001 (Final)

Total Eclipse of the Heart


In the year 3046 humanity had finally gained the knowledge to achieve intergalactic space travel. Humans had already began immigrating to the handful of planetary worlds found in similar ‘goldilocks’ sectors as that of Earth years ago, and the idea was to continue that pursuit of bringing humans out into the stars of the ever-expanding Universe. 

Though the science and the journey for mankind was fascinating, and breathtakingly heartfelt for all of the human race, there was still that basic need for militant influence if one was to govern humans on a much larger scale than ever before. Councils and High Councils were made, Leaders were established as speakers of each inhabited world, and at the bottom of the tree of power were the militia men and women, the Galactic Police, though they were more thought of as army grunts as all enlisted were usually drafted against their own will. 

One of these draftees was a youth of barely twenty-one, a tall and gangly Park Chanyeol of the home planet Basari located in the spiral galaxy of Centrini, some billion light-years away from the Milky Way Galaxy to where he was to be sent to for training and service. 

Having to leave behind the beautiful world of purple-hued sunsets and three sizeable moons was heartbreaking for him, to say the least. Chanyeol loved the outdoors, and was always fascinated by the beautiful night sky overhead no matter how many nights he’d spent gazing underneath it; though it would be hard to leave it all behind, his was the soul of an adventurer, as was his father before him, and so he would go with a pounding heart, as he told himself this was the right decision. 

There was one person, however, who didn’t want to let go of that large, veiny hand of his, one person who couldn’t think of one possible reason why Chanyeol needed to go; but this person could never tell Chanyeol this, for who could selfishly tell the one person they love not to follow their dreams? 

Kris and Chanyeol had always been together, never separated, and as Kris was nearing his twenty-fifth birthday he was sure that he would not be called to the line of duty, as the last year for drafts was at the age of twenty-six. He knew in his heart that he would have to live on this beautiful planet he called home alone, living every single day of his life without the one person who completed him; the sheer horror had awoken him from numerous nightmares as the days had grown closer to when Chanyeol would finally have to leave him. 

Goodbyes were never easy, and as he walked up behind his lover, wrapping him into his large arms, he indulged in the moment- how the winds of the high valley blew through his lover’s hair, so gently, and he kissed his neck in a loving gesture, imprinting it for the boy as if marking his memory within the microscopic ridges of his skin. 

Chanyeol was his life. Through growing up together, fighting the battles of teenaged rebellion together and laughing manically on dangerous trips through the planet’s forbidden sectors hand in hand, this boy had been with him through it all. Chanyeol was his lifeline, his passion, and the very air he breathed. 

But all nights of magic had to end at one point. 


In the lobby of the Royal Galactic Force of Basari, Kris then watched the back of his beloved Chanyeol as he walked away with the long black coat of the Guard, a symbol of his entrance into a new beginning for him, a new life. Kris had fought hard, so hard, for the tears to stay within his body as he had bid his lover goodbye just moments earlier, but something tugged on his heartstrings, pulling him to the vibration of Chanyeol like a heartrending guitar solo, and so he ran

Kris ran with tears flowing down his cheeks, down the white glossed tiles of the building situated on the heights of the mountain, the first sun peeking out over the horizon in the distance through the floor-lengthed windows looking out into the lush valleys stretched out below. 

Chanyeol!”, he screamed, voice full of pain and anguish, laced with poisonous fear. 

Chanyeol was leaving. 

Kris grabbed his hand and Chanyeol turned around and gave him a smile, the most beautiful wide smile like a gift from the Gods, and the tears fell harder as he wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s frame tightly, reality choking him like a clenching snake. Chanyeol enveloped the sobbing boy, clutching Kris’ shaking body and his heart dropped as he knew how much Kris was breaking inside; Kris needed him, but he knew he had to do this. There was no telling when he’d be back, how much time would’ve gone by when he made it back, or even if he would. 

Chanyeol gripped onto Kris like it was the last time he’d ever hold him, and only the future knew if it would definitely be the last. Chanyeol didn’t cry- he couldn’t; he had to stay strong for Kris, for both of them, he needed to stay positive and know that tomorrow was always possible, that shining and bright day was definitely out there and patiently waiting for them, somewhere. 

Chanyeol kissed the top of Kris’ lowered head, and stepped back to see the tall boy before him; the one who always looked so strong on the outside, looked so stern and cold in his relaxed expressions, but only Chanyeol knew that those guarded pretensions were mere masks for the timid and sweet boy underneath- his Kris

For the first time in his life, he knew he had to take the blade first, but he was no longer afraid- he had someone who needed him here. And so the words he’d longed for years to say flew off his lips with grace, like the exotic birds which flew outside into the morning dawn. How thankful he was to be born on the same planet as him, how thankful he was to have been allowed into this boy’s heart, and his own warmed like the sun glowing just beyond. 

“I love you”

Chanyeol couldn’t help that one tear that fell down onto his cheek when he felt the vibrations of the ship as it began to ascend into the planet’s atmosphere. 

Kris watched from the facility below, and whispered those words he couldn’t say back to the window before him, as the ship waned into the brightening sky. 

He couldn’t tell Chanyeol the same, he couldn’t chain him and keep him from his dreams so selfishly, he loved him too much. And so as the ship finally left out of sight and the last tear dropped down Kris’ cheek, he fell to the ground as was his fate; fell with the memories of the life he had lived flashing like a movie reel before him, the memories of their youth together and a love more immense than the widest stretch of galaxies in the Universe. 

The final words etched into his heart- 

I love you, too.



 A/N:  This is my shortest story yet, so i will call it a drabble, but I hope you enjoyed it ^^ Scifi is one of my fav genres, so hopefully I can get inspired to write something else with the genre in the future.. and longer haha ♥ Thank you for reading~ ^^

btw omg i just realized this is my first true malexmale otp story, and it's Krisyeol TuT /sobs/

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Chapter 1: ermehgherd /squeals
Chapter 1: omg make a sequeal.
It is a wonderful story! Keep working hard, author-nim.