
Courir Loin

EDIT AS OF JULY 26, 2014: There's a next chapter after this bull letter, so it's up to you if you continue or not, okay? Love you xoxo (ew. what is that xoxo that's so-)

First of all, I'm sorry for the title. You probably thought it was a story update but I really need you to read this . 

I'll get straight to the point to make it up to you: I'm leaving the KPop fandom. As much as I love it/being a part of it, it's sadly pulling me apart from my reality. I know I'm getting addicted so I'm gonna put a stop to it before I lose complete control. Kpop's on my mind 24/7 since 2011 and it's not doing good to my real life especially now that I'm in college and an engineering student to top that. Jesus Christ, those math equations and science formulas meddling with Big Bang or EXO isn't really that good for my brain. Boo, brain. I won't be one of those people who leave the fandom and then start hating. Nope. Kpop's only been in my life for almost 4 years but it felt like it taught me everything I know in my whole life. (I'm not the only one who feels like that, right? Please tell me I'm right or I'm going to admit myself to an asylum.) I'll still support them but not as much as before. 

Don't worry though. I won't deactivate because I know myself. I love writing so I'll probably be going back here to write during my leisure time but that doesn't mean I'm telling you to wait. I've done that waiting for over a hundred times and trust me, I didn't like the outcome. There are authors who tell their readers that they'll be only gone for an specific time but they never come back. So, I'm giving you the freedom to choose whatever you want. Yeeey! Freedom! I'm taking this time to thank all of you and to apologize. I really am sorry. 

So...uhh...I guess this it. I've made my point and I'm expecting that you got it already. I'll miss this, I swear, but my reality's being a and it's demanding me to live without distractions. 

Bye, my people! It's been an interesting journey! 

*hops into a classy ship and waves like a beauty queen* 


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Chapter 6: ohw come on!
alaynestone #2
Chapter 4: Update, update yeahhhh. And they met. Can`t wait to see how they`ll love-hate each other.
Chapter 4: Love this freaking fic! Update soon please! XD
MaryGTop #4
Chapter 4: This chapter is awesome. Please update soon :)
You are the queen srsly
And I LOVED THE UPDATE I'm glad you are back with a chaptter thank you so much dear!!! x
alaynestone #6
Chapter 3: It's totally understandable and correct even if it a little for us (this story started out really good). But you know what's totally awesome? You have the freedom too. You don't have to decide anything with finality now, you can stop completely or just make a pause and come back to all this when you think your self-control is strong enough for that and you find some kind of a balance between your studies and private interests. And take it from me as someone who also had a difficult major az uni, you most likely will find your balance. Good luck with college :)
Chapter 3: Reading your resignation (oh lol) from the fandom because of school made me think too you know?
i would always be distracted that i just wouldn't study when there were daily test in the school and all, and i really respect your decision dear :)
Fighting for your college! :)
Chapter 2: I'm so happy for this update, this is so exciting >__< I couldn't help but squeal when they said, but they are just nineteen jahkajska ♥ Can't wait to know what's gonna happen next and what s...specially Ji's parents trying to marry him off just like that :/
Jeezfiction #9
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh, what drama! I loved 19 so I'm so looking forward to this.
Jiyong's dad is such an and trying to frame Seunghyun for the robbery is really low. I hope they both run and never come back (or at least that their parents take a chill pill before they do).
I'm looking forward to the next part.
Chapter 2: ça fait bien longtemps que j'attends la suite de cette fanfic , merci de poster le nouveau chapitre , j'attends la suite avec impatience