
Negligible Feelings
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“Yet another class with that ,” Hyeju muttered as she walked into the classroom for her next class, writing. She was hoping to enjoy her favorite subject without Chanyeol, but she never considered herself lucky. 

“Hey! Hyeju!” Sehun called her name obnoxiously loud, waving his hand so she would sit next to him. She tried to pretend not to hear him, but his nasal voice permeated the entire room’s atmosphere, drawing attention to their encounter with bright stadium lights. 

“I don’t know you,” she said as she attempted to walk past him. 

“Of course you do. Remember? Elementary school? Middle school?” He grinned widely, displaying his effrontery with no shame whatsoever.

“Oh wow. Now I do remember,” she smiled back at his smug face. “You were that kid who every teacher hated because you were too caught up with your rainbow parrot-like hair to pay any attention to their lessons and ended up ranking last in the class every year. Fond memories, I must say.”

In an attempt to quickly recover from the blow to his ego, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the seat next to him. “Why don’t you tutor me then?” He looked up at her so charmingly, she could have melted if she was any other girl in the school, but she wasn’t. Instead, she snapped her arm away from him, slapping his face in the process. She honestly did not mean to hit him, but she would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it. 

“Oops,” Hyeju shrugged innocently and walked away. She only then realized that the last seat left, excluding the one offered to her previously, was still directly in front of him, next to Luhan. She sat down with a sigh, reluctantly dragging the seat out.

Surprisingly, he didn’t say a word to her as she slumped down in the seat next to him. She glanced at his face out of the corner of her eye, noting his round, almond-shaped eyes and light brown, tousled hair. She also noted the fact that he was not even trying to flirt with her like he did at lunch, let alone looking at her. 

“You’re different now,” she scoffed as she opened her notebook to the first clean sheet of paper. His light pink lips re

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[12/21/15 00:43] Finally updated!! Please stick around bc I've decided to start updating this story regularly again! :-)


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hcanarda #1
Chapter 5: Ohhh hyeju needs to make Chanyeol crumble in jealousy
Chapter 3: Ugh I love Hyeju's sassy personality. She is awesome. AND WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THESE ANNOYING JERKS??!?!?!?!!?! HYEJU FTW
Chapter 4: What's sehun upto? :/
Chapter 2: I really like this story so far. Can't wait for your next update! :D
id3ntical341 #5
Chapter 1: Okay wow. Just by reading the description, I feel like its going to be really angsty already...the first chapter seems good and helps introduce the characters quite well :D looking forward to future chapters!