Counting Days

Counting Days

He, with an untrimmed, dyed blond hair; clad with a forever unironed white blouse, ed collar button, untied shoelaces.

He, who would get to school in his grand limousine every day, and strut to school hands in his pocket. 
She, with an ordinarily pretty face, 7:3 black hair, side fringe flowing wavily down the right side of her face.
She, who was sent to a foreign boarding school since seven, and walks alone to and fro her hostel every day since then. 
So different that they were destined to be each other's one and only "matching" pair.
Ever since her eyesight started to deteriorate, she decided to attend Braille school. She feared for the worst to come. 
That day, just like every other Tuesdays after school, he would as usual cycle her to night school. She would sit sideways at the back seat and latch her arms around his waist, resting her head on his warm back, as she feel the wind blowing against her in the streetlights. It's the warmest feeling she ever felt and she never wanted it to end. 
"Can you skip it just for tonight?" He muttered, breaking the silence.
"Why?" She unlatched her arms from his waist.
"Just for tonight, will you?" His voice sounded so unknowingly straight. He barely asked anything from her, and now that he did, she didn't want to let him down.
"Anything you wish, Yoongi." Her fingers found its way round his waist and interlocked when they met again.
A small happy and rare smile broke out on his once expressionless face.
"Hold on tight," He cautioned gleefully before leaning himself forward, paddling fast like the wind.
She let out a tiny yelp and pulled herself closer. He smiled and paddled even harder.
They breezed through the busy evening street, along a quiet alley, and onto the sand.
"We're here," He halted and Eunsol found her way carefully off the bike.
The sounds of crashing waves along the coasts, the salty and refreshing sea breeze wafted into her senses.
"Wow, you've brought me to a sea?" She gasped in delight.
"I knew you'd like it. See what I've brought," He dangled a brown basket in front of her eyes.
"Oh my, it’s food!" She squealed and jumped around.
He led her down the rocks and to a breezy spot on the sand.
"Grab this end," He handed two edges of the picnic mat to her, while he took the other two.
Facing each other, they raced backwards, spreading out the folded mat. They burst into laughters as they go further and further away from each other.
The mat fully unfolded within seconds and they fell backwards onto the sand, again letting out silly loud laughters as their bums hit the sand together.
As their laughters gradually turn into little bursts of cackles, Yoongi got up and walked to Eunsol. He bowed down a little and extended his hands to her. She took it blithely and bounced up to her feet. He chuckled at her cute self. She was unusually happy too, seeing the vast blue sea and, the rare cheerful Yoongi.
Yoongi led her to the centre of the mat and tugged on her gently before falling onto his bum again. She followed after him and landed hard, letting out another silly noisy laugh. 
He smiled as he pulled her upright and took out a piece of sandwich from the basket.
"Have this first," He passed her the weird-looking bread.
She hesitated.
"I know what you're thinking, I guarantee 
you that it'll taste mmm~so heavenly. I made it myself you know." He beamed.
"Just because you are the one who made it, I don't dare to eat it." She teased, taking the sandwich from his hands.
He refused to let go.
"Yah. Min Yoongi, so do you want me to eat it or not." She said in annoyance.
"Say ahh~" He demonstrated to her.
She chortled at his adorable ways and gave in.
"Ahh~" She opened so wide, someone can put a fist into it.
He waved the sandwich in the air like an airplane, making the engine sounds and effects. It came crashing towards her teeth when it changed direction all of a sudden. Nom! He gobbled down the sandwich himself.
"YAH. MIN YOONGI." Eunsol raised an arm ready to hit its target when he dodged and dashed away.
"Yah you, stop running before I catch you!" She yelled as she ran.
"Catch me if you can! Mehrong~~" He turned his head and stuck out his tongue.
"Yah you punk, come back here!" As she chased, her vision became blurry.
She froze in her tracks and took a last glance at the man before him instinctively, her eyes faded into shades of grey and gradually total blackness.  
She knew this day would come, but didn't expect god would be so cruel, choosing to blindfold her right when she’s in seventh heaven.
Out of breath, Yoongi slowed down to a jog, turning round to check on her.
She was smiling so brightly at him.
“Wae? What’s so funny?” He uttered with a hint of amusement in his voice and ran to her, hollering, “Am I that handsome you can’t stop staring?”
“To me, you are.” She whispered.
“What?” He was convinced that he must have heard wrongly.
“You’re the most handsome guy I have ever and will ever see, Min Yoongi!” She yelled .
Blushing, he rushed forward and clasped her hands in his palms, mouthing, “You’re the most beautiful person in my eyes too,”
He didn’t know she couldn’t see anymore.
Teasing a few juniors on his way to the school without exception every morning; whoever bumps into him can just count themselves unlucky. That’s his way and nobody can say anything about it. He isn’t anybody somebody can comment on, he has a millionaire dad who dotes on this only son more than anything. He is a downright spoiled fellow, that is,  before he learnt she couldn't see anymore. 
Still, his sky-high ego seems to be innate. He would plop himself down at his seat when he reached the classroom after dumping his MCM bag pack at the side, and manoeuvre himself as noisily as he can. She would then raise her head and look into his direction, “You’re here?” She could still see the outline of his sharp distinctive features. “Eung,” He answered. It used to be just a nod. He became more concerned everyday and wanted to ask more about her learning progress for Braille but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. His quiet and slightly aloof nature prevented him so. He would lay his head down on the table and glance sideways. He observes her in silent. Her face shows more determination than the previous every day. He knew she's trying very hard to learn this by herself. He would pretend to be in a sloppy trance and stare into space while he waits, and waits. The class gets too noisy sometimes and their gossipy nature would resurface. They would start their gossips about her again, saying how fake and phony she's acting to attract people's attention. Yoongi's attention they meant. He stands up and the whole class would shush. Who in the right mind wants to get into trouble with him?
”Yoongi, is the teacher early today?” She questioned and he would answer so nonchalantly saying,”Nah, carry on with your work.”
”Yoongi ah, wanna go to the park together?” She would say something like that on the days she had a bad morning, but he loved it when she says that. He gets up first, before pulling her chair out and lead her out of the classroom through the back door. She refused his hand at first but as days gone by, she gave in to herself. They would settle quietly at a peaceful gazebo in the middle of the shrubs and trees and she would stay silent for a very long time. He knew she was thinking and he didn't bother her. He waited. Then she would look up and let out a light breath and he knew she was done. He would wait for her to start the conversation first and they would end up chatting for a long hour. . She would laugh so heartily that he can’t help but give a tiny smile. When she's feeling better, they would walk back to class hand in hand. To him, he was holding his girl. To her, she was depending on her only friend.
He tried to give her happiness and there's only that much he can give and that long before he can't.
Time elapsed and still the nasty voices directed at her didn't die down. Before that was her being "y" and "acting pitiful" in front of Yoongi. Now it was sarcastic sighs of pity.
She pretended to be be deaf.
He didn't.
He couldn't take it anymore. He dared each and every one of them say another word and they would be dead meat, or threaten a fight if he catches them.
Days like these were unbearable for both of them. They were unbearable for each other. She can't bear to watch him pick up his fists again to solve her problems. He can't bear to watch her suffer from the cruel words and being teased by some gang of guys in the school.
He tried to protect her but there's not much he could do and that little time left before he can't.
Some things couldn't be prevented, and the worse are prepared to come.
One night, she walked out of the school alone, because he was called up by the teacher for bashing someone up
terribly that his parents reported the school.
Just so coincidently, the gang of guys that has been eyeing on her since the day before was right at the school gate. Goddamn they were this lucky. They watched as she slowly figured her way out. They knew she would be heading back to her hostel just opposite the school.
Someone from the gang approached her,"Hi, do you need help?" She shook her head,"No, I can walk myself. Thanks," She shook off his grip gently. "You don't have to feel pressured,"He tried again. She rejected him as politely as she could. She doesn't need other's help. She can do it very well on her own. But he grew impatient of her and spat curses. She flinched. Sensing something was wrong, she ran away as fast as her legs could carry her. She prayed and prayed she should trip or bang into anything. She didn't but she wasn't fast enough. "Wanna run babe? Don't you try," He carried her roughly onto his shoulder and moved to a quiet alley behind the school. He pinned her to the wall and the rest of the gang cornered her.
She sensed the human breaths around. She was in trouble.
"Ooh pretty," The gang leader smooched her face. She winced and looked away. Taking the chance, she slipped her hands into her pocket and pressed the number one key. It dialed to Yoongi.
He was in his way out and he picked up the phone.
"I'm on my way out now, where are you?" He asked.
He heard some ruffling sound in the background, before her shrieking terrified cry.
"Who are you? What are you trying to do?" She cried out as loud as she can, wishing that he could hear her.
Yoongi's body was shaking.
"No use shouting , no one can hear you." The leader scowled.
He clenched his fist. He knew who they were. Where they are- their usual hideout. He bolted towards the dark alley with all his might. The last thing he want to see is his girl getting hurt.
That bastard started stripping her clothes out while smooching and her neck. She struggled to free herself. Tears were on the brim of her eyes. Yoongi where are you?
He saw the gang of people, they were watching as that bastard fusses with her. His fists tightened into a ball and he gnashed his jaws tight. Vehemence filled him. Yoongi charged forward and kicked the first guy in his way hard, he jerked backwards, sending him staggering. He swatted at the next with a blow, and he stumble onto the floor.The rest were just mediocre fighters. Yoongi smiled a mocking smile of pity and slammed them one after another onto the wall. Within seconds, the bastard's face turned deathly pale. He released his grip on her and ran for his life. Yoongi swear to god he would never forgive this man. Yoongi pinned him down, squeezed his neck with full strength, crushing his windpipe.
"Yoongi, stop..." She was crying and pulling his hands away. He heard no pleas. His fist smashed into the bastard's face. His nose bridge probably broke. "Yoongi, I beg you. Let him go," She cried. He was ready for another blow when he heard her beg,"It isn't worth it, he is going to die!" Yoongi came to senses and dropped the bastard. He lay unconscious.
Yoongi wrapped his arms around her bare shoulders and hugged her close. She was crying and crying.
Yoongi took off his blazer and covered it over her trembling cold body. He wrapped her tight into his warm embrace.
"Ouu," He winced softly at the pain.
"Yoongi-ah, you alright?" She pushed herself away and tried to feel his face. He flinched as her hands grazed along a cut on the edge of his lips. She thought the cut was deep but it wasn't, he didn't explained anything either. He took her to the hostel, while she became his support for his injured knee, before his chauffeur comes to pick him.
"Urghh," he groaned in a soft muffle. The pain got more and more excruciating. He clutched his chest and felt short of breath. He clenched his fist and endured.
It was soft but she can hear. He was in pain.
She released his grip and said,"I can walk by myself now, it's just 20 steps away." 
He picked up her hand again and refused to let go. 
"Min Yoongi, just sit here and wait for Lee Ajussi. Arraso?" MinJung was certain. She pushed Yoongi gently as he fall back onto the bench. He was pushed back down again before he even 
tried to stand up. "Listen to me, for once." She squeezed his arms to assure him that she will be safe and turned to make her way way back to the hostel.
Meanwhile, his chauffeur arrived. He supported him into the vehicle and the limousine headed back to the Min's mansion.
"Master Yoongi, have you taken your medicine?" The chauffeur asked in a straight voice.
"Ajussi, pass me the jab."
The chauffeur hesitated a while, before halting the car and took out a box under the seat. He tore the plastic open and passed him the jab. The chauffeur knew that was Yoongi's last night.
With that jab, his pain eased a little. He waited and waited for her call. Finally, his phone rang.
"Oh, what?" Again he acted nonchalant. Even at the last minute.
"I reached the hostel. I'm in my room now, with your blazer still warmly wrapped around me." She smiled and tried to shirk off the throbbing memory.
"Arraso, sleep early."He reminded.
"You too," She chirped.
"I'm hanging." 
Click. He hung up.
At last, he got a peace of his mind. He closed his eyes for the very last time, and that was for the very last time, she heard his voice.
Two days later, she was told that he has gone abroad to fulfill his father's wishes to study medicine and will never be back. Three days later, she was told that they've found donors for her corneas. Five days later, she had undergone a successful cornea transplant . Sixty-one days later, she regained most of her sight.
She took out the letter he left her from her drawer. Her hand was trembling and eyes are wet. She knew she can't see all of the words, especially with his ant-like handwriting. But she couldn't wait any longer. She used a pen knife as carefully as she can, to cut open the envelope nicely. She lay her fingers gently onto the rough paper, took the vintage brown letter out and unfolded it.
How is the operation? It must have been successful right? Now that you're reading my letter.
Well, it's been a long five years since we have known each other. Remember the first day we met? I remember it so clearly that it was also the first day in our junior high, that witch assigned us to become table mates, but I kind of thank her now. Without her, I wouldn't have known you, and I would still be that Min Yoongi. Your presence meant so much to me. You added meaning and purpose in my life, not just as an affluent second generation but living for myself as Min Yoongi. 
The day when we had so much fun at the beach was also the worst day of my life. I hate myself for being so coward. I should have brought myself to do this for you earlier. I'll never be able to do that in ever. Although there's still countless of regrets, things I wanted to do for you, things I wanted to say to you, I just want you to promise me that you'll take good care of yourself, and don't ever walk home late at night alone, arraso? Don't make me worry. 
Let's make a deal. If you don't make me worry, then I won't make you worry. I'll take that as a yes. 
Finally Eunsol, there's something I want to tell you for the past five years.
Friend, I love you.
Yours Truly,
Min Yoongi
She nodded and nodded as teardrops streamed down her face.
She felt a solitary drop on her bony wrist, followed by another, and another. 
It was the longest words he had ever said to her. His words made her feel warm and safe. She mumbled, so softly and yet so genuinely, 
"I'll miss you, friend."
She didn't know "friend" feels more than just a friend to her. She didn't know how much "friend" has done and wants to do for her. She didn't know "friend" pressed on every painstaking minute in his life for her even when he was with the disease, and "friend", even when he leaves, did everything he can for her. He chose to donate his corneas. She didn't know "friend" loves her more than anything, even himself.
She didn't know, and will never know.
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Pesyinja #1
Chapter 1: Please make a lot of angst story for IU and Bangtan only ... I'll be impatiently wait for other stories
Pesyinja #2
Chapter 1: Please make a lot of angst story for IU and Bangtan only ... I'll be impatiently wait for other stories
Pesyinja #3
Chapter 1: So far among all the angst stories i've read , this is the best one ! I'm not closing the tab
Chapter 1: Why? Why!!!!!! /crying/
So sad:(
Love the story<3
Dhanaletta #5
Chapter 1: Omg....i'm crying now...this is so sad story...hiks...hiks...
Gr8 story author-nim..:)
Can u make another oneshot story about BTS-IU, author-nim??
but pleeeaasseeeee....make it a happy ending story, kkkkkkkk.....xD
Hobaby-Howon #6
Chapter 1: Omgomgomg this is so sad ;-; and the letter is so akeodskcisienjsk and why did he die /sobs/
I ship this pair now ^^ thank you author-nim(:
rinaNaza #7
Chapter 2: it really beautiful., i'm crying.. chukanae author-nim
Sehun_lisp #8
Chapter 1: Make a JinU one please :3
Sunggyu_Hyuna #9
Chapter 1: author-nim, do write more of BTS and IU fanfics (:
familywinnerx #10
Chapter 2: So sad and great. You should make another story like this about them.