Full of Regrets

Full of Regrets

Try listening to Super Junior-She's Gone while reading this.. ^_^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyqV3FBltsc

~Your POV~


"I'm so tired..." I laid down on my bed.. I'm so stressed out.. Being a chef isn't easy at all...

I looked at my watch and its already 11:37 pm.. I set the alarm and went to sleep since Yesung already called me earlier.



I woke up at 4:30 am.. Today's is going to be a big day.. There will be a birthay celebration in the restaurant later.. It's gonna be tiring again.. Sigh..

I took a bath, dressed up, ate my breakfast and went to work.. As usual, there are so many customers today.. As I was eating my lunch, Yesung called me..


"_______-ah, can you go to my parents' restaurant? We're all here waiting for you.."

"Oppa.. I'm sorry.. But I can't.. There's a lot of customers today and there will be a birthday celebration later.. I'm sorry.."

"B-but..." I heard him sigh. "Arasso"

"I'm sorry oppa.. Just eat without me.."



"Bye" He hung up..

I think he is disapppointed.. I'm sorry oppa.. I really can't go.. Although I want to..


~Yesung's POV~ 

"What did she say?" umma asked as soon as I put my phone down. I let out a small smile.

"She can't make it, but she said she'll just hang out with me some other time..." I lied.

"Oh" they all said in disappointment.

"Its okay.. At least you guys are here... Let's eat" I said and forced a smile..

I ate lunch together with my family and SJ, and after that, my SJ brothers and I went to a different restaurant with a karaoke. We took the private room of course.. Everyone sang and danced to the beat.. including me.. but half of my happiness right now is just a pretend.. I'm happy because I celebrated my birthday with my family and SJ brothers and ELFs greeted me but the person I expected the most to be here forgot my birthday.. Sigh...


We celebrated until 10 in the evening. We payed the bills and went home. We arrived and everyone greeted me again before going to their respective rooms.. I went to my room as well and took  bath and after that, I jumped to my bed.. I hugged the teddy bear she gave me and stared at the ceiling. I sighed, not feeling happy at all... I just stayed in that position until I fell asleep.


~Your POV~

I went home after work. The celebration finished at 10 pm.. I took a bath and after that I sat on my bed and took my phone to see if oppa called, He didn't. I just stared at my phone waiting for his call, but the date got my attention.. August 24, 2011.. It seems... important....?

August 24....

August 24.....


It's Y-yesung birthday... I can't believe I forgot about it.. I'm so stupid!! 

I called him..

He didn't answer...

I called him...

He didn't answer...

I called him...

He didn't answer...

For the 27th time, I called him...

Still, no answer.. 

Is he upset?.. Well, of course he is! _____ you pabo!!! Aish..

"Oppa, jeongmal mianhae.. I hope you're not angry at me... I didn't forgot your birthday.. its just that, I'm too busy that I didn't become aware of the date.. Mianhae oppa.. Saengil chukahamnida.. Saranghae.. Good Night.. <3


I typed on my phone and pressed send.. and then... and then... the battery is dead... 

"Aishh.. I'm so unlucky today.. Jinjja!!" I screamed and pulled my hair harshly.. Ilooked blanky at the ceiling and let out a sigh. I frowned and closed my eyes thinking of Yesung until I fell asleep..


I woke up at 10:00 am and I decided to talk to Yesung oppa today.. I took a bath, dressed up, ate breakfast and went to SM Building. I went to their practice room and knocked on the door. Soon, the door opened, revealing Yesung oppa..


"What are you doing here?" He coldly asked, lloking away.. I bit my lip.

"Oppa are you mad at me?"

"You forgot my birthday... and you think I'm not mad?"

"M-mianhae. I didn't forget your birthday, it's j-"

"Didn't forget my birthday?! Stop making excuses ______.. It will just make everything worst.." He said cutting me off.

"I'm sorry"

"I'll go now" He said and closed the door infront of me.. I sighed.

I just sat there outside their practice room to wait for him when someone suddenly called me..


"_______-ah, where are you?" It's the manager of the restaurant

"I'm sorry ma'am.. I can't make it there today. I'm not feeling well." I said.. I didn't lie, I actually feel weak and dizzy right now. I heard her sigh.

"Okay.. Take care.." 

"Neh" I said and soon, she hang up..

I waited there for an hour and a half, and soon SJ oppa-deul went out.. 

"Oh.. ______-ah.. you're here.." Hyuk Jae oppa said and they all greeted me.. I bowed my head.

"Annyeong oppa-deul.. uhmm.. Where is Y-yesung oppa?" I asked not seeing him with them..

"He's inside. He said he won't eat lunch today... ______-ah.. are you okay? You look pale.." Jungsoo oppa said.

"Neh I'm fine oppa.. I'll just go talk to Yesung oppa.."

"We'll go now then.. Bye.." He said and they all left together.. I went inside and I saw him near the windows.. I slowly approached him..

"Oppa" I noticed him widen his eyes when he heard my voice. He didn't turn to me though.

"Pl-please leave" He said, not even bothering to look at me.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled and looked down.

"Please leave"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Please leave"

"Answer me oppa..." I frowned.

"Yes! I am angry at you.. Now please, leave me alone!" He shouted and looked at me coldly. I was hurt.. He never shouted at me like that before.. I looked down as I felt my eyes get welled up with tears. 


"I-I'm sorry" I said as I left the room.. I ran outside SM Building and sat on a bench near it. I just sat there, staring blankly at the ground, crying quietly. Not caring about the people looking at me.. I just cried there the whole afternoon..


Its been 3 days since I last talked to Yesung oppa.. It's Sunday today, my day-off.. I woke up at 11 am. I took abath, dressed up, took my phone and went outside my house not even bothering to eat breakfast.. I went to Super Junior's dorm., hoping he'd talk to me this time.. I waited there in front of their apartment building.. I waited there not eating anything..

After a few hours I saw their van park and they went out of their van and inside the apartment. I immediately called Yesung oppa.. He didn't answer.. I called him 7 times.. He still did not answer.. I called and called and called until I received a text message..


From: Yesung oppa <3

"Stop calling me.. stop disturbing me.. don't waste your time calling me..Just stop.."


It hurt me.. It hurt me a lot.. I stopped calling him, but instead, I texted him.. No reply.. I texted him many times.. None.. no reply.. Even one.. None... Until it's already 1:30 am.. August 29.. o-our.... Sigh...


Its freezing out here.. But I don't wanna go home yet.. Not yet...

There's no more people around, only me.. and those two guys from the distance... I ignored them and went back to just sit there and think of everything that happened.. I heard footsteps coming closer so I looked up... Oh.. it's the two guys.. I tried to look closer to see who they are and when I realized that they may be some sort of maniacs, rapists, or something, I widened my eyes.

I stood up from the bench and started to walk away, acting calm and hoping they would not go after me.. I texted Yesung oppa, asking for help..

As I was texting Yesung oppa, someone grab my arm.. I hid my phone on my pocket and turned around. I saw the two men.. The other one grabbing my arm and the other one pointing a gun at me..

"Give us your money" the guy grabbing my arm said.

"I don't have money" I didn't lie.. I only brought my phone today..

"Then, give us that gold necklace of yours" the same guy demanded, pointing to the necklace resting on my neck.

"N-NO!" I shouted trying to pull away from his grip.. Why would I give them this necklace, Yesung oppa gave this to me.. 

"Just give it to us missy! If you don't want your head to blow up.." the guy holding the gun saind and pushed my head with his gun. I shivered..

"NO!!!" I shouted and pulled my hand away and started to run as fast as I can.. I tried to call Yesung oppa but he didnt answer so I texted him after hiding behind a tree.. but still, he didn't reply.. So I called Jungsoo oppa instead.

"Yoboseyo?" He sounds half-awake

"Oppa help me please." I said and peeked through the tree. I gasped when I saw the getting nearer and ran again.

"Wae? ______-ah.. Are you alright?"

"Oppa.. There are two men running after me.. Th-they are gonna hurt me.." I cried.

"WHAT?!! Where are you?!" Now, he sounds fully-awake.

"Uhmm.. I... I-I don't know.. somewhere near your dorm."

"Arasso... I'll be there.. _______-ah.. Please dont let them hurt you" He said as he hung up.. God, please help me..


~Leeteuk's POV~

I immeadiately went to Yesung's room after ending the call. Good thing is that he's still awake..

"Uhmm hyung.. Have you ever heard of knocking?"

"Yesung-ah.. ______-ah.. She's in trouble.. Two men are chasing after her.. We need to go to her! They are going to hurt her!" His eyes widened as he sat straight.

"What?!" He said getting up..

"Let's GO!" I said, completely panicked and we both ran outside the building.


~Yesung's POV~

"Hyung, where is she?" I asked him as soon as we're outside..

"Somewhere near our dorm"

"Seriously hyung, what kind of answer is that?" He hissed and looked around, so did I.


"Aah!!! Help!!!!" We heard someone shout so we followed where it came from. Please be safe ______... Please..


Leeteuk hyung and I are already running as fast as we can but still, we can't find her.. We continued to hear _____ shouting for help until it's getting louder... We must be closer..


"______!" I shouted, hoping she would hear me..


"______! Where are you?!" I asked.


She soon stopped shouting..


My breathing stopped with what I heard next...




~Your POV~

I ran so fast while shouting for help. I can't clearly see the way because of my tears. I tripped from a rock and I fell to the ground.


"Ouch!" I hissed as I felt as pain on my knee..


"Look's like you're in danger now, missy.." Oh no..They caught me.. "Give it to us if you don't wanna die.. It's just a necklace!" They said..

"NO!" I said, crying in fear. "N-No.."

"You're so stubborn.." they said and raised the gun to point it at me.. I looked at it and gulped. Please don't... Pleaseee..

I bit my lip as I waited for the next thing to happen.. 


"UH!" I shouted as I felt a pain in my chest... They h-hit me.. I widened my eyes as tears rolled down my eyes.

I heard someone call my name so the two men ran away after they cursed. I saw someone coming near me... It's Jungsoo oppa and... and.. Yesung oppa... 


~Yesung's POV~

We saw her lying on the ground so we immediately went to her..

"________-ah.. Gwaenchana?.. ______-ah.." I said shaking her..

"O..op-pa.." was all she can say..

"Mianhae.." I apologized as tears escaped my eyes at the sight of her, covered with blood.

"N-no,.." she mumbled and gave me a small smile.. "I'm sorry.. I l-love you... I love you fo...forever.." She said trying her best to speak.. She cupped my face with her hands and she wiped my tears.. She kissed me with all her might and I kissed her back not wanting to let go.. Then, she pulled away, and her hands slowly fell as her eyes slowly closed and the small smile on her face disappeared... I cried....


"_______-ah.. wake up.." I said trying to wake her up.. I pursed my lip to stop myself from sobbing.. "______-ah.."



Leeteuk hyung and I brought her to the hospital and now we are waiting for the doctor and nurses to come out from the Emergency Room, together with her parents, my parents, and our sj brothers..Her mom is already in tears while her dad is being strong for her and her mom.. Soon, the doctor came out..

"Doctor,...  Is my d-daughter fine?" Her mom immediately asked as soon as he came out with his nurses.. Please say yes.. Please.. Just please..

He sighed as he was looking down. He removed his mask and gloves and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry.. but your daughter.. She's.. she's gone now.. The pellet hit her lung and she have lost a lot of blood so she didnt make it.. We did our best but.. she just can't make it anymore... I'm sorry" He said.. Her mom bursted into tears.. My knees fell to the ground.. I cried. It's my fault. I'm the reason why she died.. I'm sorry _______-ah.. I'm so sorry...


I went in to see her.. I started sobbing as soon as I saw her lifeless body. I hugged her and cried. I hugged her really tight, praying for her life to be back.. If only I can bring back time.. If only I can then I will change my ways and she won't have to die.. Why did I have to act like that?! Its your fault Kim Jong Woon!!! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!




I went back to our dorm with my SJ brothers. I cancelled all my schedules today. I just sat there silently on my bed staring blankly at me feet.. I took my phone and looked at it.. 31 missed calls and 13 messages.. I looked at the messages.. They're all from ______.

"Oppa. I'm here outside your dorm. Please talk to me"

"Oppa, where are you?"

"I'm waiting for you oppa"

"Pls talk to me"

"I'm sorry oppa.. Please forgive me.."

"Please go out and talk to me oppa.."

"Please oppa."

"Where are you oppa?"

"Oppa.. There are two men chasing me.. please h"

"oppa.. I'm here near your dorm.. I'm hiding behind a tree.. please come for me oppa.. they might see me.." 

"oppa.. please help me"

The last two messages made me cry so hard...

"Oppa.. SARANGHAE.. this may be my last message for you... I'm really sorry oppa.. I hope you understand me.. saranghae"

"Happy 4th Anniversary oppa.. <3"

I cried as I covered my face with my hands.. Mianhae ______-ah.. . I'm really sorry..





I sighed as I stared at her picture.. Then, I heard her voice shouting for help..


I was so stupid... I was late... I came let.. I wasn't ablto protect her.. Now my life is FULL OF REGRETS... 


                                                             ~THE END~




- Hannah

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Chapter 1: i loved this! your writing too.. love.love.
joychul_purelf13_15 #2
is it really sad??? hehe... i guess i shoul make a new story.. and this time, i guess i'll make it a happy one.. :)
Omo so sad... Crying... But nice one shot :)
I cried.... T~T
OMBBBBBB!!!!!!!! SOOOOO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!D': <br />
but good work lol
joychul_purelf13_15 #6
^_^... thanks for the comment.. KwonSei... =]
joychul_purelf13_15 #8
hihi.. ^_^ thank you Renaa.. =] uhmm.. me too.. actually i cried writing it.. ^_^ thanks QieYue19.. thanks Reenaa.. ^_^
Unwantedgirl- #9
omg I cried so much T_T