Pouring Affection

Like a cat was getting its master's attention, Yoonjo continued pawing the giggling and smiling Ara's chest, her head resting on Ara's shoulder. She hummed a lovely tune in the process, her fingers playing the locks of Ara's messed but still beautiful hair (according to her own point of view a.k.a. brain).

She still continued to think of her feelings for Ara and her heart started playing the same, sweet rythym when Ara leaned closer towards her, her chest pressing harder against Yoonjo's, which made Yoonjo gasp a bit – dugeun dugeun dugeun. 

Shivers began running against Yoonjo's spine when she could feel her cold breath mixed with Ara's hot breath, with her eyes shut tightly, feeling that the worse had come for her to encounter. But she thought it was just pure nonsense – she lifted her head off Ara's shoulder, this time, with her eyes fluttered open, like the flowers bloomed in the sunrise.

Yoonjo sat up properly on Ara's lap, hugging her knees tight to her chest. She continued to stare at Ara's beautiful, doe eyes (also according to her own point of view a.k.a. brain) and dugeun dugeun dugeun. Here came the feelings again as butterflies attacked her stomach, her eyes eyeing Ara from head to toe.

What is this feeling? Is this pure love or is this admiration? Yoonjo continued thinking of her suddenly changed ual orentiation and she couldn't fall head over heels for Ara. Not yet. The time hadn't come yet for feelings but when she could feel that time had stopped, Ara suddenly pinned Yoonjo on the bed, hovering on top of the younger's body.

Yoonjo gasped again and she could feel Ara's breath mixing with hers again. Even though she was hesistant, her arms s around Ara's waist, her legs hooking with the elder's. She just responded by stammering, "U-Unnie.."

"Kiss me.." Those were only the words Ara could mutter, her lips at the sight of Yoonjo's pink, plump ones. She growled softly, her thumb caressing Yoonjo's lips and she whispered against them, "Your lips are waiting for me this whole time, right?"

"U-Uh.." Yoonjo bit her lower lip hard but without her noticing, her lips moved closer towards Ara's even though she felt hesistant. But she wanted to cherish Ara, she had always noticed her feelings. It was finally time to start anew.





Yoonjo's eyes fluttered open immediately and she sat up on the bed, her hair messed and her body trembling. Blood rose onto her cheeks and she cupped them tightly, her head looking down because of total embarrassment. 

She turned her head towards her right side – Ara was sleeping soundly and Yoonjo began touching her face. Ara was still looking totally beautiful, although her black hair almost covered her whole face. Yoonjo took the advantage to tuck all the strands of hair in front of Ara's face behind the leader's ears, with her smiling to herself.

But she could feel her cheeks heating up for the second time and her heart beating again, this time, in reality a.k.a. real life.

She remembered the words that Ara muttered before the "kiss" happened – well, it didn't happened.. yet?

"Kiss me.." Yoonjo had always wanted to do it but she wasn't one hundred percent ready; more like 26% ready.

"Your lips are waiting for me this whole time, right?" Ara was right – who wouldn't want to kiss those beautifully-shaped lips? Any fanboy (or fangirl) would die to kiss them, even though it was just a simple peck.

By that day, Shin Yoonjo, Hello Venus' resident Barbie doll and soprano girl, had 1001 questions to solve in her mind, which was already occupied with her strangled thoughts, about her suddenly changed ual orientation.

Word Count: 626 words

A/N: An update for today, yipee, before going towards my homework. And it's the longest chapter so far and wow, it's AraJo-centric.. Wow. I'm not a hardore shipper of them but wow (I know, I said it three times, haha). Anyway, this chapter's inspired by and dedicated to tminttusuklaa a.k.a. Ida! Seriously, I love you so much, random buddy. :)

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blackfiction #1
Chapter 20: I cant type much
But i wanna say i love this so much :') aww my feelings ♥
Chapter 20: Yes oh yes to aralice! ♥♥♥ And all the other happy couples >< so fluffy and cute^^
I really love this story! And wow, it's been six months already o_o
Very well done Ira~!!! I really enhjoyed reading this^^
Chapter 20: Awww in the end everybody found their other halves!
So cute~~~ i like it a lot, Ira :D
blackfiction #4
Chapter 7: didnt remember have i read this before ? lol i have bad memory orz gonna re read this... ah alrd upvoted and subsribed :p
Chapter 18: Finally got time to read the new chappies! You've updated fast! >w<
And the next one is the ending already. I don't think I'm ready for it O_O (okay, lol just kidding x3)
Oh my, who will she finally confess to? (And yay for E-young~! >_<) And what is the answer going to be? I'm so curios^^
Chapter 18: Awwww, ending already? D:

:' I bet it's AraLice~ poor Yoonjo~<3
Chapter 18: Wow triple update! Can't believe the story is going to end ;A;
I think the one Ara likes is Alice..... Update soooon :D
I have a feeling that maybe Yoonjo is going to end up with Lime xD