It's Over

Broken Wings 2

Chapter 7




My phone starts vibrating in my pocket. I Pull it out, and look to see who it is. Zaka had texted me.

It reads:

"I think you'd like to see this."

I scroll down, and gasp. Angel's there with Yongguk holding hands. I jump up, and begin leaving. 

"Yah! Leo where do you think your going?" N yells.

I don't answer, but continue heading towards the door. 

"Leo seriously where are you going?" Ravi ask concerned.

I still don't answer either of them, and walk out. i swear to God if he does anything to her I'lll.....




We walk out of the coffee shop together.

"So how's your career been going Angel?"

"Ah great actually. Right now I'm taking a break after my first full album. But I've enjoyed my career a lot. How have you been Yongguk."

"I've been fine just trying to clean up my act like you've heard. I'm really sorry again." 

"Stop saying sorry I've already forgiven you."

He chuckles deeply, and we continue walking. Talking about any and everything. He even ask me about how Leo, and I are doing. We are halfway to B.A.P"s dorm, and I'm glad we've made up. We finally arrive back at the dorm.

"YAH!! Get away from  my girlfriend."

Before I can turn around arms wrap around me, and pull me back. 

"Le..Le..Leo what are you doing here?"

"The better question is what are you doing here?!!!" he screams.

"Hanging out with Yongguk what does it look like?"

"It looks like a little more than that."

He pulls his phone out, and shows me a picture. It's of me Yongguk holding hands.
"That means nothing! he was a crying mess I was trying to comfort him!"

"She's right she was..." Yongguk starts.

"YOU! SHUT UP! nobody asked you."

Yongguk shuffles back bowing his head.

"YAH!!! Don't yell at him!!" 

"WAE!! Wae are you protecting him after what he did???"

"Because I've forgiven him Leo. It's been two years Leo. Holding a grudge isn't going to fix what happened between us." Tears start rolling down my face. 

"Well I don't like it, if your really my girlfriend you won't see him again." 

"I can't do that Leo we're friends. And he's changes in these last two years. If you just..."

"Well I guess I won't get that chance to do that because we're over."


"You heard me we're done until he's out of your life."

He walks off leaving me, and Yongguk.

"Angel I'm sor..."

"Could you just take me home please." I croak.

He nods, and goes to the garage. I just stand there. The world looks different, sounds different. Yongguk pulls out of the garage, and helps me to the car. The drive seems extremely long. He pulls up in front of the dorm building.

"Can I do anything..."

"No but thanks I'll be fine."

He looks up at me worried.

"I'm fine Yongguk talk to you tomorrow."

I wave and get out of the car. The walk up to my dorm is painfully. I force myself up the steps then into my dorm. The door closes by itself. I head towards the kitchen, and rummage through the drawers until I find it. The small blade Danny had give me when I turned 13. I promised never to use it after what happened to Danny, but one time can't hurt right. I place the blade to my wrist, and...




Leo came in earlier fuming I called Zelo, and he said that Angel, and Leo had an argument and had broken up. I'm more worried about Angel than Leo right now. I mean I understand how he feels about Yongguk, but if Angel trust him now wae can't he at least try to. She's probably a sobbing mess over there. I have to check on her. I get up, and go slip my shoes. It's night time I realize as I exit our dorm. I go right next door, and ring the bell. 

"Angel-ah it's me N umma open up."

She doesn't answer at all. 

"Angel-ah come on open up."

Still no answer from her. I know she got back home, and I heard her come in a couple hours ago. I pull the emergency dorm key out she gave us. When I open up it's completely dark in the room. 

"Angel-ah where are you?"

No answer still. I turn the lights in the living room on. And I head to her room, but it's empty. I walk to the bathroom, and no ones there either. I finally get to the kitchen. I turn the lights on...





I hear a loud scream, and jump. Everybody else comes into the living room. 

"That sounded like N." Hongbin says. 

"It came from Angel's dorm. Maybe we should check on them." Hyuk adds.

"You guys go ahead I'm going out."

Leo leaves us not even trying to be concerned. 

"Come on guys let's go."



There's blood so much blood. 
"Angel-ah what did you do?" I cry.

I see a knife laying nearby, and I look down at her arm. There are a series of cuts running from her wrist  to the middle of her arm. 

"N where are you at?"

I try to speak, but I've lost my voice. I hear footsteps come this way. Ravi arrives first.

"Holy ! what happened???!!!" 

I shake my head the tears are still flowing freely. 

"hyuk go back to the dorm, and call the hospital now!!!!" 

I hear footsteps run away. Hongbin comes in, and almost faints. He steady's himself, and tries to calm down. I'm glad Ravi sent Hyuk away. He might die if he sees this. Ravi slides me over, and checks for a pulse.

"She's still alive at least, but let's move her of here so Huykie doesn't run in and see this."

We all nod and get up. Ravi carries her over to our dorm. He lays her down, and she begins to stir. Her eyes slowly open, She looks up at us all. The sadness that fills her eyes is to much. I look away unable to stand it. 

"I'm going to call Zelo so Yongguk can come with us." I mumble finally finding my vioce. 

I explain to Zelo how we found her. Him, and Yongguk are rushing over now. The ambulance comes, and I tell Ravi to go with Angel. I ask Hyuk where Leo is, and he tells me he went out. 

"That gaeseki if I see him I might just strangle him."

"N calm down I'm sure once we tell Leo what happens he come see her, and fix all this, but for now let's go Yongguk, and Zelo are here."

I hadn't realized they had walked in until now. 

"Let's go."




I'm going out with Zaka tonight. We decide to meet at a small restaurant that's not to far from the dorm. She there when I arrive. 

"Hi Oppa how are you doing?" she says soothingly.

"I've been better, but I'm glad you told me about those two."

"I feel really bad though I'm sure their just friends."

"Well that's one friendship I can't accept, so until he's out of the picture we're done."




I finally have Leo where I want him, but wae does it not feel as good as I thought it would? Leo's phone goes off he answers it.


"What!!! Wae would she..." his voice trails off, and he drops the phone.

"Zaka we have to go now."

"What happened?"

"Angel tried to kill herself."

My jaw drops I almost killed her again?





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Chapter 8: Okay at first i Didn't really like Zaka but i guess everyone does change
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 6: Holy moly not again,I don't like Zaka
Chapter 6: This is good I like it keep up the good work
Chapter 5: Zaka reminds me of a sasaeng. Not even a fan just a little girl who wants a whole lot of attention from idols just cause she's related to one... T-T I really love the fic though!!! Keep up the good work author-nim!!! Hwaiting!!!
Ilovekpopforever #5
Chapter 5: I don't like Zaka one bit at all!
Chapter 5: I like it but I don't like zaka :( but keep up the good work! :)
Chapter 4: Good work :)
Chapter 3: It's so good keep it up! :)
Ilovekpopforever #9
Everything hapeneed so fast
MonkeyFish #10
can't wait for this one :D fighting!