I Can't Forget.

Junhongie and Me.

(5 days later....)

You're at the supermarket, one hand on your shopping list and the other on the supermarket cart handle.

You're just about done mentally checking off the things on your list when you happen to look up and see a young couple a short distance away. The guy is laughing at something his shorter girlfriend had just said and ruffling her hair affectionately. She giggles back.

You shake your head to get rid of the sight and shift your eyes back to your list, but your heart sinks a little and your mind is already wandering off distracted.

On the night you broke up with Junhong you had crawled into bed with tear-stained cheeks, and cried yourself to sleep.

The next morning, all red-and-puffy-eyed, you were determined to forget about Junhong and erase him from your life. But it was much harder than you thought. Junhong seemed to be everywhere; in the framed selca of you both on the bedside table (which you eventually stashed into the drawer), in the couple ring he had given you (which you stopped wearing not long after the break-up), in the boxes of cherry tomatoes in the fridge, in the couples you saw in public, in your dreams, in your mind. You thought you were about to go crazy just thinking of him. You couldn't get him off your mind at all.

The days that followed felt miserable, lonely, empty. It was as if leaving Junhong was like leaving behind a huge part of yourself. No matter how much you convinced yourself that breaking up with him was for everyone's own good, the world still seemed black and white without him. You even took to eating late-night snacks when you had trouble falling asleep.

The nights were restless, tossing and turning in bed. Some mornings you'd wake up and find your pillow wet even though you couldn't remember crying the night before. Was it possible to cry in your sleep?

You missed him, you soon admitted to yourself. You missed him like mad, everything about him—his sweet face, his scent, his voice calling you 'jagiya', the warm feeling whenever he wrapped his arms around you and you buried your face into his chest. Sure you always missed him whenever he was away on tour but this, this was the empty feeling of missing those things while knowing with regret that you'd never get to have them again.

It was on one of those mornings you woke up with yet again a tearful pillow that you finally came to terms with the fact that you were, undoubtedly, in love with Junhong. You had fallen in love with the tall, sweet, talented, handsome, shy and good-hearted 17-year-old of a giant baby who was never actually childish, who preferred you over so many other girls who deserved him.

And you had never felt more torn apart to know that there was nothing you could do about it.


Another trolley bumps into your's from the front and you look up, startled from your melancholy daydream.

"Oh, I'm so sorry–," the guy who has sunglasses on begins, and stops short when he's seen you.

"Y- Youngjae?" your jaw drops in surprise, but at least you remember to keep your voice down.

"Yeah, how did you–? You know what, don't answer that. Any fool should be able to see through this 'disguise', but no one does! Aigoo. Except you, of course," he half-chuckles, and you nod awkwardly.

"What are you doing here? Is Jun– Is anyone else with you?" you look around worriedly.

"Grocery shopping. Manger Kang's not free, so I was assigned the task," he answers. His face turns grim, "And no, Junhong's at home. I came alone."

"....Oh," you look away, relieved and disappointed at the same time.

"Well, how have you been, ______? Are you doing doing okay? Junhong's a mess, if you want to know."

"Jincha..?! Wae?" you ask, a little frightened. If anything were to happen to him...

"Hmm, let's see..." he smiles at managing to pique your interest, "He loses his appetite often, he locks himself in his room during free time, won't talk almost at all, and does horribly during practices. Seriously, it's like his usual fire is gone. Just the other day he earned himself a long lecture. Our precious maknae is breaking down," he shakes his head sadly, and a little exaggeratingly to instil pity into you, "We're all worried about him. If this keeps up..."

He doesn't finish, and sighs solemnly. You don't want to hear him finish that last sentence, anyway.

You look at your feet and bite your lip, staying silent. The guilt is welling up inside you. Had you really hurt him that much? You start to hate yourself for it. You don't want him hurt, ever. And now his work is endangered too, if he doesn't get over it. But somewhere deep in your heart is a tinge of relief and happiness that he's not over you, that he still cares, and he misses you.

Youngjae his head to one side, "Are you okay?"

"If it's my fault, cheongmal mianhae.."

He places a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Maybe...if you miss him, and if you still like him, you should tell him so. I mean, he's a good boy. Can't find anyone else quite like him. He can't stop crying over you. We hear him from his room. It's sad for all of us, really."

He sighs again, "Anyways, you should give him a call sometime. He'll be ecstatic. We're rooting for you both! I have to go now, I'm sorry. Annyeong."

As he walks away you stand there dazedly, not knowing what to think. 

He cries too, just like you cry over him.

PHEW it seems like sooo long since I've added another chapter! I'm so sorry bc I'm so busy now that school has started homg. Anyways, the sadness ends here haha. Look forward to the next chapter! Thanks for being so patient, all of you. :') xx

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skkyyul #1
Chapter 14: new reader. i hate you junhong aaaaahhhhh ;;;; thankyou for beautiful story author;;;
Chapter 14: Asdfghjkl My brain has turned to mash after reading this master piece! *0*
oh gosh... If only I have a boyfriend like Zelo...
Daelo13 #3
Chapter 14: Omg! THat was so sweet, cute,adorable...ect. Haha I love it!
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 14: Himchanie.....
Good job ^^V
Chapter 14: OHHHmhHMMHMAAAAIIII AsglaskdlkgakSDGK:ASDG
PERFECTION! I just want to cry over this omg (maybe im in one of my more emotional moods) asdkjgkjaasdsa HIMCHAN IS GOOD IN TUX. THEYRE ALL GOOD IN TUXES Q A Q jello baby why are you so cute and adorable omg ; A ; /rolls away/ btw yj is best for couple reuniting > W < <3
Chapter 14: This was so adorable~
The ending was just so cute! Ugh! Hehe~ ^^
I'm probably going to go back and read the entire story again~ xD
Parson #7
Chapter 14: This was such an adorable story to read omg
Bapbaby07 #8
Chapter 13: I loved this and bap 1004 is amazinggggg! I feel like I am the only or who was jealous of that girl with zelo haha! I am a zelo bias. So I was like omo he's gonna kiss her!!! Noo!!! Luckily they didn't kiss for real. But bap worked so hard ad the song and music video is so great. They really deserve to win awards for their song! FIGHTING
Nanairu #9
Chapter 13: I love it!! Also the epilogue, I'm excited!!! ^^
Chapter 13: That was cute. :)
I definitely did not think that this story would end so soon! :O
But it was great either way~~ ^^

Omg. I sobbed when 1004 came out!!!
I haven't listened to the entire album yet (just those little sneak peeks of them xD)
because I want to wait until I have the physical album. T.T