04. Polaroids

가지 마세요 || Don't Go

"Are you ready to tell us what happened?" Chanyeol asked, rubbing Kyungsoo's back gently. "Did Jongin say anything?" Baekhyun adding in, grabbing a piece of tissue for Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo uncovered his face, revealing his puffy eyes, red along with the rest of his pale face. He had been crying for about half an hour nonstop. Most people would say he's being over dramatic, but this was Kyungsoo.

The sniffling male took the tissue before blowing his nose, mumbling a quiet 'thank you', tossing the used tissue in the trash bin not too far away.

"It was Jongin. . . And I heard. . . I heard Sehun in the back." Kyungsoo began, continuing to sniffle in between silences. "He was laughing, guys. He was laughing. . . with someone else."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol could only widen their eyes with shock, only to sigh in the end. There was nothing to say, honestly. Sehun laughing with someone else meant that he was really comfortable with that person. That means a lot because it takes him a long time to break down his barriers.

"Kyungsoo. . . It's just a friend. You know Sehun wouldn't even think about cheating on you." Chanyeol said, trying his best to cheer Kyungsoo up.

"No." Kyungsoo said immediately after Chanyeol spoke.


"I said no!" He snapped, this time exploding with anger. He wasn't sad anymore, but furious and hurt.

Chanyeol flinched when the other yelled, having the anger in Kyungsoo's eyes fade away just slightly, eyes softening at the couple beside him.

"I'm sorry Yeol. . . . It's just that . . . Sehun was talking to that guy and he said. . . He said I was no one. That guy saw my photo and he said I was nothing." Kyungsoo said, his voice showing the pain in his heart.

"Are you sure it was your photo?" Baekhyun broke from his silence, letting the other two know about his presence again. Kyungsoo at least.

Kyungsoo paused before answering with a small sigh.

"I bought Sehun a Polaroid camera for that one year we did Christmas at Kris and Yixing's house. . . He keeps all his photo's in a box and he really wanted to take it all with him." Kyungsoo nodded, remembering that moment when they were preparing their goodbyes. A small smile curved at the end of his lips with a quiet chuckle. "I only let him take one. The one he chose was a photo with me, holding a blue balloon."

"Sehun! You can't take all of those!" Kyungsoo laughed, pulling away the shoe box from the younger's hands.

Sehun stomped his foot and crossed his arms like a child.

"And why not!?" He sulked, pouting out his lips.

Kyungsoo shook his head and sat down on the edge of their bed, placing the box on top of his lap. Hand brushing against the letters spelling 'Sehun's Polaroids' across the top, the blonde male sat beside his lover's hand admire his silly handwriting.

It wasn't until the older one was sniffling, Sehun realized his boyfriend was crying again for the tenth time this week.

"Hyung. No, no, no, no." He frowned, turning Kyungsoo's face to look up and face him gently. Kyungsoo refused and turned away, wiping his own tears.

The box in his lap slipped down and flipped over on the floor, the lid slipping off as well. The photos scattered around the floor, slightly startling the weeping male.

"I'm sorry, Sehun-ah." Kyungsoo apologized quietly, quickly getting on both knees to pick up the photos. Sehun joined him shortly after.

"No, silly head. It was an accident." He said softly, hands picking up photos and putting them back into the box. Sehun smiled after each photo, putting them back in after glancing at them. He was starting to realize how most of the photos inside were of Kyungsoo rather than other things. It was starting to creep him out, but not really. Kyungsoo was his angel and he wanted to cherish every moment they had together.  'Photos are pieces of memories', he thought.

Kyungsoo realized how slow his boyfriend was picking up the photos, looking up at him. He giggled quietly to himself as Sehun continued to admire every single photo for a second, repeating the process after placing a new photo back inside.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Kyungsoo cut in with Sehun's precious photo admiring time. Sehun looked up and gave a small laugh, nodding his head.

"Ah, yeah. . . I'm just having little flashbacks." Sehun smiled, looking back down at the photo in his hand. To his surprise, it was one of his favorites. The one with Kyungsoo holding the balloon.

"I know how much these mean to you, so I want you to take one only. . . You might get mad at yourself for losing one later on." Kyungsoo said, head raising up to peek at the photo in his boyfriend's hands.

Sehun didn't hesitate to face the photo towards Kyungsoo with a huge smile across his face. "I want to take this one." He said, waving it around a little.

Kyungsoo laughed and tilted his head to the side. "Are you sure?" He asked, furrowing a brow. That wasn't the best photo in there, in Kyungsoo's opinion. If he could pick the one for Sehun, he would pick the one with his hair all fixed up while he wore a tuxedo. That was the night Kris and Yixing wanted to eat fancy dinner for the first time. A hilarious night it was.

Sehun just nodded, flipping the photo back over to face him.

Kyungsoo saw in his eyes, how precious that photo was to him. It looked like as if that was his life in his hands. It made Kyungsoo feel special, because in Sehun's heart, he was.

Chanyeol just leaned forward between his legs, one elbow resting on his thigh while his hand pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh ing Sehun." He groaned. "I'm gonna beat his when he comes back."

"No, no, no, no." Kyungsoo pouted. "I'm probably just overreacting. See, Chanyeol? I'm fine. I'm just being a lil' ." He attempted to smile.

If Chanyeol was ever beating someone up, he'd do it well. He used to hit anyone at school who said Baekhyun was ugly or anything negative. Young love.

The three sat there for the rest of the night, laughing off Kyungsoo's sadness with the talk of their old lives in high school. Nothing about Sehun was mentioned anymore that night, and to Kyungsoo's surprise, it felt good.

Starting a new day, Sehun was woken up by a sharp punch on the side of the cheek. It wasn't the first time.

For the past year, Sehun had barely discovered that his best friend since birth had been a puncher in his sleep. He didn't remember the older male being like that when they were children.

"Kim Jongin, I swear to ing god." Sehun cursed, eyes slowly opening as he rubbed the cheek that was hit.

Jongin opened his eyes to see an angry looking Sehun in front of him. In the inside, he was glad that he was a puncher in his sleep, but on the outside, he wore an apologetic face.

"Sorry, dude." He said, sitting up from his mat. Looking around, Jongin saw a lot of people still sleeping, some snoring, even.

Sehun followed after, sitting up to look around at the sleeping men. It was like every other day except today was different. They weren't woken up by loud sirens or water being splashed on their faces. Why? Because today was vacation day.

"Are you gonna visit him?" Jongin asked, suddenly breaking the silence in the room, the snores not counting.


"Kyungsoo. You know. . . Your boyfriend." Jongin snorted, rolling his eyes while trying to pass it off as a joke.

Sehun, being the stupid he is, took it.

"Oh! Haha. Of course, of course. . . I wanted to surprise him actually. He's working today, so I want to surprise him when he gets back from work." Sehun smiles.

With a sigh, the other tried to force a smile.  "I'm surprised you remember. That's good." Jongin nods, patting Sehun's back a few times before sliding out of bed.

It's time to start vacation day

Word Count : 1370

Sorry if this is bad. It's 12AM.Hahah.
ARE YOU!?!??!?!?!
Idek. Hehuehuehue.
Shoutout to subscriber Parktowers though <3



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my subbies are so cute. im sorry i didnt post the kaisoo thing yet. ill write it when i can. i just wanna focus on the story. ill probs post it after dont go;;


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I love this so so much. I hope the sequel is still being worked on or am I four years late? Ugh, I just love this too much! My SeSoo heart is breaking. :’(
Chapter 23: Sehun is going to cheat? omg that guy ;_; he never learn to stop hurting Kyungsoo, does he?
I'm just excited for the not-really-Kaisoo couple.

Amd oml, is that a picture of you on the vote thing? You're so cute~ >3< !!!!
Chapter 22: A SEQUEL???kyaaa LOVE IT!! Can't wait for it~thank u for making me happy today~hehe >.<
001030 #4
Chapter 22: Wow!!
I see , so kyungsoo has a twin. Ah! Can't wait for sequel !
Chapter 22: I'm so excited for the sequel.I literally squealed when I read this.gyahh!!!
I was a bit creeped out with the "D.O" ending,idk but he looks like Kyungsoo and now he has the stage name of Kyungsoo > ~ <
I can't wait for the sequel!!
Chapter 22: I don't even like Kaisoo but I'm so excited for that sequel ;_; How for once I wish they were the main tho. I really can't wait for it to be started. :)
i love this.
thx <3
Ended so fast!
i need more sesoo!
this was breathtaking.
the emotions were overwhelming.
i love this.