Chapter 1

Your Protection Into Love

So all this hate started when one day he blamed her for something she didn't do.


IU loved Kikwang since they were little childrens. They've always been in the same school for almost their whole life because their parents were really close. Since they were little, they both loved each other more than friends, more than brother and sister. But how about now? They both hate each other.. Because something happened ...



Teacher: as you guys all may know someone have accidentally pushed Hyeri from the top of the stairs yesterday. Anyone thinks they know who did it? 
Students: no!
Kikwang: yesterday IU was fighting with her before the incident happens.. 
Kikwang said that because one who tells who the suspect might be could win a big award which everyone in the school wanted..
IU was very surprised. She was innocent! She couldn't believe Kikwang, the one she had always loved, accused her of doing this horrible thing.. After that day she had to leave her friends and everyone she loved in the school to go to a private girls school.







From that incident she hated him so much! Now that they attend the same high school, she can't even bare looking at him face, meanwhile he always bullies her! It's been 3 years since they've been in the same high school after the incident.


Teacher: IU, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you should transfer to another school. That'd be the best for you and for the school.
IU: but..but I didn't do anything I'm innocent!
Teacher: even if you are, nothing will change. The whole school thinks you did it, they think IT WAS YOU!


She was going to burst into tears. She left her teachers office tears running down her cheeks. At that moment she wishes someone, just one person would trust and have her back. She went outside to the schools park, and sat under a huge tree.. "Why can't anyone believe me!? I'm innocent!" She screamed loud as more tears going down her cheeks. "I do! I really think you're innocent," a voice said behind her.



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TaemU please.. TaemU.. :)