
Thank You

I sat on my bed staring out the window, watching the rain patter against the glass window.

The blanket isolating me from the cold air in the room.

My voice no longer able to shine. Losing its point to be known. 

Thanks to that one mistake. That one night. 

That one night I officially lost everything.

My true family. My dream. The thing that held up my life.

The rain syncs with my heartbeat.

My head blanked.

My agency dropped me just like that. In a blink of an eye. Not even bothering to stop and listen to the members complaints. 

His parents left him, now that he was no longer so useful anymore. Well.. More like his father. His mother is always there. Whether his father knew or not. She just.. was.

I glance over to the album sitting on the desk. 

I reached out for it, my hands trembling.

Letters spill on the blanket.

Tears start to build up on my eyes.

They cared enough to write me letters? For what reason? To forget everything? I dont think its possible. 

But there is too much letters for just the members. There had to be more.

I let my weak hand graze one of the letters off the bedsheet. 

Opening the letter to read.

It was Taemin's. The one that joked on being my obedient child. 

As I read on. Tears start to leave my eyes.

His letters brought back so many forgotten memories. 

In the end, He signed off as the Youngest Child.

I curled up into a sobbing mess.

I continue to read in my position. 

The letters brought back pain. It stabbed my heart one by one to read it.

Even the CEO wrote one. Though it surprised me. He had written that nothing has changed. He never revealed my detachment to the group. Encouraging that once my voice has returned, I can come back joyfully. 

The last one I read was the one I hoped was the shortest.

Just so it wont be so painful

It was his.

The person who had helped me so much on the way.

I turn back to the window. The rain still slamming against the window. 

The rain is just like me, It is in pain.



Its been three weeks.

And  I've finally had the courage to come out of the rathole.

The fresh air engulf me. 

The fall air run past me.

I had made up my mind to visit there. I wanted to go back to that place.

They will welcome me. Right?

Or will they not?

I half regret leaving that house now.

I nervously travel towards that place.

My heart beating faster by the minute.


I stand in front of their door. 

The door where my life was sincerely held. Where my true family is. 

My hands start to tremble. I raise my weak hand and knocked on the door.

The locks could be heard. 

The door opened wide.

The members bodies slam against mines.

A warm chuckle could be heard as another one behind be started to erupt.

I know these chuckles. And they feel so lovely against my ears.

The let go of my body, letting me face Onew.

"Welcome home, Key."

Those words broke me. Coming from the maknae made it worse.

I held onto Taemin, my life did depend on it.


Its been an hour since I was here. They're all here to support me. The members, My family here at the agency basically.

Now I understand.

That I shouldnt be complaining about things anymore.


Because I should be thankful. That makes me happy. 

I look at the smile on our faces. 

I look at the matching bracelets we all wore.

I look at our entangled legs, that sworm into each others.

Im thankful now. That I chose this path.

Because when I chose this path, I grew mature. 

After I grew mature, I met these people.

After I met these people, we became friends.

When we became friends, we got to be each others families.

Now that we were a family, we fell in love.

And when we fell in love, we are unbreakable.


Thank you, for letting me choose this path.

                                       Its made my happiness exist.


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