two heroes

The Disturbance of My Life

jongin and i are sweeping the floor in our classroom. today is our turn to clean up the classroom. there is only the two of us and a group of girls i never talk to since i can never be friend with them. 

'hey, yoonji' one of the girls suddenly approach me with a smile. she looks beautiful if she doesn't walk as if this is a runway. i nearly make a disgust face if i don't have the manner

'oh, hi' i reply awkwardly and i smile more like a force smile

'i'm park shinki. i'm sure you know me' she said to me with a proud face

'thanks for telling me. i actually didn't know your name. so, what do you want?' i ask uninterested with her

'okay. nice game. you should be grateful that you're friend with luhan. if not, i'm never gonna talk with you' she said with a totally annoyed face

'how's the fact that i'm his friend have to do with you talking with me?' i ask again but this time i'm getting impatient. 'geez, this girl is so annoying' i mumble to myself

'the thing is, i want you to tell him that i want to meet him after school today. there's something i want to say to him' she said to me, more like demanding

'why don't you said it to him by yourself? i'm not your postman or what' i finally snap and turn away from her when she suddenly grab my arm

'hey, what's wrong with you? let go of my hand' i demand her when she hold on my arm tightly like she's gonna kill me

'. i really hate girl like you who think they're so good' she said this time her face is red. she look piss off

'when did i said that i'm good?' i reply back with a piss off face

'woah, woah. okay, this is getting out of control. if you would, can you let go of her before i would do something to hurt you?' jongin suddenly appear and talk to her calmly but his eyes are dead serious

the girl finally let go of my arm and left a red print on it. she finally left me and jongin there with a death glare. the girl and her friend finally leave the class with an annoyed face from the way i see it

'you're okay?' jongin ask me while staring at my arm. his face shows that he's concern

'it's actually a bit hurt but i'm fine' i reply with a smile

'her looks and her strength really doesn't match' jongin suddenly blurt out

i just chuckle hearing his sudden statement. jongin stare at me and join me laugh

'so, she's luhan's fan huh?' jongin ask me when we're done with our cleaning session

'i bet she is. i've used to this since we're in middle school actually. i don't understand the type of girl like her, if you like him, why don't you just said it face to face' i stated with an annoyed face

'so, you're the kind of girl who would tell him face to face if you like him huh?' jongin suddenly ask with an expecting face

'okay, i don't know. i never feel it. maybe not yet. or yes i've feel it. okay, i don't know' i fight with my inner self when i remember the weird symptoms i had when i'm with luhan. but these days, the symptom is kind of gone. i'm not that nervous as before. maybe i'm just being weird those days.

'so, your answer is?' jongin ask again, demanding an answer since i look like i'm lost in my thought

'of course i would tell him face to face' i said, not so confident but jongin seems to buy it

'the teacher is here' our classmate exclaim while running panicly to his desk. 

all of our attention is on the teacher and a familiar figure, behind the teacher. 

'ok guys, today there will be a new student joining our class. he's from china. please treat him well okay' the teacher said, introducing the new student

'annyeong, i'm wu yi fan but you can call me kris. nice to meet you all' he introduce himself brightly

'this is what he mean by see you "tomorrow" huh' i mumble to myself

'so, he's still not used to our country yet. please treat him well okay' the teacher continue his speech and start teaching after telling yi fan to sit behind me

when the teacher is gone, i quickly turn behind me and confront with yi fan

'so, you're gonna be my classmate now, huh?' i said to him

'yes. i thought i've told you yesterday' he said with a smile

'i actually thought that you're the same age with luhan' i said innocently

'do i look that old?' he point to his face with a disbelief face

'kind of'  i chuckle when i see his over reacting

'uh, yoonji-ah. mind if you introduce me to him?' jongin suddenly interrupt our conversation with a worry look

'oh, yi fan this is jongin' i introduce jongin to yi fan

'and this is min ah' i pull min ah who's standing beside my desk

'nice to meet you two. hope you guys would be my friends. and by the way just call me kris' he said with a wide smile

'oh, by the way, why are you two looks like you're already know each other?' min ah ask cluelessly

'oh that. he's luhan's cousin actually' i said plainly

'oh, i buy it' jongin suddenly said while nodding his head

we have nice conversation until the school bell suddenly rings meaning that its recess time

'so, can i join you guys?' kris ask the three of us

'if i said no?' i

'i would join too' kris said playfully

'well then i don't have to give the answer' i said to him. we both laugh because of our silliness

when we arrive at the canteen, the students are all staring at kris. i'm not surprised by the stare because kris is actually stunning from my opinion. from afar, i can see luhan waving his hand to us. these days, jongin, min ah and i actually had spent our recess time with luhan and his friends since jongin is already joining their group and he beg us to join him too. not that i hate it, but sometimes its kind of annoying when the guys keep pairing me with jongin when we're just friends

'oh kris. you're here.' luhan exclaim excitedly when he sees his cousin with me 

kris just nod his head and wave his hand to luhan. he sit beside me when i sit on the chair beside jongin like usual.

'so, guys. this is kris, my cousin' luhan introduce kris to his other friends

after the introduction has ended, we continue our lunch when i suddenly feels pain in my stomach. i excuse myself to go to the toilet when kris suddenly volunteer to accompany me. i just agree with his offer and walk to the toilet with him. i feel a bit refresh after i finish my business. i got out of the toilet to find park shinki and her gang doing their make up in front of the mirror

'isn't make up is prohibited in school?' i mumble to myself then walk out of the toilet and head to the sink to wash my hands

'well, look at what we got here' park shinki suddenly stare at me with a smirk

'oh, hi. we meet again' i said to her with a calm tone

'i think we have an unfinish business. don't you think so?' she said and approach me closer. her friends too follow her

'i don't think so. i don't have any business with you at first' i said to her face with an annoyed face, still not that afraid of them

'you got a nerve huh. don't you think that you're friends with all those boys and now the new student too, you're hot okay. they just pity you because you look so pathetic' she said while tilting up my chin

'whatever. and you're a coward who use me to get closer to luhan. who do you think is more pathetic huh?' i said and smirk

she suddenly slap on my face after i finish my words

'ouch, that's hurt' i mumble while holding my chin

'you . you really need to be teach huh' she said with an angry face and her face turn redder than before

'yoonji!' min ah suddenly enter the toilet with a worried face. she approach me and stand in front of me, trying to protect me from those girls

'min ah' i call her name as i feel touch by her action

'don't you ever hurt her' min ah said with a brave tone but i could sense that she's actually a bit scared since there're just the two of us against the five girls

'you too need a lesson huh, friend of the ' park shinki raise her hand in attempt to slap min ah too

i close my eyes as i don't wanna see what would happen next. i open my eyes when i heard no sound of slapping at all and found kris holding park shinki's hands which all ready to slap min ah's face.

'i don't think they're the one who need a lesson' kris said to her with a smirk and grab her hand a bit tighter when she scream out of pain

'kris, let her go' i said to kris when i see he looks like he's going to break her arm

kris finally let go of her hand and the girl quickly walk away from kris to her friends while checking on her hand

'what is going on here?' luhan suddenly appear with a worried look

'luhan oppa' park shinki suddenly approach luhan, whining. luhan looks surprised by her action

'yoonji try to hurt me just now. oppa, do something' she whine to luhan with a fake tears

i make a disgust face since i really hate when she act in front of luhan

'i'm sorry, who are you?' luhan ask park shinki, clueless

'oppa, you don't know me? i'm park shinki' she said with a disbelief face

'so, your name is park shinki. well, park shinki-shi, i think you should get out of here and never come closer to any of us or i would make your face more uglier. do you want it?' luhan said with a smile but his words is not picturing his looks

'luhan oppa. how could you' park shinki finally run out of the toilet, crying. followed by her friends.

after she left i finally laugh as i feel funny. the total scene is like in a drama that makes me goosebumps but the different is there are two heroes here.

'i bet you're okay since you're laughing now' luhan said to me with a smile

'thank you for saving me, i guess' i said to the three of them shyly.

'if you need any help, just call me. i'm available at anytime' kris said to me cheesily that makes me chuckle

'let's go kris. we're in the wrong toilet now. the girls are gonna freak out when they see us' luhan pull kris out of the toilet with him.

min ah and i finally follow along and walk back to our table. apparently, the recess is already over but all of luhan's friends and jongin are still at their table, waiting for me. i couldn't help but feel touch by their concern. all of them ask about my condition and some of them making jokes of me but i don't even mind since i feel happy that i have many friends to be with when i'm happy and when i'm having problems

'thank you luhan. i owe you' i whisper to luhan when we walk out of the canteen

luhan smile at me and whisper to me back 'that sounds familiar' he then walk away leaving me dumbfounded

'did he hear it?' i mumble to myself and cover my embarass face



A/N: this chapter is kind of long compare with my other chapter but i really like this chapter

          by the way, it is kind of like in a drama, the scene where they save yoonji. xD

          hope you guys continue reading this story.

          much love to all the subscribers! i love you guys so much ^^ <3<3





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Littlestarexo #1
Chapter 40: I loved it! I loved the story!! I loved the ending!!! I love luhan <33

I wanna a bonus chap or a sequel! It doesn't metter which one you choose ;) just let me see how their love life become in the future! :D wedding? a child? oh oh! maybe 2 child? 3? 4?

Okay I'm stoping there..

well, thank you for writing and sharing this story with us :D

take care :*
Chapter 39: :DDDDDDDDDD
Shanelie #3
Chapter 25: 'I like you'. Pffft. Funny. But uggh! I hate it. She shouldn't at least take back those three words. But seriously I couldn't imagine them being a couple. Ahahaha~
Chapter 36: JONGINNNNNNNNNNN, i love both of them, but i want her to stay with jonginnnnnnnnn
herchanxoxo #5
Chapter 35: Oh jongin you make me wanna kiss you. ♥♥
herchanxoxo #6
Chapter 34: Omg jongin is so sweet. I cannot with my baby ♥ ugh too much feeeeeels.
luvhsjexo #7
i'm sorry but why sehun?? i don't get it
Chapter 35: I like her with both of them , CRAP! just make her stay with Sehun!
Chapter 34: Luhan ya eeeeee
Omg yoonji and jongin is so sweet together nyaaaa
Nanel_cutE #10
Chapter 33: Please, please update more... kamsa :)),