luhan, the king

The Disturbance of My Life

'minseok oppa! wake up! they are waiting for you in the lobby!' i shout in minseok's ears but he didn't even move a bit

'why did i have to lose?' i sigh for the third time. all of us play rock paper scissors and the loser will need to wake minseok up. apparently, i'm the loser, so here i am, trying to wake minseok up.

'oppa! wake up please!' this time i try to shake his body to wake him up but he just shrug it off

i try to jump on the bed to wake him up this time, and unfortunately, i fall on the bed because i lost my balance. suddenly minseok cuddle me when i try to get up from the bed.

'minseok oppa! i shout frantically when he hug me tightly. my face is totally red right now, and i can't let go of his grip

'yoonji, did he wake- what are you guys doing?!' chanyeol suddenly open the door and flustered by our position right now. 

'its not what you think chanyeol oppa. minseok oppa hug me without he realise. please help me' i explain to him and beg to him to let me go from minseok

'yah! hyung! wake up you lazybum!' chanyeol hit minseok on the shoulder earning a loud groan from him. chanyeol flinch a bit but then he finally wake up with a half-eyes open

'what are you guys doing- oh my god!' minseok flinch when he realise that he's hugging me. he quickly release me and get up from the bed

'sorry yoonji, i really didn't do it on purpose. really sorry' minseok bow to me shakily since he just wake up

'what are you sorry about?' luhan suddenly enter the room with yixing behind him, clueless

'minseok hyung hug yoonji during his sleep' chanyeol blurt it out without looking at minseok who's staring deadly at him

'you what?' both yixing and luhan exclaim with a shock face

'alright, relax guys. he's not doing it on purpose. so, just let it go, okay?' i try to calm both of them down since they look like they're gonna attack minseok and minseok already hide behind me

'guys! we're hungry! so, can't you guys hurry up!' baekhyun suddenly shout from outside the room making all of us flustered

'we're going to eat?' minseok's face suddenly change and he quickly change his clothes and get ready with an excited face

'you really are not ashame aren't you?' luhan said to him sarcastically before we head out, earning a wide smile and a 'sorry' from minseok

all of us finally walk out of the hotel after the chaos in minseok's room. the others already know about it after chanyeol, who can't keep the secret tell them. they scold him for being careless around me but then i defense him, making them annoyed. minseok then thank me with a guilty face

'i want to eat samgyupsal!' kyungsoo suddenly exlclaim when we're walking through the night market

'oh! oh! me too!' chanyeol put up his hand like a kid with an excited face

'chanyeol-ah, put down your hand. you're embarassing us' baekhyun tell chanyeol to put down his hands since the people around them are starring at them

'alright. everybody agree?' suho ask all of us earning several nods plus excited face from all of us

luckily we found a stall that sell samgyupsal, so we hurryly enter it and got serve by a nice ahjumma who says that my face reminds her of her granddaughter. we order a set of samgyupsal and wait for it to be serve when sehun suddenly suggest a game to all of us

'how about we play a game while waiting for samgyupsal?' he suggest with a grin on his face

'what game?' tao ask with an uninterested face

'the game is what i called king's game' sehun say, once again with a grin

'king's game?' all of us shouted almost at the same time, earning several stares from the other customers. we quickly bow to them with a smile before they get back to their meal

'okay, i'll explain it later but first, does anyone have a band aid?' sehun ask suddenly. i quickly search in my bag and found the band aid i always bring in case of emergency

'here' i give it to sehun imidiately after i found it

'is your bag a doremon pocket or something?' jongin manage to ask me, earning a dodge of my elbow

'thanks' sehun take it and paste it on his chopstick. he gather all of the chopstick on the table and put them in a cup. the chopstick with the band aid got turn upside down. we just stare at him while he's doing it since all of us kind of clueless of what is he doing right now

'okay, done. so, this is just a simple game. i'll shake this chopstick in this cup, and we all will draw it by turn. who's got the chopstick with the band aid, he or she is the king and you can do whatever you want for tonight. no one can turn down the request. got it?' sehun explain it to us

'oh' we just response with a nod

'so, we'll start with suho hyung' sehun pass the up to suho who's sitting beside him

suho take the chopstick, but he got a normal chopstick. all of us nervously draw the chopstick when finally the chopstick of the band aid belongs to, luhan. he grin widely when got the chopstick and stare at me with an amused smile

'man, this is not a good sign' i mutter with a nervous face

'so, our king is luhan hyung!' sehun exclaim, clapping his hands, followed by others

'why are we clapping?' jongin ask to sehun beside him

'i don't know, just a feeling' sehun giggle to him and we finally stop clapping our hands after tao stop us with a what's-wrong-with-you-guys-face

'so, what is your request, your highness?' sehun ask to luhan with a slight bow

'do we have to call him your highness?' jongdae whisper to minseok beside him but he just shook his head and just follow along

'i only have one request and that is, for me to share the room with yoonji, tonight' luhan said with a smile and turn his gaze to me

'what?' i exclaim but then i realise actually all of us exclaim. and once again, the other customers stare at us and we have to bow to aplogogize to them due to our loudness

'what are you talking about luhan? are you serious? i mean, you could have request other things to us but-' minseok ask to luhan nervously but got cut by luhan

'geez. i can have you guys do whatever i want any other time. but this girl have to follow my request since i'm the king here. got it?' he stare at me with a smirk

'yeah i know. but why sleep with you?' minseok ask again

'i have my own reason. now, let's eat. samgyupsal is here' luhan answer with a smile then avoid the topic when the waiter bring our order 

'let's eat!' jongdae exclaim excitedly when we're grilling the samgyupsal

while they're having a great meal, i'm the only one who keep silent the whole time.

'what is he doing? i don't understand' i thought and turn my gaze to him when he accidently look at me with a smile, making me turn my gaze back to the food

'yoonji, arent you going to eat?' jongin ask me with a concern face

'i don't think i have the appetite' i answer back with a force smile

'yoonji-ah, if he do something to you, just scream. okay?' jongin whisper to me, making me flustered

'oh? o-okay' i stutter on my own words then jongin just pat on my head

'yoonji-ah, its okay. oppa is just next to your room. i'll come when you scream' yixing suddenly whisper to my ear, earning a grateful smile from me

after a great meal, we finally decide to go back to the hotel since we got sleepy, especially minseok.

'see you guys tomorrow sharply at 7 okay?' suho said to all of us before heading to our own room

i'm getting ready my bed to sleep when suddenly a knock startled me. i open the door and there luhan is, standing with a smile on his face

'so, go sleep at the couch. i'm sleeping on the bed' he said as soon as he enter my room

'what?' i exclaim with a disbelief face

'don't you understand? i said, sleep on the couch and i'm going to sleep on the bed. that's my main purpose for sharing room with you, duh' luhan explain while rolling his eyes

'that's it? just because you don't want to share the bed with yixing oppa?' i ask him back with a sarcastic tone

'well of course. why? did you think there's another purpose?' luhan suddenly ask me with a smirk

'n-no. i didn't think like that, you pabo!' i throw the pillow on his face but he caught it before it land on his face

luhan laugh when he sees my blushing face but then i throw another pillow making him finally stop

'okay, okay. enough with the pillow. let's sleep' luhan finally said after getting thrown by a couple of pillows

'i am going to sleep before you interrupt me' i mumble but luhan already lay on the bed without hearing me

i sigh then walk to the couch after turning off the lamp. i lay on the couch and stare at luhan's back who's sleeping peacefully on the bed

'good night' i whisper to him before drifting to my own dreamland


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Littlestarexo #1
Chapter 40: I loved it! I loved the story!! I loved the ending!!! I love luhan <33

I wanna a bonus chap or a sequel! It doesn't metter which one you choose ;) just let me see how their love life become in the future! :D wedding? a child? oh oh! maybe 2 child? 3? 4?

Okay I'm stoping there..

well, thank you for writing and sharing this story with us :D

take care :*
Chapter 39: :DDDDDDDDDD
Shanelie #3
Chapter 25: 'I like you'. Pffft. Funny. But uggh! I hate it. She shouldn't at least take back those three words. But seriously I couldn't imagine them being a couple. Ahahaha~
Chapter 36: JONGINNNNNNNNNNN, i love both of them, but i want her to stay with jonginnnnnnnnn
herchanxoxo #5
Chapter 35: Oh jongin you make me wanna kiss you. ♥♥
herchanxoxo #6
Chapter 34: Omg jongin is so sweet. I cannot with my baby ♥ ugh too much feeeeeels.
luvhsjexo #7
i'm sorry but why sehun?? i don't get it
Chapter 35: I like her with both of them , CRAP! just make her stay with Sehun!
Chapter 34: Luhan ya eeeeee
Omg yoonji and jongin is so sweet together nyaaaa
Nanel_cutE #10
Chapter 33: Please, please update more... kamsa :)),