The Warmth of You

The Warmth of You

It was warm,
yet it was just my imagination.
Will you even say hi when we meet?
Because I think we’ve meet before.

Who knows at what time,
But someday,
We’ll meet again.




The house is filled with people I’m not even familiar with, all the lightings are too bright to shine upon my house. It’s crowded and I can already feel my head is getting dizzy from the smoke of the cigarettes that people take. I’m walking towards my room in the second floor when someone suddenly tap on my shoulder.

“Miss, I know it would be too much to ask but will you be one of the extras in this scene? Just for a bit. If you’re not busy of course.”

I have never been in front of the camera before and I know how long it takes to do that. This actually happens a lot when you have your house rent as a shooting site. Quite risky but the money is needed.

“Uhmm, sir. I don’t know what to say.. I....”

And then my words just cut off. Accross my house there’s a two-floored cafe and I’m not really sure of what I see. I begin to shake my head thinking that my mind is not in the right place. But, someone who sits in the middle between the three guys there already set his gaze on me.

Is it really them? The one that I have adore, the one that I wish to meet and the three of them are really there. I wipe my eyes once just to clarify if it’s real or not, but they don’t dissapear. They’re still staying with three cups of coffee in front of them. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongin. I want to scream out loud, but I can’t.

“Sir, I don’t think I’ll do it. I’m sorry, I have to go.” I say politely and bow before I run into the cafe accross the street.

I try to not seem like their sasaeng, because I’m not. I understand well their privacies. So, when I get into the cafe, the waiter opens up the door for me.

“Good luck to meet your prince.” He says before he winks a good luck and I just smile.

I run as quickly as I could. I could only stand there, with their backs as my view, before I my breath for a second, it’s a must preparation before you meet the one that you adore. I take my perfume from my bag and spray it on my wrists. I breathe once more before I put on a smile. I walk towards them with my heart pounding too hard.


Once I’m standing in front of them, I smile.  They’re not alone now, there’s a guy who is apparently the one who use my house as his shooting site.

“A-are you guys really EXO?” I ask, and all of them smile to me while they nod.

“This is Miss. _____. The child of the owner of that house, right across the street. Please, sit down.” That person says as I smile. I sit in front of Chanyeol, the table is a rectangle with four chairs on each side.

“I-I don’t know what to say, I’m a big fan! Jongin-shii, your dance moves are so fluid and elegant. Chanyeol-shii, I adore the sound of your rap, it’s amazing! And of course, Baekhyun-shii, your high notes are y.” I say without hesitation. I could see them smiling at me because I’m so straight-forward in saying this.

Baekhyun is wearing a navy-blue shirt, Jongin is wearing a black-shirt while Chanyeol is wearing his over-sized black hoodie.

“How long you’ve been a fan?” Baekhyun asks me.

“Since the released of History MV. Wow, it feels so surreal. It’s great to see you guys, but I just want my another bias to be here too.” I say carefully.

“Who’s your another bias?” Jongin asks.

“S-Sehun oppa.” I reply.

“And who’s your bias here?” Chanyeol asks. I could see they smile cutely and hoping that they would all be my bias.

“It’s you, Chanyeol-shii.” I admit as my cheeks already blushing. Chanyeol over me a hand-shake and I’m actually shaking his hand too hard. His hand is larger, I can feel that his fingers are a bit rough and it feels so warm. I let go of my hand and Chanyeol is still smiling.

“Well then, since you’re coming here. You must want a photo with us, don’t you?” Baekhyun asks and I still couldn’t properly, so I just nod.

Taking my camera out from my bag, yup, luckily I bring along my camera today. The man who sits beside Baekhyun is ready to be the photographer. I stand in between Kai and Chanyeol.

“Peace sign!” Baekhyun screams as we follow his direction. The click of the camera then shatters and when I’m about to leave, Chanyeol holds my shoulder gently.

“We should take more photos, shouldn’t we?” Chanyeol says, and I smile as a way of agreement. Then he orders to take a few more photos.

We end up taking more than 10 pictures with different pose and position, yet they keep me to be closest to Chanyeol because he’s my bias. It’s actually so cute that they comment on the photos that we took. We’re still standing there though, not going back to our seats.

“Urhm Chanyeol-shii, can I hug you? If you’re okay with that of course, I’m not going to make you do things that you don’t want to.” I ask as I bite my lower lip, feeling more nervous than ever. What surprise me is that Chanyeol opens his arms and smiles.

“Of course, you can.” Chanyeol answers. With that I step closer and hugs him tight. It feels so warm, and it amused me that Chanyeol feels firm yet gentle. I can smell his cologne in his jacket. My head is right on his chest because he’s much taller. Chanyeol wraps his hands on my body.

I can feel my tears start to build in my eyes and I finally cry, wetting Chanyeol’s jacket. And everyone goes silent. No more Jongin and Baekhyun commenting on the photos that we took. It’s just silent.

“Oh God, _____-shii. Uljima. Please, don’t cry.” Baekhyun says. While Jongin says nothing, but I can feel his hand patting my head. I look up to see Chanyeol and he’s confused as well because of my tears.

“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have cried.” I say in between my cries and Chanyeol smiles whole-heartedly.

“That’s okay. Now, hug me again until you stop crying.” Chanyeol says. I almost want to let go but he pulls me back in. I feel it again, the warmth of his body radiating into me. It feels so warm, too warm. And I try to hold on my tears but I can’t.

Soon, I let go of the hug with the tears already stop. Baekhyun gives me a piece of tissue and I thank him before I wipe my tears away.

“Thank you so much. I’ll continue support you guys, EXO jjang!” I say to them.

“Thank you to you too, ______-shii. We’re lucky to have a fan like you. I hope we can meet again.” Chanyeol says.

“Yeah! You should go to our concert, how’s that sound?” Jongin says.

“Of course, I will. I’m already saving up for your concert.” I answer.

“Promise us, okay? You have to see Sehun too!” Baekhyun says.

“Yeah, I promise Baekhyun-shii.” I say. I smile at them for the last time, I hand-shake all of them before I leave them alone.

When I reach downstairs that waiter is there, “How’s the prince?”

“Very good-looking. I’ll tell you full version tomorrow, okay? I have to study.” I say to him and he nods cheerfully.






I wake up with tears in my eyes falling into my cheeks and my blanket still covers me from the cold of the autumn. It feels real, it’s not like I never dream about my favorite bands. But this is the first time I cry in my dream because of them. I wipe my tears with the back of my hand. I feel my chest really hurts badly. Is it because hugging you that I cried in joy, or because of realizing that this is ony in my dream? My dream that’s very unrealistic.

I quickly go out from my bed, taking a piece of paper and a marker. And with that, I write the thing that I always wish for.


Meeting Chanyeol, in reality.


Because I promised, that we’ll meet again. 













[A/N: This story is dedicated to Park Chanyeol. Happy birthday my bias, I hope you're doing great. I hope you'll find more joy in your life, I hope you to be a more versatille artist and I hope when you find that lucky girl, you'd tell your fans hehe. And I hope that lucky girl will treasure what she has. You're amazing Park Chanyeol oppa, you make me want to be a more positive and smiley person. I thank God for creating you, I thank your parents and your sister for taking care of you and make you a man like this. Keep continue chasing your dream, just like I keep chasing mine. I'm positive we'll meet soon^^ I'll continue to support EXO, because these 12 guys are awesome!

This dream really happened to me a few days before Melon Awards, though I changed a bit of some parts. And yup, the hugging scene truly happened in my dream. Yes, I did really cry when I woke up that day. Lmao. Whoever reading this, thank you and enjoy. And let's hope we can really meet EXO in reality, fighting!!!^0^]

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Miemela #1
Chapter 1: Ohh my. It's only a dream. Btw nice story.