a missing gap



The world tour is a blessing, that’s how Sunggyu should’ve think it is, not every artist could be able to perform in different countries in the world like how Infinite is doing these days, and he should be grateful that they’ve been representing Korea in that manner, where one of his dream is finally fulfilled.

But he’s tired, it’s really mentally and physically exhausting. It is a challenge that he should overcome, he is really thankful that he has the members around and Jungyeop sajangnim who has been very entertaining the whole time around during the world tour.

Or maybe not all the members.

Things are getting dry and dull between him and Woohyun, he admits.

It’s a lie to say the whole Sunghyun pairing as a fabricated play, Sunggyu loves Woohyun just like the way he loves all the members, Woohyun loves to crack a joke and prank together with him with mostly Sungjong as the victim, Woohyun and Sunggyu discus a lot about music and vocal techniques off stage when they’re recording together since they spend most of their time as the main vocals at the recording studio, except that Jungyeop sajangnim once requested them to be more intimate and interesting due to the enthusiastic response on their relationship from the Inspirits, they do it naturally, eventually, but things are not how it is like 2 years ago.

Just like how they stopped trying hard at the variety shows, just like how they’ve stopped being a rookie they are who needs to do some aegyo or some special stage to attract the fans, they’ve had enough fans to count on now, the whole Sunghyun act has been forgotten, it’s not really a main concern anymore.

And so, Sunggyu finds himself somehow drifting apart from Woohyun lately. He thinks he kinda missed that old moments, where they plan on where to touch and what to do for the fanservice. It’s funny for him that he is actually missing something that he hasn’t think about before, he still remembers when he strongly against the pairing idea to his boss, and now he ended missing what it feels like.

They don’t really have a lot of time together anymore too, since the world tour. The only interaction that they’re doing is just when the rehearsal or the concert is on, but it’s just a different-feel, it’s not really what it seemed to be back then, Sunggyu can sensed it, he get it that now Woohyun has a new friends too, when they’re not overseas, Woohyun would be the first person to disappear in their break, either visiting his family’s restaurant, or hanging out with Kibum or Jaejoong hyung. Woohyun said that it’s because he could see all of the members everyday but meeting these people are not something that he could do everyday, Sunggyu understands it well, so he simply lets Woohyun to be off from all the plan that the other members are doing during their free time in Korea.

After they came back from Korea again from Hongkong, there’s another free time awaiting before the next round of the tour started in Europe. Dongwoo went to visit his family, so does Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Sungjong. Howon went for a short recording at a variety show that invites him as a guest, which leaves Sunggyu and Woohyun as the only people at the dorm when they woke up late at the afternoon.

“It’s been a long time since I could sleep for 10 hours,” Woohyun yawns hard. Sunggyu wants to say that it’s been a long time too since there’s only two of them in the same room, but he refused to be a little sentimental about this. The camera is off, this is them, in real life, without any pretenses. Only Woohyun sitting lazily at the sofa with his head leans back at Sunggyu’s shoulder.

“Not going out?” Sunggyu asks.

“I don’t think so, I haven’t told you? My mum and dad went to Osaka for a week, doing their second honeymoon I guess.”

“How about Kibum?”

“He asked me to go for a lunch but I think it’s gonna be too late for it, I don’t know.. the weather makes me lazy to go out,” Woohyun reasons, “Let’s just watch a movie later? Vocal-line bonding time!” he cheekily states.

“That’s gross,” Sunggyu laughs, a laughs that doesn’t sound mocking at all, more like in a tender way.

“I know that you must’ve miss me so much, you should’ve looked after me better,”

“I have 6 other guys to look after too, stop wanting to be the center of attention,”

“At some point I thought that you really hate me for leaving a lot, but what to do? I’m a social butterfly Woohyun,”  Sunggyu knows this well. Which makes them not really a good match since the younger is outgoing and  friendly and Sunggyu is not those who could do that easily, he only trusts some people in his own small circle.

“It’s not like what you think..I’m just tired….”  Sunggyu confess, it’s rare for him to complain or tell about what he feels to s, but he just felt like he needs to let it out today.

“We know that you’re always tired, hyung.” Woohyun chuckles, “That’s not a surprise.”

“What I mean is that you might mistaken my tired look as ignorant look.” Sunggyu takes a deep sigh and gazes back at Woohyun, “I don’t hate you,”

“But you talk a lot to the rest.. “

“It’s because they approach me first, and what have you done to me lately? You’ve been avoiding me many times,”

“Because I thought that hyung really hates me,”

“That won’t solve anything.”

“Then how about today, movie and vocal line bonding time? It might solve things out? We can fill up anything that we’ve been missing so far?”  Woohyun offers to Sunggyu.

“Not bad.”

“We could talk about what we’re going to do in Europe later if we have a break there too, we could shop and eat around, Paris must be pretty.”

“Sorry but Howon has booked me for that,” Sunggyu smirks towards Woohyun.

“It’s okay, as long as I know that there’s always a special place on me in your heart.”

“You are really gross,” Sunggyu raises his tone, “Stop saying things like that, let’s just take a shower and watch a movie later,” he tries not to laugh on Woohyun.

“Okay hyung, I’ll go shower first. Wait for me, okay?”

“Yes, I will.” Sunggyu nods as Woohyun stands up from the sofa.

Sunggyu is not tired.

It’s all gone after hearing a very gross confession from Woohyun that he cringed upon.


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Chapter 1: short but sweet.
i miss woogyu's moment too.
Chapter 1: It was cute hehe ^^
Chapter 1: makes me miss woogyu moreeee but this is adorable^^
xinshuang #4
Chapter 1: This is short but sweet.