creating a memory with luhan

The Disturbance of My Life

i walk to the security guard's office with the crying boy in my hand. he's now stop crying after i give him a lollipop which is luckily in my bag at that time. the boy smile happily with the lollipop in his mouth while we're heading to the office

'ajusshi, can you make an announcement for this boy? his name is lee youngjae and he's 4 years old' i explain to the security guard in the office after the boy give me his name and age

'oh, alright' the man reply to me and quickly head to the maintenance to make an announcement. after a few minutes, i could hear the announcement been made

'you can sit here, miss' the man point to a couch near me and politely offer me a sit

i nod my head and sit on the couch with the boy sit beside me

'noona, i want lollipop' youngjae suddenly said after he finish eating his lollipop

'omo, ohtoke? i only have one' i said to the boy with a guilty face

'i want lollipop' youngjae start to whine when i say that

'okay, don't cry. nonna, will buy some more. let's go' i persuade youngjae and he gladly nod his head with a smile

we walk to a candy shop near the office and buy a plastic of variety of candies. youngjae hold the plastic bags happily and that makes me smile. we enter the office back to find a woman with a puffy eyes looking  at us

'youngjae-ah!' the woman shout and run to youngjae with a fast speed

'omma!' youngjae exclaim excitedly and hug with her mom

after a moment, the woman broke the hug and hold her son in her hand. 

'thank you very much, miss-' she stop her words since she didn't know my name

'oh, its yoonji' i quickly said my name when i realise her stare

'oh, miss yoonji. thank you very much for bringing him here. i'm lee hayoung, youngjae's mother' the woman introduce herself after wiping her tears

'oh, its not a big deal. i'm just trying to help' i said to youngjae's mom and pat youngjae's head with a smile on my face

after a goodbye with youngjae and his mom, i continue my way to the previous place when i caught a sight of a familiar figure. without i realise, i approach the certain figure, who's sitting on a bench.

'luhan?' i exclaim when i approach him

'oh, yoonji. what are you doing here?' luhan ask me as soon as he realise that i'm there

'i'm just walking by. by the way, aren't you going home? you said you want to go home last time, don't you?' i ask him with a confuse face

'oh, i was going to, but then yixing text me saying that he's not at home and i don't bring my key, so i end up sitting here since hours ago' luhan explain to me with an awkward smile

'oh, mind if i sit here?' i ask his permission to sit beside him

'oh, okay' luhan give some space for me to sit

'so, aren't you with kris? where is he?' luhan ask me while glancing to the the surrounding

'oh crap! talk about him' i knock on my head when i realise about kris. i left him without telling, he must be mad at me

'give me a minute. i'm going to call him' i said to luhan while searching for my phone

i finally found my phone in my bag and find out that i've got lot of missed calls, from kris, min ah and jongin. i hurryly dial their number and apologize to them for making them worry. i could see luhan smiling on the corner of my eyes because of my silly act. i hang up the phone after getting a few scold from them, but then they were glad that i'm with luhan now.

'phew, they really nag a lot. i wonder how i can survive with those nagging' i mutter but got heard by luhan

'you're in their species too, remember?' luhan said to me with a tease smile

'yah! what species? i'm not an animal! and, do i nag a lot?' i scold luhan with an annoyed face

'you don't nag but you talk a lot' luhan said to me after acting like he's thinking about it

'alright, i admit it. thank you for telling me by the way' i said with a sarcastic tone

luhan chuckle after hearing my statement. i smile back at him after seeing him smile and we both turn awkward after that

'so, wanna join me? we still have time' i invite luhan with smile

'join what?' he ask back, clueless

'having rides of course' i roll my eyes

'i'm not a fan-'

'oh, come on. we're in theme park! besides, i didn't get to ride something extreme with kris just now' i pull his hands before he could finish his words

after a struggle, luhan finally give in and follow me along to ride roller coaster

'i'm so excited' i said with an excited smile when we're in a queue, waiting for our turn

'don't get too excited, pabo' luhan slap on my head softly gut i just giggle at him since i'm so excited to ride roller coaster

after a few extreme rides, luhan decide to ride ferris wheel, since he said that he's gonna puke if he ride one more extreme ride. i just give in and follow him along eventhough i just ride that thing, with kris

'why did it feel different when i ride it with kris? i feel so nervous when we both are in this cart' i thought while we're riding it. i keep staring outside since i can't look at his face

'yoonji-ah' luhan suddenly call my name, breaking the silence

'y-yes?' i stutter when i try to look at him

'can you sit beside me?' luhan ask me with a pleading face

'oh? al-alright' once again i stutter on the sudden request and move to his side

luhan lean his head on my shoulder when i sit beside him making me flustered

'yoonji-ah, am i a bad friend?' luhan ask me 

'you're a jerk to me but you're a good friend actually. the way you protect your friend when they're in trouble. i can see that you're a good friend eventhough you act like you're not' i said to him and i can see the reflection of his smile from the mirror

'thank you, and sorry for being a jerk to you' he reply back with a smile

'nah, i don't mind. i'm getting used to it actually' i said with a bit of tease smile

'i just thought that i'm a bad friend since i can't even help jaeho who's now calling me his enemy. i really want him to change, but he seems like he really despise me and he turn worser now' luhan said with a bitter face

'its okay luhan. just give him time. maybe he will realise it sooner or later. i just hope that he's not going to be your forever enemy. both of you were a best friend, right?' i said to him while patting his head, trying to calm him

'we were and i would be his best friend again if he didn't mind' luhan said, this time he's smiling

after a while, we both sit in that position, lost in our own thought. i really wish that the ride wouldn't stop and continue its phase since this memory of us really is precious to me. i hope luhan feel the same and i keep smiling while staring outside, not realising that the ride is gonna end soon, but surely, our memory won't end even after the ride. i hope so



A/N: olla! i'm back! finally! XD

          i hope this chapter is enough for me to repent on my late update :(

          so sorry, i'm kind of busy, so i try to steal some time to write this chapter. phew ^^

          hope all of you would like this chapter as much as you like the other chapter, haha!

          lastly, lots of love to all the subscriber!! don't forget to comment too!


P/S: this chapter is kind of fluff don't you think? ;)

         luhan is so cute that makes me wanna pinch him! oh my god! XD



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Littlestarexo #1
Chapter 40: I loved it! I loved the story!! I loved the ending!!! I love luhan <33

I wanna a bonus chap or a sequel! It doesn't metter which one you choose ;) just let me see how their love life become in the future! :D wedding? a child? oh oh! maybe 2 child? 3? 4?

Okay I'm stoping there..

well, thank you for writing and sharing this story with us :D

take care :*
Chapter 39: :DDDDDDDDDD
Shanelie #3
Chapter 25: 'I like you'. Pffft. Funny. But uggh! I hate it. She shouldn't at least take back those three words. But seriously I couldn't imagine them being a couple. Ahahaha~
Chapter 36: JONGINNNNNNNNNNN, i love both of them, but i want her to stay with jonginnnnnnnnn
herchanxoxo #5
Chapter 35: Oh jongin you make me wanna kiss you. ♥♥
herchanxoxo #6
Chapter 34: Omg jongin is so sweet. I cannot with my baby ♥ ugh too much feeeeeels.
luvhsjexo #7
i'm sorry but why sehun?? i don't get it
Chapter 35: I like her with both of them , CRAP! just make her stay with Sehun!
Chapter 34: Luhan ya eeeeee
Omg yoonji and jongin is so sweet together nyaaaa
Nanel_cutE #10
Chapter 33: Please, please update more... kamsa :)),