We're home!

Here We Are

Min-Jung went back to Hyung Seok's side in the theater and he looked worried, "Are you okay? You were in there for some time you know." She gave him a reassuring smile, "I feel a little nauseous, but it's nothing. What'd I miss?" "Nothing important." He smiled and intertwined his fingers with hers and went back to watching the movie. Min-Jung tried to watch the movie, but all she could think about were her brothers. By the time the movie ended it was 1:42pm and Hyung Seok suddenly got a call from his manager, "Eh?! Right now? But I'm busy.. Aish, fine." He hung up and turned to Min-Jung, "Mihane, Min-Jung, I have an emergency at work, I'll drop you off at your house kay?" Min-Jung pouted, but agreed.

Once she got home, Hyung Seok kissed her cheek and said bye, Min-Jung went into her house sighing, "Yah, Oppas, I'm home. Let's all talk." The two boys came out of the kitchen with one brow raised, "Wae?" Myungsoo asked. She rolled her eyes, "You both know why, come on. Sit."She stared down her brothers and sighed, "Why do you both do this to me? I have a fiance, I don't want to betray him, but you both are too tempting. Please, Howon oppa, Myungsoo Oppa. We are brother and sister, This love is forbidden, yet it feels somewhat right. Umma and Appa may find out you know? I beg of you both, stop this. Why me? Can't you obsess over someone else?" Min-Jung harshly said the last sentence that it was poison to Hoya's and Myungsoo's ears. Myungsoo looked at her and scoffed, "Forbidden yet it feels right? Isn't that your answer? Admit it Min-Jung, you love us as much as we love you." Hoya looked up in anger, "Ya, what are you trying to say? You go along with what we do? Shouldn't you be able to stop like us? You are very unfair, Min-Jung. We obsess over you because we love you. We chose you because you chose us. You don't remeber do you? Since you did fall when we went on that vacation to Jeju Island a year after Myungsoo and I were adopted. Anyways, don't say that you want us to stop," He got closer to her and carressed a piece of her hair, "You know you don't want us to." Myungsoo smirked, "Ya hyung, don't seduce her without me." Min-Jung was speechless. She doesn't remember a vacation at Jeju at all. *Did I really fall and lost my memory of that time?* she thought to herself. Her phone rang and both Hoya and Myungsoo looked annoyed, "Interruptions." "Excuse me," Min-Jung went inside the kitchen to take her call, "Hello?" "Min-Jung-ah? It's umma and appa! Guess what?" "Umma! What?" "We're at the airport, mihan! We came home early, sorry were you with Hyung Seok or busy?" "Omo, jjinja! We'll go pick you up, and aniya, umma. I just came home. Meet you there!!" She ended the call and ran inside the living room all jumpy and excited, "OPPAAA~ LET'S GO TO THE AIRPORT!! UMMA AND APPA ARE BACK, PPALI PPALI!!" Her brothers laugh, "Arasso, hop into the car." Hoya said getting the keys.

They all left the house and arrived at the airport with an overly excited, Min-Jung, "Omo, oppas, can you believe it? They're here! It's been what, two months? I don't think I would've been able to last seven months without them, plus I'll have to go back to school real soon anyways." Myungsoo chuckled, "Yes, Yes, now shh, you'll cause a disturbance." Myungsoo put his fingers on her lips and winked. Hoya found their parents and waved at them, "UMMA! APPA! WELCOME BACK!" Hoya ran towards them and hugged them at once, Myungsoo and Min-Jung followed entering the family's group hug. Mr. Park looked at his kids after the hug, "Wah, even though it's been two months it seems like I haven't seen you guys in forever and yet you all look the same, haha" Mrs. Park laughed along with her husband, "Ah, Min-Jung how's Hyung Seok? Even more handsome?" "Wah, umma, he's an ulzzang! And even more handsome with out the make up!" She winked at her mother, "LEt's go home." Myungsoo offered.

At the house, the family caught up and even had a nice family dinner and then there was a moment of silence. Min-Jung suddenly brought up an idea, "When did we take a trip to Jeju?" The atmosphere sudden;y felt heavy, "Sweety, why are you bringing this up?" her mother asked concerned. Min-Jung sighed, "I just wanted to know what happened." Mr.Park coughed, "We'll talk about this some other time. Please, now we'll just eat." For the rest of the dinner, everyone ate in silence.

After dinner, Min-Jung got a call from Jung-Min, "Yobosaehaeyo?" "Minnie! I'm leaving tomorrow, did you forget?" She sighed, "Mihane, I did. But I will most definitely see you off! See you tomorrow." Exhausted, Min-Jung fell asleep and make sure her door was locked.

In the morning, Min-Jung woke up to her brothers' banging on her door, "YAH, GET UP. WE GOTTA LEAVE NOW TO SEE JUNGMING OFF!" She quickly woke up and got ready and left for the airport with her brothers. In the ride there, the atmosphere was heavy with awkwardness and Hoya kept looking at Min-Jung in the mirror, "Mihane, Min-Jung." Myungsoo nodded, "We really are." hoya smirked as he pulled in the parking lot, "But doesn't mean we're going to stop our doings."

Okay, done! I'm so tired. this is my spring break week! And and and im so pooped today I played tennis earlier and rested for two hours and then went to go dance and im just so pooped. okay oaky! sooooo c: hope you enjoyed it!

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kissme-minseok #1
great job!
cheondunglover #2
Chapter 21: I like the first one! And by the way I read this story and I was so happy when I saw it updated. Thanks for the update!
pinkypn #3
Chapter 20: ______ is so wrong
LeeMinJi #4
WHO IS ITTT?????!!!
sallymin #5
update please. i want her to be with jungmin..^_^
pinkypn #6
Jung-Min is a drama queen, so dramatic. he runs ways whenever things arent how he likes it. are you referring to KPOP Star PARK JAEHYUN
LeeMinJi #7
can't wait for the next chapter! :D
hwangyeonyeon #8
It's kinda confusing but I like SUNGYEOL!!
pinkypn #9
i thought she liked jung min too
kwangminluv #10
next chapter can't wait