. A single word was always the only thing on it. A different word each year, and the younger man couldn't wait to see what they all spelled out to be.
It was their 20th anniversary that Minho was standing at the edge of a park, the moon high in the sky. Candles lit his way, and by each one, there was a single rose. He smiled as he continued down the path, stopping and almost chuckling at each and every rose in picked up. At last he reached 20, and he saw his husband standing on the peir, a smile on his face. There was a boat behind him, and as Minho approached, Jinki grabbed him and kissed him hard. 
"Happy 20th Anniversary Minho." Jinki said softly, breathless after they parted. He lead him slowly onto the boat, and smiled as motioned for the driver to proceed. The older man than lead him down into the rooms, and Minho was speechless. The room was golden lit, rose petals everywhere, and on the far left there was a huge king size bed. Candles were placed everywhere, not lit though, and Minho didn't know what to say. There was wine on the table, a small fridge on the right. Jinki kissed his husband's cheek before going and coming back with a small wrapped box.
"What's this?"
"My present for you." Jinki answered with a small smile, as he pressed it into Minho's hands.
"But you don't have to... the roses..." He drifted off.
"I always get you something." Jinki kissed him softly, before smiling. "Open it." 
He did, and he saw a beautiful white gold ring, with a golden chain run through it. "What..." There was a small rose engraved into the side, the stem twisted into an infinity symbol. 
"To show you that you are my rose, forever and ever." Jinki smiled, and gently moved to clasp it around Minho's neck. The younger man looked down at the ring hanging around his neck, and softly placed his palm over it, before looking up. Jinki's hair was back to being black, since he got tired of dying it, and silver gray hair had begun to grow on the sides. His smile lines were deeper, the crinkles at the edge of his eyes more set in, but he still was beautiful. 
"I love you."
"I love you too Minnie." 
50 years later. 3 Kids raised, schooled and sent off to college. 8 grandchildren. 50 more roses. Minho and Jinki smiled at each other as they grasped each other's hands. Had they really been married 55 years? Was Jinki really almost 80? Minho just smiled as he felt his husband squeeze his hand. They were standing on a dock outside their house, looking over at the water as the moon shined brightly on the ocean's surface. 
Minho looked over when he heard Jinki cough, and he saw the same smile he had fell in love with 60 years ago. "Come on Hun, I have something waiting for you inside." The younger man smiled, knowing what it was going to be. It was their anniversary after all.
Once they finally made it back into the house, that's when Minho saw the roses on the table. All 55 of them, freshly cut and ribbon tied. Their bright red color so perfect he had to wonder where the man got them every year, because they never were less than perfection. Minho softly pulled the note out, smiling as he unrolled it.
It said one word. " Now." He looked up at his husband, who simply smiled and nodded, and Minho knew what he had to do. He made his way over to the dresser in their bedroom, pulling on the box that held the 54 notes from the last 54 years. He finally could know what the man wanted to say. He pulled out the paper that he had written the words on, adding the last two words to the end.
"A rose for every year, and though they will wither with time, our love will not. I have loved you for many years now, and I want you to know that I love you with every fiber of my being. You are more beautiful then any amount of roses. I will Love you Forever now."
The next year Jinki wasn't there, and Minho smiled sadly as he made his way up to where his husband now laid rest. He promised himself that he wouldn't cry, that he wouldn't break down, but once he made it there, and saw the vase of roses sitting on the tomestone, the tears fell. He shakingly moved to take the note off the flower. It was longer, and with blurry eyes he read. 
         If you honestly believed that me dying would stop me from giving you flowers every year you are mistaken. Even death will not prevent me from showing you how much I love you, and how much beauty you have. I've loved you for 55 years when I wrote this, and over that time you've gotten one rose more every year from me, showing you how much my love was growing just like the number. I may have died first, but I am always with you, and I will be waiting on a bench, if they have any, for you to join me. I love you Minnie and I will miss you, but please take your time. I want to have you receive 70 roses before I see you again.   ~Love Jinx.
The tears fell, but there was a smile on the man's face. "Oh Jinx." He gave a soft chuckle, leaning in to sniff the roses. "You silly man." He counted the roses, and sure enough there were 56 of them. Still perfectly red and freshly cut. "I love you Jinki, and I miss you." He whispered as he placed his hand flat on the cool stone, squeezing his eyes shut.
So the continuation/elaboration of this is here if you wanna read it
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Cactuzoz #1
Chapter 1: This is such a sweet sweet story with a bittersweet ending. Every story surely have an end and theirs are beautiful. Oh how one's wish to have what they had. Tqsm for this
Too sweet... The ending really got to me, Author-nim.. This is a great story and it brought tears to my eyes..
Chapter 1: Oh my Onho heart is being broken and mended at the same time. TTATT This is such a bittersweet story and to be honest, I started tearing up on their 20th anniversary til their 56th. ;_; This is sad and wonderful all together. Ohmy Jinki is too sweet and Minho is the luckiest person ever. This is just the best fluff. Ever. Srsly. Thank you. ;u; <ONHO333
king-jongin #4
Chapter 1: Oh my god my feelings
you should have thousand of vote ups cause this is a really beautiful story which makes me cry at the sweetness and love but at the same time at the fact that my baby died leaving Minho alone but hell this story is so amazing
love it :)) but I have to say I'm so jealous of minho... xDD
just when I thought my heart had harden and I can hardly feel anything anymore, your story came and there my tears found their way out of my eyes..
this is beautiful..
Chapter 1: this was lovely
This was so sweet! Oh my gosh!
Chapter 1: So beautiful & sweet, the end really make me sob ;_;