Chapter 2

The Medium

“Kai! Kai! Kai! Kai!”


No response.


“Hey Kai, dude, that isn't funny... Come on Kai open your eyes!”


Again. No response. I can feel my tears rolling down. Stop it. This isn't funny. Really, this joke is lame Kai. So lame. Please open your eyes. I beg you. This is not real.




I tried to shake the boy with the meanwhile dead white face.




I searched for something, I don't know what I was searching for. Maybe for help? I did see a man coming out of a car. His hair was pushed back and he had a suit on, I wanted to kill him. He was the one that hit Kai with his car. I looked at him, he looked at me. He was confused he didn't know what to do. You could see the angst in his face. Anger started to built up in me. He pulled his phone out and called the ambulance. 3 minutes later the ambulance arrived and tried to take Kai away from me.


“DON'T TOUCH HIM!! YOU MORONS DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH MY BEST FRIEND! HE IS FINE!” They looked at me like I was mad or something.


One of the Helpers that came out of the ambulance did come to me and said I should calm down and asked me who I was. I laughed. I should calm down? How was I supposed to calm down when my best friend was dying in front of me?


“I'm his brother. Take me with you.”


I said to the the man in front of me in the most calm way I could do. The man looked at me. It wasn't a lie. We were like brother. Our friendship was deeper than friendship, we are brothers, just from different moms and dads.


“I- I'm his brother... Please...”


I wouldn't think he would agree, I mean we look nothing alike with Kai, maybe he knows how I feel. The man nodded and I ran to Kai in the ambulance. I cried. I held Kai's hand.


“Kai... Please... You're going to be alright! I promise!”


He opened his eyes slightly. A little bit of hope begin to grow inside of me.


“Kai... You can do it!! I believe in you! Fighting!” Tears. They won't stop flowing. How annoying.


I looked at the man. He was touching Kai here and there, looking if something was broken or not, or something like that. They messed his blood pressure, etc. I don't know they were doing things, I was too busy looking at Kai and crying, and praying for the first time in my life to good. If he exists, he wouldn't take Kai away from me. He would know that I have no one except for Kai.


“Surgery.” That's the only thing he said. The other ones just nodded. The man who was driving the ambulance said something to his walky talky or whatever it was. I was too focused on Kai.


“He's going to be alright, hopefully. Well, at least he have no broken bones.” Said the woman beside me.


“Right? He is going to be alright... Did you hear that Kai? You're going to be alright. I knew it.”


At the hospital they immediately took Kai to the surgery room. Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes like hours, hours like days. I was fumbling with my fingers nervously and waiting that the stupid light above the surgery room turns off and see Kai's stupid grin, telling me he's alright. I was sitting when I heard Kai's Mother running to me I immediately stood up and walked towards her. A mistake. She slapped me as hard as she could, it felt like it. Her eyes were red, really red. I could see tears and rage in her eyes, her face wet with tears and sweat. I could just imagine how she must felt. Her only son was struggling with his life.


“Mrs. Ki-”




“Mrs. Kim.. Kai-”


Slap. I know she was mad. Was it my fault?




The care taker came and tried to stop Kai's mom. She always hated me. Why? Because I was closer to Kai than her. She was jealous.




Why do I feel so bad? Is it my fault? Is it guilt what I'm feeling right now? Yes, it must be my fault. I didn't stop him... And now is Kai struggling with his life in this room-

The light above the room where they took Kai for the surgery turned off. I held my breath and so did Mrs. Kim. I could feel my heart pounding really hard, it was just like if my heart was going to stop any second. The doctor came out. Me and Mrs. Kim looked hopefully in his eyes. I wish I would've died in this second. He did shake his head and apologised.


“We tried our best. I'm sorry for your loss. We couldn't save him.”


I felt like all the blood in me drained out of my body. Kai is dead? Kai is dead. Kai is dead. No. It can't be. He couldn't be dead. He just... couldn't, right? It must be a prank. Where is the camera? I looked around me. I mean 2 hours ago we still had school and he talked about this new game. He talked how he wanted to see how much the graphic changed, and the storyline. He wanted to try this new character. No. He can't be dead. I won't allow that. No. Just No-

Everything turned black and I passed out.

I slowly opened my eyes. I felt like crap. Like I have a hangover or something. I could puke over my teacher at this moment and wouldn't regret it. I blinked a few times and tried to perceive the things around me. The room seemed pretty familiar. There was something on the edge of my bad, or someone I don't know my vision was still blurry. Then I realised I was in my room. What the hell am I doing here?


“Huh, why am I in my room?” I totally forgot the thing or the someone on my bed. Basically talked to myself.


“Wasn't I at school today? Did I call Kai? He must be worried... I mean K-” A sudden memory fragment shoot in front if my eyes, Kai was dead.


“Kai... KAI, YOU CAN'T BE DE-... Kai?” The thing was a person, the person was Kai, so I dreamed all of this? Oh thank God. It felt like something heavy did fall from my shoulders. I felt enlightened. I was relieved and started to smile.


“Yes? That's my name?” He grinned his usually stupid grin. Then I remembered the dream.

“AH! Oh my god! Kai! You won't believe me but I had the freakiest dream, ever! I dreamed that you died in a car accident! Ah... Don't worry they say that if a close person to you die in your dreams he is going to life longer!”


“Oh? Is that so? But hey, Baek-”


“Ah! Wasn't today your game coming out? Did you buy it? Sorry I couldn't come with you, I didn't even know I wasn't at school, I could bet I was... it must be this dream, man it seemed so real it's creepy.”




Why can't I stop talking? Am I afraid? What am I afraid of? Of the true? What is the true? From which true am I afraid? My mouth was working on his own.


“This dream was really creepy... promise me to look after yourself, OK? Don't go over the street if the lights are red! I can't be everytime with you!”


“God Damn it Baek, listen!”


“Hm? Yes, Kai? What is it?” I looked at him with curiosity. Please, don't say what I'm thinking. I beg you Kai. But the thing I'm thinking.. it's impossible.


“Uhm...Baek.. I think... I'm dead, but I'm not sure, though...”


No. No. I felt like my heart stopped for a second. No. Just no.


“Don't joke, Kai... That is really not funny, you know I hate such jokes... If you're dead how can I see you? Hm? Next time please try a little bit harder if you want to scare me.”


No, this was really not funny. No.


“Listen, Baek. It's not a joke. Like I would do such lame jokes. You see, it might creep you out a little if I tell you this, but... I saw my lifeless corps. It was on a table or something, The doc's put something white over my face, and said something like 'Dead time 16:54' that creeped the out of me. Can you imagine how creepy that was? Huh? Baek? Are you fine? You look like you just saw a ghost.”


Well, if the thing you just told me is true then I'm seeing one, right now, you dumb . I coughed slightly.


“I'm fine, continue.”


He nodded and continued.


“Then I decided to go out, and the moment I was outside, I saw you and mom. Mom was crying hysterically and you, you laid on the ground. So I ran to you and mom. I asked the doc what happened, but that bastard ignored me. Tch, still can't get over it. How can you ignore such a handsome face? So I tried to toch the doc because he was ignoring me, you know what? My ing hand was going through his body!! In the same moment your parents where going through ME. That creepiness I felt was a whole new level. I saw that your parents did take you to the car, I don't know why they didn't let you stay in the hospital, but again your parents are creepy. So I ran away, I ran to you Baek. You're the only person I can trust. So yeah. That was the story.”


I was speechless. I didn't know if I should believe this. I mean it was Kai. He loved to prank me since ever.


“Prove it.”




“Prove it that you're a ghost. I want to see that with my own eyes.” To be honest I didn't want that, what if this all was true? But I hoped it wasn't. A little voice in me told me it was true, but again another told me he's just Kai.


“OK.” He said. “I'm going through the wall so watch me.”


I hold my breath without realisation. The next thing what happened, shouldn't have ever happened. He was going through the wall. The WALL. WALL. W-A-L-L. THE ING WALL! I must've looked really dumb because Kai protruded his face through the wall and laughed like a maniac, but had a serious and sad face in the next second.


“You know...” He said. “That's kinda creepy but so cool at the same time. I can fly, too. I'm happy that you can see me, Baek. It would be really lonely without you. I mean If you couldn't see me. All the people on the street couldn't see me, your parents included. At first I thought how cool it is I imagined all the things I could do know, but... It would be lonely.”


I was still shocked, and didn't know what to say, or think. I gasped after breath. I realised I was holding my breath till now.


“W-w-why can I s-s-see y-you? W-Why c-can we t-t-talk...?” I stuttered.


“I don't know. Maybe because we are close?”


“T-that's creepy Kai, really creepy.”


“Right? Not even my own Mom can see me. Oh, I think I just heard that old witch calling your name.”


“My mom? She's at home? Why is she at home? Why isn't she at work like al-” The door flung open.


“Baekhyun? Are you finally awake? Do you know how much work I could do in the time I was here, just because of you?” That's why Kai calls her old witch. My mom is a workaholic. She never cared about me was rarely at home, like dad. It was always lonely, especially on special days like Christmas or new year.


“I'm sorry Mrs. Byun... I'm deeply sorry, thank you.” Right, and she wants me to call her Mrs. Byun I don't know why. I don't care, either way.


“Ah, and before I forget.”




“Tomorrow, you're going to school. I don't care if your friend... how was his name again? Something with I or A, well whatever. What I'm trying to say is, you're going to school tomorrow, I don't care if the friend of yours just died. I'm sorry for your loss, but life goes on, so go to school.” She turned around and leaved my room.


“...” She seriously expect that I'm going to school tomorrow? My best friend just died, and she doesn't even care! I know that she's a robot or something but why is she expecting me to be a robot, too? I have feelings unlike her.


“Maaaaaan... I called her a witch, I'm taking it back. She's a ing heartless robot. Your best friend just died and look what she says. She doesn't even comfort you. I would go and slap her.”


“It's funny to hear that out of your mouth.”




“That you actually... died...”




Awkward silence.


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