I'll Catch You

Catching Byun Baekhyun

Chanyeol clicked the door of his car shut and walked towards the recording studio, dragging his feet as he went and sighing as he stared into his cup of quickly cooling coffee. How many years has Chanyeol been working for this music company and he is still sorting papers and answering phones as an paid intern, hoping to finally settle into a position as a manager at an entertainment company. Chanyeol set his cup down on a table in the studio and looked towards the booth at the microphones.

“Chanyeol, what are you doing here?” Siwon said, he is the current manager Chanyeol was interning for.

Confused, Chanyeol checked his watch and saw today was Tuesday and he knew he was supposed to report to work today.

“I’m.. getting ready to work?” Chanyeol replied.

“Didn’t the boss email you, Go to his office dumbo, he’s waiting for you.”

Chanyeol’s heart dropped into his stomach, what could the boss possibly want from him, he raked his brain thinking of something he could have done wrong as he walked to the head office. He knocked on the door twice, opening it shortly after.

“AH Chanyeol! Good. Come in. Sit.” Yunho said patting his chair as he spoke. Chanyeol gulped and took a seat in front of his desk.

“Alright. I have good news and bad news, which would you like to hear first?”

“Um.. bad.. sir.”

“Chanyeol, I’m afraid you aren’t going to be a manager in the music industry.”

Chanyeol’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing; he had wasted 6 years of his life interning to be let go.

“But the good news.. Is that you will be managing. In photography.”

Chanyeol perked up, Photography isn’t music like he had planned, but this is what he had been waiting for, managing something, anything, anyone.

“But I don’t really know about photography sir.”

“That is perfectly fine, there is a woman there that is perfectly willing to teach you the ropes.”

“Where am I going? Which company?”


Chanyeol resisted the erge to roll his eyes.

“My sister requested me, I told her, I didn’t want to work for-“

“It wasn’t your sister that requested you.”

Chanyeol paused.” I was requested by a model?”

Yunho nodded, pulling a crème file out of his cabinet,” This is your assigned model, congrats, you’re officially a manager.”

Chanyeol opened the crème folder and choked, there in front of him was the beautiful face of a man whom he hadn’t seen in 6 years.

“Byun… Baekhyun.”

“Correct. He has been requesting you for a while, and your sister finally gave in to him, and asked us to recruit you for her.”

Chanyeol flipped through the photos in the portfolio, scanning his fingers over each photo, each one being more beautiful than the last.

“I heard he is the most popular model there, you’re really lucky to have gotten him as your first assignment. I wonder why he requested you..”

“We were friends.. a long long time ago.”

        Chanyeol stared holes into the doors of the photography building, I shouldn’t have come. This was a bad idea was the only thing he could think as he boldly walked through the doors. Reluctantly getting on the elevator up to the floor where his sister and the boy that has haunted him for 6 years would be waiting for him.

As the door opened the breath was knocked out of Chanyeol’s lungs, Baekhyun was laying on a sofa, ear buds in and eyes closed. His arm was drapped over the side of the chair and a small portion of his navel was showing from under his shirt. Chanyeol tried to catch his breath as he watched the rise and fall of Bakhyun’s chest with every inhale and exhale.

“Are you just going to stand there and stare at him, Channie or are you going to come in?” His sister asked, impatiently tapping her pen against her desk.

Chanyeol looked over to his sister and noticed how tired she looked, a ping of sadness rolled over him knowing that his relationship with his sister had worsened after his break up with Baekhyun years ago. His eyes scrolled back over to Baekhyun who had removed his head phones and Chanyeol couldn’t help but notice that Baekhyun’s body tensed up, Baek was just as nervous as he was.

“Both of you, come here and sit.” His sister snapped.

Chanyeol slowly moved to the chair in front of her desk, Baekhyun doing the same. The heat between Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s body couldn’t go unnoticed and Yoora sighed, pinching the skin of her nose.

“Look Baekhyun you asked for this, you asked for this, and Chanyeol, man up, Jesus. Speak to one another at least.”

“Baekhyun turned his head to look at Chanyeol, his brown eyes piercing through his and Chanyeol didn’t know if he’d be able to speak.

“Hi, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said sweetly.

Chanyeol almost melted at the sound of Baekhyun saying his name, He didn’t know how much he’d missed it until this moment. Missed Baekhyun.

“Hey, Baek.” Chanyeol noticed the waver in Baekhyun;s breath and smiled enternaly.

He still feels it too, Chanyeol thought, gripping the arm of the chair he was sitting in.

“This obviously isn’t going to be the time to sit down and have a business meeting, so I’ll leave you two to get reacquainted. “ Yoora said standing up from her seat. By the time Chanyeol was ready to protest she was already long gone. Chanyeol was uncomfortable.

“So… How’ve you been?” Baekhyun asked, nervously moving his thumbs. Some habbits never die.

“I’ve been living Baekhyun, how about you.” Chanyeol sighed.

“Rather well, I’m very popular now, so living has been easy.”

Rather well… Living has been easy.. These words hurt Chanyeol more than they should of, but deep down Chanyeol wished that Baekhyun had been needed Chanyeol as much as Chanyeol needed him.

“I see, I always see your pictures. Their everwhere.” Chanyeol couldn’t keep the sorrow out of his voice no matter how hard he tried and Baekhyun noticed it.

“Chanyeol.. can’t you look at me now?” Baekhyun asked, that tint of sorrow tainting his voice.

“I..” Chanyeol paused, he hadn’t noticed he hadn’t looked at Baekhyun since they started talking,” I didn’t know that I was allowed too.”

Baekhyun chuckled, surprising Chanyeol,” Since when has Chanyeol not been allowed to look at me?” Baekhyun asked playfully, it was nice to hear.

“Since I ruined  you, since I ruined everything.” Chanyeol whispered in a broken voice, not meaning to speak those words out loud.

“You did not ruin me, Park Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said quickly and sternly, all the playfulness leaving his tone.

It was Chanyeol’s turn to chuckle, but the sound was bitter and heart breaking,” You’re right, I ruined me.”

Baekhyun opened his mouth as if her were going to speak but then shut it, looking away from Chanyeol.

“have you been dating?” Baekhyun asked hesitantly, but they both knew that the relationship talk was inevitable.

“ No.”

Baekhyun’s eyes narrowed, but quickly adjusted back to normal.

“Why not?”

It’s because no one can replace you. Chanyeol thought.

“No one interests me.”

No one is as interesting as you, Chanyeol continued,” What about you and that guy.. um Tae..”

“Taehyung. We broke up about four and a half years ago.”

“I’m sorry, Baekhyun.”

“No sweat, It isn’t like it was your fault.” Baekhyun’s voice cracked on the last word, letting Chanyeol know that it was exactly his fault.

“What happened?”

Baekhyun was silent for a moment,” He realized that I didn’t like him s much as he liked me, or that I couldn’t love him rather. It really hurt his feelings, and he was ngry for a while, but we’re okay now, we’re friends. He knows that I tried as  hard as I could to love him and for that he’s grateful, I suppose.”

Chanyeol nodded,” I’m so sorry.” Chanyeol’s words held a different meaning now, and you could tell that he was apologizing for something that was beyond both of them.

“For what, Chan?” Baekhyun sighed.

Chanyeol’s heart fluttered at the mention of his nickname.

“For everything, but mostly for leaving.”

“I told you to leave, I forced you away.” Baekhyun whispered.

Chanyeol Violently shook his head,” No. No. I’m the one who pushed you away, with my over bearing…with the overbearing feelings that I had for you. That I didn’t know how to control to make you feel loved and not destroyed.”

“6 years has given me a lot of time to think about why you did the things you did.”

Chanyeol nodded, just listening now.

“And I realize it was all out of love but… You couldn’t have expected me to act any differently. I needed the space, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol was silent for a moment.

“So why did you bring me here, Baek.”

“Baekhyun looked down at his hands and then sighed,” Because I miss you,”

Chanyeol closed his eyes and took in the most relieved breath he has taken in 6 years,” But I couldn’t find you. You just disappeared I…”

Chanyeol finally looked at Baekhyun whose face had paled.

“After graduation, when you just… disappeared from my life completely it really hurt. I didn’t realize just how much I needed to just see you. I was lost and I realized that even if we weren’t together. I knew you were there and it was comforting.”

“I thought you wanted me gone. Every time you looked at me, You just had this look of disgust.. I just wanted to make you happy, and it seemed like you weren’t happy when you could see me. So.. I left.”

Baekhyun nodded,” I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about.”

“I looked for you.”

Chanyeol’s heart warmed,” How’d you find me?”

“I was ready to give up, and accept that this was my fate by driving you away. To never get you back, but then I heard some rookie model talking about how her brother got signed and she saw the “ist intern” Baekhyun rolled his eyes and a smile tugging at Chanyeol’s lips,” working for her brother’s manager, She said his name is Chanyeol, and I honestly didn’t know if it was you or not, but it was my last shot. So I called requesting you as my manager, your sister was against it but I am persistent. Honestly, If it wasn’t you I would have given up.”

“Why did you look for me, Baek?”

“I.. I.. I wanted you.. I missed you..” Chanyeol saw the tears welling up in Baekhyun’s eyes. Chanyeol shot up out of his chair and pulled Baekhyun into an embrace out of instinct. After he’d done it, he’d started to panic but Baekhyun had already clutched onto his shirt, not letting go.

“Don’t do that..”

“Do what?”

“Cry in front of me… I won’t let it happen anymore.”

Baekhyun smiled into Chanyeol’s shirt and nodded.

“Comeback, Chnayeol..” Chanyeol’s mind raced as he thought of all the meaning those two words had.

“Baek..” Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun away from his chest.

Baekhyun looked up at him, and even though Baekhyun’s face had slightly matured, he still saw that lonely scared little boy he fell in love with.

“I… I’ve been thinking too, and I don’t feel like I’ve changed… I’ll still hurt you and I don't know if I can come back to you knowing that..”

Baekhyun shook his head,” I know I don’t have a right to ask for you back.. I sent you away, and now your back for two seconds and I’m already clinging to you. I’m sorry.” Baekhyun laughed uncomfortably and pushed Chanyeol away.

Chanyeol gripped his wrist caringly and pulled Baekhyun back to him.

“Baekhyun, you don’t know how much I want you,” Chanyeol’s voice was harsh, but sincere,” These last six years all I could think about is you. I couldn’t date anyone else because they weren’t you.”

Baekhyun wiped his eyes and hugged Chanyeol,” I tried to be normal with Taehyung, but he didn’t understand my insecurities or why I couldn’t Love him like he loved me… He wasn’t you Chanyeol.. When he held me, I was disgusted because it wasn’t you..  I-“

Chanyeol leaned down so that his face was dangerously close to Baekhyun’s. Baekhyun whimpered.

“If you want me so much..” Chanyeol’s eyes panned down to Baekhyun’s lips,” Do something about it, shorty.”

Baekhyun’s lips crashed into Chanyeol’s, his arms pulling Chanyeol down more to him All of their emotions exploding into the kiss.

“Let’s start over Baek.” Chanyeol said, leaning his forehead against Baekhyun’s.

Baekhyun nodded,” Mmm.”

“Hi, I’m Chanyeol, and I am probably the biggest douchebag you’ll ever meet but.. I really like you.”

“Hi… I’m Baekhyun, and I’m really screwed up mentally and I am really sensitive but.. I really like you too.”

Chanyeol smiled, kissing Baekhyun’s lips one final time,” Will you go on a date with me Byun Baekhyun.”

“No, you’ll have you win me over first.”

“Don’t worry, Baekkie. I’ll catch you eventually.”

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Beau1996 1377 streak #1
Chapter 17: Date???
Beau1996 1377 streak #2
Chapter 12: Ice cream therapy has helped me over many broken hearts!
Beau1996 1377 streak #3
Chapter 9: Sort of is right - he needs to make up his mind...
Beau1996 1377 streak #4
Chapter 5: Chan is a meanie - false people
Beau1996 1377 streak #5
Chapter 1: Meeting the new student!!
Aminata #6
ilyyandyy #7
Chapter 87: im not saying im crying but wow im crying this was amazing thank you
bubblethea #8
Chapter 87: Waaaaa i spent my night to read your story and its worth it. Baek such a drama queen in here but its so cute and you are absolutely a great writer authornim. Keep writing❤
Chapter 87: Sorry I didn't comment on all the chapters I just couldn't stop reading. I'm done already this was perfect not too short