Bumpy Rides

Bumpy Rides
Aside from the monotony of riding a bus there are several things to complain about. I mean sure you're not paying for gas or insurance but you definitely give up all comfort you can possibly hope for. I think more than the horrible singers, and the smelly seat companions, or the lady with so many bags that you can't move anywhere; the thing I hate most is the bumpy ride.
I can ignore everything else. I can drown out the singing with headphones, take away the stench with some perfume, and stand if I absolutely have no choice when the lady decides to leave her bags on all of the nearby seats. You just have to find a way to make things work. BUT, I can't deal with the bumpy rides; horribly paved streets cause so much trouble for a person trying to work on a bus. When your bus ride is two hours long and you get home late; you want to get as much work done in that ride as possible. Bumpy roads and construction workers don't seem to understand that because I can't for the life of me figure out how to properly write notes with out my pen flying across the whole paper and tearing it.
It's for this reason that I just stop working on the bus altogether.  Instead I just stay late and the library and catch the last buses home. Today was no different as I sat at a private desk and worked on an essay. There was a seat next to me full of stuff but no one had claimed any of it for the whole hour I was there. I decided to end my work for the night and use the restroom before I left. When I got up I noticed a red umbrella leaning on the seat of that empty yet occupied desk. I remembered Jong Suk or Mr. Handsome Face as I had saved him in my contacts. I never got a call from him since we met two days ago and i'll admit it was a little disheartening. He made the mundane suddenly exciting. 
As I walked off to the restroom the owner of the abandoned belongings was walking towards the desk. I didn't realize he had arrived nor did I even see him but he saw me. A smile appeared on his lips as he gathered his belongings to leave the library.
When I got back the desk next to mine was empty and the red umbrella was gone. I put away all of my things and headed out into the cold late afternoon air. I was incredibly sleepy from staying up all night to study and practically walked out of there with my eyes closed.
The guy who left all of his belongings next to my desk was waiting outside the library doors with his red umbrella opened up due to the falling rain. I didn't even notice him and continued to walk. I was too sleepy to even do anything to cover up from the rain and just walked on to the bus stop.
The guy laughed and stood there shocked for a moment before he ran to catch up to me. The rain stopped falling on me and a very familiar seen played out infront of me. I looked at hand that was holding onto a handle that led up to a red umbrella. My eyes were groggy but I could easily make out Jong Suk's quirky smile.
"Oh! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Are you that sleepy that you didn't even see me waiting for you outside the library?"
"You were waiting for me? I'm sorry. But what's up why were you waiting?"
"No reason, I saw you were using the desk next to mine and decided to wait and surprise you when you got out."
"Oh, I see."
"What's wrong you seem a little stiff." at this point we had resumed walking to the bus stop.
"It's nothing... it's just... well you didn't.. call me... I wanted to know if you go the part." I said nervously.
"You could have called me to ask?" He raised an eye brow and laughed. "The reason I didn't call was because they weren't going to make a decision until today. After that they'll let me know if I got the part of not when I go see them today. I really didn't know what other reason to call you so... I just kind of didn't. I was hoping to run into you though, I guess luck is on my side." He smiled again.
"Ahh, so what were you doing in the library but not actually in the library, since you left your stuff there." We reached the bus stop and waited.

"Oh I was suppose to work on a media project but I got caught up talking to my professor when I bumped into him looking for a book. Hey, why don't you have an umbrella again? It's kind of a tight fit sharing with you since this is a small umbrella." He moved closer to me to prove his point and continued to smile.
"I haven't been able to buy a new one since I couldn't find the one I left behind in class last time."
"Oh! Your shoulder is getting wet!" We both yelled out at the same time. We moved our hands to push the umbrella to eachother but with the force it stumbled out of both our hands and landed on the street. A car sped by and crushed the small umbrella.
I looked at the broken remnants in shame, "I'm so so sorry Jong Suk. I didn't mean for that to happen!"
"I know, it's partly my fault." He let out a sigh and massaged the back of his neck.
"At least you have your car."
"It's actually still in the shop, I was planning to use the bus to get to the agency again." We stood there in silence for a while and the bus finally came.
The bus ride was silent but this time it was different from the last. Instead of sitting on opposite ends we sat right next to each other. Every now and then Jong Suk would steal glances at me as I looked out the window. When I turned to look at him he laughed because my wet hair had splashed his face.
"Oh  my gosh, I'm sorry haha. Here let me help you." I took a napkin from my bag and started wiping his face. He sat there and smiled as I focused on all the water drops. My eyes followed his facial features until they landed on his lips. My hand stopped for a second until the bus jerked and my body was pressed to his; I quickly coughed and handed him the napkin. "I think you can handle the rest."
He laughed and continued to dab his face. When we switched buses he pushed past me and took the window seat.
"Hey!" I yelled.
"You got the window seat last time."
"So its not like we made a deal."
"Doesn't matter i'm not moving."
"What happened to being a gentlemen?"
"When did I say I was a gentlemen?"
"It's just... something I heard... around campus.."
"You, you've been asking about me?"
"Oh  just keep the window seat." I huffed and sat down next to him on the aisle seat. He smirked thinking that I didn't have to sit next to him again and smiled when he acknowledged how happy it made him that I did anyway.
We got off and walked to the agency since it had stopped raining.
"So, you gonna call me this time?"
"Yes ma'am. Hopefully with some good news."
"You'll get the part, im sure."
"I got a feeling." I smiled and started to walk away leaving him there hearing a scoff from behind me.
As the evening went on I got no call and just as I was about to go to sleep my ringtone filled the room.
"Hello?" I answered a bit too quickly.
"Haha, waiting were we?"
"No my house mate is asleep and my ringtone is loud." I lied.
"Ahhhh, well I guess we have to go out tomorrow then."
"The audtion."
"Pity party or celebration?"
"You're playful... celebration!"
"Hahaha you are one psychic girl." I laughed and agreed to meet him tomorrow after his rehearsal since it was our day off from school.
"Wait.... is this ... a date?"  I heard him give an airy laugh and he hung up the phone. "Hey!!!!" I yelled and hung up the phone. "I think... I have a date tomorrow."
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Di molto ♡♡
nerdybunny1206 #3
Chapter 1: :D good story!!! Update soon!
JessicaLYW #4
Chapter 1: Aww love this !! You could have write more Jongsuk x OC fic <3
Chapter 1: Aww, I really liked this :) Lee Jong Suk is always so cool.
Chapter 1: Watching I Hear Your Voice and I've completely fallen for Lee Jong Suk. hahahaha yayyy for Lee Jong Suk and OC fics!!