A Lost Memory Recovered and the Debut

Together, Back In Your Arms

Bright! Kyungsoo thought as he opened his eyes to a blinding light. He squinted as he waited for his eyes to focus and the first thing he noticed is a mop of brown hair by his bedside. He smiled as he looked at his sleeping dongsaeng before he looked around the room. It appeared to be a hospital room, seeing the white wallpapers everywhere, as well as the smell of… well… hospitals. Kyungsoo, once again, directed his eyes to the younger. He reached out and ran his fingers through the soft hair of the sleeping guardian.

“Jong In…” he softly called out and watched as the other stirred. Kyungsoo chuckled as he messed the other’s hair, an old, intimate habit he remembered from their past life, causing the other to wake up instantly and fix his hair.

“You’re awake.” It was really more of a statement than anything else.

“I am.”

“Do you remember my name now?”

“Kyungsoo” his name rolled off the other’s mouth as easily as breathing and Kyungsoo internally groaned. Oh, how he missed that voice… Looking into his warm eyes, Kyungsoo sat up and went still as he felt Jong In wrap his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist.

“I missed you, you know?” Jong In nodded in the hug, as if to say ‘I missed you too’ in reply, avoiding Kyungsoo’s eyes as he continued to snuggle in the other’s embrace, refusing to face his lover.

“Look at me.” He felt Jong In slowly raise his head, softly moving in the hug but not entirely pulling away. He looked into those puppy-like eyes and chuckled.

“What’s with those eyes? I’m not mad.”

“Maybe you’re not mad, but you’re embarrassed to love someone like me… I am so useless. How could I hurt my own friends and you for that matter?” Jong In went back to hide his face in Kyungsoo’s chest, stubbornly keeping his arms tight around Kyungsoo so he can’t make him look at his face.

“Have you talked with the others yet?” A nod was given in reply.

“What did they say?” A muffled reply came out.


“They forgive me.”

“Then, that’s all that matters.” He tightened his arms with the same amount Jong In kept him in.

“Where are the–” A few chuckles and shushing sounds came through the door as it creaked the slightest bit open.

“Come in, guys!” Kyungsoo called out, as he patted Jong In on the shoulder. Hesitantly, Jong In pulled away but pecked the older in the cheek before standing beside him, holding his hand with one of his own and the other around his shoulder. Kyungsoo welcomed the embarrassed looks of their friends as they became aware that they’ve been caught eavesdropping.

“Kyungsoo, you’re awake!” Baekhyun shouted as he made his way to the other side of the hospital bed to hug his friend. Kyungsoo squeaked as he felt his hyper friend’s hug take the air out of his lungs. Before Jong In could complain, Baekhyun let go.

“I’m just hugging Kyungsoo, no need to complain.” Jong In just pouted.

“How are you guys?”

“Oh, we’re fine. We just got a few minor scratches but nothing Lay couldn’t heal.” Chanyeol said as he pulled Baekhyun for a back hug.

“How are you feeling, Kyungsoo?”

“Oh, I’m feeling fine. My shoulder still feels a bit sore but it’s not too bad.” Looking around, he saw everyone except for two people.

“Where are Sehun and Luhan?” He watched as their friends’ bright eyes dim a bit in worry.

“Sehun is fine. But Luhan still hasn’t woken up…” Tao answered, looking down.

“They’re in the room next door so don’t worry. We can visit them later.” Suho smiled reassuringly.

“Besides, we’ve seen them in worse occasions. Clearly, this is just like getting hit by a train.” Chen laughed.

“Dude, that’s painful. Besides, we didn’t have trains in our past life.”  Xiumin elbowed Chen who immediately gasped for air as he tried to recover from the not-so-weak hit the oldest guardian just did. Everyone just laughed. Just then, the door opened and a few people came in. There was Taeyeon and Sunny, followed by Seohyun and Hyoyeon.

“Hey guys, I brought some pretty flowers from the flower shop we drove by–” Hyoyeon started.

“You mean, the flower shop we passed by twenty miles, before you suddenly decided to say, ‘hey, let’s get them flowers’ and pressed the brake instantly that led us to our near– ” Taeyeon started but Sunny took out a fan, from somewhere, to cool her down. An uncomfortable silence swept through the room until the door opened. A young doctor walked in and just as he was about to talk…

“Hey! You’re the fake scouting agent who scouted Luhan that day at the market.” The doctor made an abrupt turn, mumbling ‘wrong room’, to leave the room but was stopped when a taller guy entered, pushing Donghae who was yet in another disguise.

“Siwon-sunbaenim, Donghae-sunbaenim, why are you here?” Seohyun asked.

“Oh, we were just checking up on the guardians. We just came from Luhan’s room; he’s fine but still unconscious.”

“I certainly hope he’s fine… This is the second time around and Sehun is still getting worried…” Kyungsoo said. He was still thinking about it when a thought occurred to him.

“Ah! Jong In, can you…” Whatever it was Kyungsoo was going to say evaporated in the dead silence as all eyes turned to him.

“What is it, hyung?” Jong In asked, his eyes showing that he was worried. Kyungsoo motioned for Jong In to lean and whispered something.

“Oh…” All of a sudden, Jong In looked at the others. Another awkward silence filled in.

“What is the matter, Kyungsoo? Are you feeling pain anywhere?” Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo whose face was turning a light shade of red.

“Well, I can’t really tell you… I mean…” Kyungsoo stuttered, as did Jong In who also tried to tell the others to leave without them wondering why. Chanyeol caught up with the conversation and whispered something to Baekhyun. Instantly, his eyes widened and Baekhyun started pushing everyone out of the room.

“We’ll leave you guys to your bonding time.” Baekhyun and Chanyeol winked and then the room was silent.

“Can you check my shoulder for me? I want to make sure it doesn’t leave a scar.” Kyungsoo felt Jong In’s slender fingers move through the hospital gown to his bare shoulders. His warm touch lingering as he continued to touch Kyungsoo’s soft skin.

“There’s no scar” and with that, Kyungsoo sighed. All of a sudden, he tensed as he felt Jong In kiss his shoulder blade.

“Even if you did, I’d love you still the same.” Looking into each other’s eyes, they share a soft kiss.


Sehun had been waiting for almost five days now since the incident. He hoped Luhan would wake up by now. He is really worried and feared the cycle might repeat again. However, the doctor just came in reassuring him the Luhan will wake up sometime later.

“But how long more is later?!” Sehun grumbled in frustration, handfuls of his hair as he continued to wait for Luhan to show any movement.

“Luhan, can you hear me?” No response.

“I love you.” Sehun said as he slipped his hands into Luhan’s hand, their bracelets shining. A few minutes passed before he felt a squeeze. He looked up with teary eyes, hoping it was not just his imagination.

“Sehunnie…” Luhan’s voice was raspy but it was good enough for Sehun.

“How are you, love?”

“Why do you call me that?”

“Haven’t you remembered our past yet?” He frowned in disappointment upon seeing Luhan shake his head.

“No… I haven’t…” Sehun didn’t expect to see Luhan suddenly smile.

“Not until you take me on our prolonged bubble tea date.”

With that, Luhan was taken by surprise as Sehun took him in his arms. He coughed a bit and Sehun slowly set him back down on the bed.

“I’m sorry. I got too carried away. Don’t joke like that!” Sehun felt his mood lighten up as he looked at Luhan’s smiling face. He helped Luhan sit up before speaking.

“I missed you… so much.” Sehun said as he faced Luhan, their foreheads touching.

“I missed this.” He kissed Luhan’s hand.

“This…” He kissed Luhan’s forehead.

“This…” He kissed Luhan’s nose.

“And this…” He kissed Luhan’s cheeks.

“Especially this…” Their lips met.

“Is that all you missed in me? How about my eyes, did you miss them?” Luhan fluttered his eyes at Sehun.

“I missed every part of you, Xiao Lu.”

“I love you, Sehunnie.”

“I love you, Xiao Lu.”

The door bursts open and the other members ran to see Luhan excitedly. After a few moments, Jong In entered the room with Kyungsoo in a wheel chair. A great light filled the room. In a matter of seconds, the light vanished, leaving the members in wonder. They noticed they no longer had their powers and have become human. They also saw their symbols glow faintly before dimming to simply black prints on their skin. The guardians rejoiced the rest of the day.

The snow outside was melting, leaving a beautiful and refreshing scenery.

Spring has come.


Reporters and Interviewers filled the room, along with the blinding shutters of the cameras.

“Lee Soo Man-ssi, can you tell us more about the new band you’re introducing?”

“Why, they will be a group of 12 members, promoting in both South Korea and China.”

“Why do they have matching tattoos?”

“Didn’t you know? They’re from exoplanet.”

“Final question: What will they be called?”


***Little HunHan Ending***

Finally, after a few years, Luhan was able to visit China. He paid a visit to his family.

“Where is the husband you promised?”

“Mom, how did you–”

“The director sent us a letter. Now where is he?”

“He’s in South Korea, you know, working.”

“Ay, how could you return empty handed?” Just then, the door opened.

“Excuse me, is Luhan here?” A tall boy entered the house.

“Sehun, what are you doing here?”

“Hello, I am Sehun and I’m Luhan’s husband.” Sehun held Luhan’s hand, silver rings shining along with their bracelets. Luhan’s parents looked at Sehun for a second then pointed to Luhan.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” They said at the same time.

“Dad, Mom…”

“Wow, I have never seen Luhan’s face turn that red within five seconds…”

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Red Writer’s Note: Hey guys, I thought that since I only have a couple days before break ends, I let you know what happens at the end. What do you guys think? Good? Bad? A little too cut short? Anyway, thanks for all the subscribers, votes, and comments for “Together, Back In Your Arms.” Thanks again guys! For my next story, would you guys like a wolf au? Or how about a school au? How about one shots? Tell me about it. b(^-^)d

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Mads31904 #1
Chapter 8: Omg So good plz Update!
this is so asdassdfsdfdsg,,what a story daebak!~
MinSungYoung #3
Chapter 8: A very interesting story!!! A fusion with Mama and Wolf! I love it!! And it's great that you put SuJu, SNSD, and Shinee! I say you should think about about making a school story? Thanks!
Chapter 8: loved it!!! :D I really liked the kaisoo moments and the hunhan too <3
Chapter 4: I love the sequel so far! though one little pointer that actually has nothing to do with your writing or the story xD how come f(x) isn't at SM????? T^T I'm a big fan of them and it's already such a shame they don't get enough attention :(

Okaaayy…on with the actual story comment; I really like SuLay's relationship. I feel sorry for Sehun though for not being remembered by Luhan yet. I'm gonna read the rest now :P
linhairi22 #6
Chapter 1: Hello, i'm Vietnames
I really like your story, so can i translate it to Vietnames, please~~~
I will give credit to you after i translate it. Thank you.
Chapter 8: one of the best sequel ^__^ ahhaha XDD thanks for this story author-nim :DD Lovelots. <3
Chapter 7: Oh gosh !! How i miss this very amazing story ^_^ Love you author!!Thank you for the wonderful UD ^^
Chapter 6: ARGH!!!!!! Cliffhanger!!!!! *flips the table* i like your story.... please update... i really want to know what happen next...
HWAITING!!!!! ^.^