




Author's Note: Hi guys hehe so this is my thanks to you guys for thanksgiving. Thank you, for sticking by my stories, and waiting paitently for my slow updates hehe sorry *3* So this story is angst...I am so sorry doing this to you guys in the holidays season but my feels... I just had to. This will be a brief story, a two shot? Idk yet but it will be short. Subcribe and I will have the story up as soon as I finish writing it. Also if you are just stopping by to read the story and is not one of my subcriber I just wanted to say  *hiiiii haha :)* Thank you lovies and have fun <3

P.S. This story, I decided it would be best that it is told in third person omniscient so I apoligize to those who doesn't like the story being told that way. *-* If it bothers you please drop me a comment and tell me so I know for futer reference THANK YOU AGAIN AND <333333


Rin let out a soundless laugh as she looked up at the falling droplets.  *Just like the the day we meet* she thought to herself as she let the droplets caress her skin.  


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Chapter 1: This is really cute when are u going to write the next one? ^.^ i love it!!
Chapter 1: Kinda cute opening ><
smileondesy #3
Nice opening~!