Not Chanyeol's Day

My Best Flaw

"I'm heading home." Chanyeol announced, after he'd delivered the last bag to his mother's new room. The Wu Residence was grand not only on the outside but also the inside, making it understandable on why they had no problem giving Mrs. Park a large room of her own. Chanyeol actually quite liked the place, though he knew he'd rarely be visiting his mom, you know, because of one particular resident of the home. 

Mrs. Wu looked up before Chanyeol's own mom did. "Oh sweetie, I thought you were staying for dinner." 

Chanyeol tilted his head. Sweetie? His own mother hadn't ever called him that. 

"C'mon now, stay for dinner now that Gianna's asking, Yeol-ie." Mrs. Park urged, though her voice was more demanding than pleading. 

Chanyeol knew that if he refused his Ma would have his head. Biting his lip, he glanced towards the er standing by the staircase. Sure enough, Kris Wu was looking his way with that annoying poker face of his. 

Chanyeol sighed. "Alright, I'll stay." 

Mrs. Wu beamed.


Chanyeol's eyes lit up when he saw the side dish. In the excitement of the moment, he let out a squeal. "I love dumplings." 

While the two moms chuckled, Kris threw the other a look. Chanyeol caught it, and blushed before staying quiet the rest of the dinner. Still, he couldn't resist the urge to occasionally glance at the handsome boy. Even though he hated his guts. 

When dinner came to an end, Chanyeol got up and formally bowed. "Thank you for the dinner, Mrs. Wu. Nice meeting you." 

Mrs. Park smiled. "No need, Chanyeol. Think of this as your home." 

Couldn't do that in a million years, Chanyeol inwardly mused. Pulling on his shoes, he bid his mom and Mrs. Wu a goodbye, making sure to ignore Kris till the end. When he was just about to get into his car, a yell caused him to stop. 

"Yah." And thus came Kris Wu, car keys in his hand and an annoyed frown on his face. 

Chanyeol's heart skipped a beat despite himself. Had the boy come to apologize? He stood there, as Kris came closer and closer. 

And then, a pair of keys hit him right in the chest. 

Gasping a little, Chanyeol rubbed his chest before bending over to pick up the fallen keys. Kris stood, about half a foot away from him, snorting. 

"Can't read, can't catch. Interesting." 

Yeol felt his blood boil. "What's the keys for, ?" He barked. 

Kris raised a brow at the cuss, smirking. "Your mom asked me to drive you home. She needs that car for work purposes since our house isn't close to any public transportation." 

Chanyeol's day kept getting worse. First his house burnt down now he was being forced to give up his car? With a heavy sigh, he remarked. "Then why the hell are you handing me the keys?" 

"I don't feel like driving. Do the driving to your place." Kris retorted, shrugging his shoulders as he led the way to his Benz. 



Chanyeol struggled to drive calmly when Kris's eyes were focused directly on his hands the entire ride. 

"You're a shaky driver." The other remarked when the car was stopped at a stop sign. 

Chanyeol looked over incredulously. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

Kris looked like he was almost enjoying himself with a light smirk. "I forget you were dumb as a rock, pardon me." 

Tightening his grip on the steering wheel, Chanyeol wondered what he ever saw in the guy. 

"It means you're a nervous driver." Kris finally clarified, as the duo pulled up in front of the apartment complex. "You drive alertly." 

Chanyeol frowned, wondering what that had to do with anything and why they were even having the conversation. Unbuckling his seatbelt, he turned to his side to hand his own car keys to the blonde boy beside him. 

Kris held out his enormous hand, motioning for Yeol to drop the keys. Chanyeol glanced at the hand, mind flooding with the curiousity on how it would feel to hold that hand. Of course, his stupid fantasies somehow found themselves to become reality because the next moment, he was awkwardly caressing Kris Wu's hand. 

"Chanyeol." Kris barked. "Park Chanyeol." 

Chanyeol jerked back to reality, quickly pulling his hand away. With a flushed face, he threw the keys into Kris's hand and ran out of the car. Yeol made sure not to look back as he ran up all the way to his apartment, missing Kris Wu's ridiculed chuckle. 

"You're a weirdo, Park." 


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daysofflowers #1
Chapter 4: Pls update
marcybacon #2
Chapter 4: This is funny
Chapter 4: chanyeolly's so funny XD
Chapter 3: i hope you can continue this story until end/complete, because im sad when another author who write the same theme 'itazura na kiss krisyeol ver' didn't continue their story.
i like this, so..
xycouple #5
Chapter 3: Nice... Will wait for the next chapter.hope it wont be too long. Fighting
Chapter 3: This is nice.... Can't wait for the next chapter ^•^
justme178 #7
Chapter 3: that's nice..i wish chanyeol will burn his house too so he will get move with kris's family ^_^.
KasaiFates #8
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!!! I love this!!!!
Aw this is too cute :)