Seeing but Not Recognizing

Together, Back In Your Arms


Luhan looked back on his thought as he sat on the couch. I clearly remember collapsing on the bed the moment I got home yesterday, so how did I end up on my couch? With someone’s coat around me, too? He looked around for things that could possibly jog his memory when he finally gave up, unable to remember anything at all. But now that he thinks about it, he did have a strange dream. As he thought back to it, Luhan flushed and freshened up.

Approximately 24 hours ago…

It has been only a few days since the formation of EXO- M. They had been training in a studio, oddly enough, in the same building where Luhan graduated art from. They heard that they are officially the subgroup of EXO who will do a lot of promotions in China. Luhan was overjoyed. He can visit his family during his free time if they did promote in China. Unable to wait, Luhan brought a letter for his parents to give to Director Kwon Yuri. Although it wasn’t until the K-group is complete that they will debut, Luhan felt lucky to be scouted; while looking for vegetable at that, too. Upon thinking about that day, he remembered the kid who called out to him in the grocery store. Clearly, the boy knew him but where did the boy disappear to? He just vanished into thin air.

Before he realized it, Luhan has entered the building and saw his fellow members. As he got closer to the group, he was able to understand their topic of conversation.

“Has anyone of you heard that the EXO-K is still missing one more member?”

“No, where did you hear that?” Chen grinned.

“I have my sources…” Everyone just shrugged at Chen’s reply. From the corner of his eyes, Lay saw his hyung and called out. The other younger members greeted as Luhan got closer to them. In these past few weeks, they got along pretty well. He found out that both Chen and Xiumin are Koreans. They taught Korean to the Chinese members while the Chinese members shared their language in exchange. In short, each member learned something new from each other. Luhan, who learned Korean, usually served as the bridge between the members. After a few minutes of catching up, they decided to eat out. Just then, five people entered the building. They walked up to the front desk and one of the guys was fairly short, and he talked to the staff. Luhan looked at his face and noticed his wide eyes. He was saying something to the staff and immediately, she contacted someone. Deciding it isn’t really his business, Luhan turned back to his friends.

Together, EXO-M walked towards the exit. On the other hand, the five people thanked the staff and made their way past Luhan, Kris, Tao, Lay, Xiumin, and Chen. As they passed each other, all eleven of them felt a small tingle. But it was no compare to the pull two members from each groups felt. Luhan and Lay turned around just as the other two looked back. Lay smiled as the other, looking like an angel, gave him a greeting smile, and then, turned away to catch up to his group. On the other hand, Luhan stared as the tall one stared back with the same intensity. In a second, as if time stopped, they continued to look at each other’s eyes. Until, Luhan broke the eye contact with a nod. He didn’t know who the other is. They were strangers. Luhan followed his fellow members out the door when he remembered something. He called out to them.

“Guys, you go on ahead. I need to get this letter–” Luhan was cut off.

“Oh~ a love letter, perhaps?” Chen teased. The others stared at the letter in Luhan’s hands, with mild curiosity.

“No, it’s for my parents…”

“Uh…that’s not as fun as a love letter but okay…” Chen just shrugged.

“We’ll see you in the car then.” Kris said. He headed first, shortly followed by the other members. Luhan ran the opposite direction, passing the other group as he got into the elevator and went to the third floor. Upon arriving at the director’s office, he saw Yoona holding a coffee cup away from the director, who was haphazardly reaching across her desk, fingers almost barely touching the cup. Luhan cleared his throat. The director, who was just about to jump, paused halfway. The three stared at each other for a good minute before they all straightened up.

“What brings you here Luhan?” Yoona asked, giving the coffee cup to the director.

“I have a letter…”

“Oh! Is it for your parents? Wonderful! I’ll have it mailed right away. I’ll call for the postman.” Yuri exclaimed.

“Ah, no… that won’t be necessary…” Luhan reasoned but was cut off.

“Then, I’ll call for a taxi to get it to the airport now.”

“Ah, no… just normal delivery would suffice…” Again, he was cut off.

“This is my final offer. I’ll send for a plane to deliver it to your house this moment.”


“Ah… of course, what were you saying?”

“The normal delivery would be just fine. Please, I don’t want to cause much trouble.”

“Ok. Normal delivery it is. Is that all?”

“Yes, Director Yuri. I’ll be on my way then.” With that, Luhan left. Yoona breathed out.

“That was close.”

“He left really fast though…” Yuri bluntly stated.

“Of course he did, with the way you’ve acted….have you been watching Gag Concert again?”

“I know. I know.” Yuri dismissed as she pressed a button on a corner of the desk. Suddenly, a room behind the bookshelves opened. Yuri and Yoona entered and sat on a small couch. There were CCTV screens all around the room.

“Good thing we saw him coming up the elevator. We could’ve been caught.”

“But we did see some progress. They finally crossed paths…albeit, literally…”

“Yeah, that’s good news.”

“Have our sunbaes and dongsaengs found the last member?” Yoona shook her head.

“Unlike the other guardians, this one wasn’t there. His sleeping chamber was nowhere to be found. However, all we know is that, something must’ve taken it.”

“Not something… someone. More specifically, some company around…”

“You suspect them, too.”

“Before our new dongsaengs become human, they might need to fight them. A worthy adversary…” Yuri trailed off. She stood up, focusing on one of the cameras. Yoona was in the same position. They looked at each other and ran out of the security room in panic. The main camera showed five people about to knock on the door. Quickly, Yuri sprinted to her desk and pressed the button. The door opened and Yuri just noticed something: Yoona was nowhere in the room.

“Welcome! How may I help you here in Happy-Happy–” she was cut off by a muffled scolding. Yuri cleared and spoke, her voice laced with seriousness.

“Hello, guardians, what brings you here?”

“You know who we are?”

“Of course. Now please give me a second.” With that, Yuri pressed the button again. A few seconds later, Yoona appeared from behind the bookshelves holding some coffee and bubble tea. She handed coffee to the four while giving the bubble tea to one of the tallest members.

“You just missed him.”

“No, I saw him. But he didn’t recognize me.” The statement was filled with a slight lisp.

“Sunbaenim, can you help us find him?” The guy who had an owl-like pair of eyes brought up.

“We are trying to look for him. Don’t worry; you have the most reliable sunbaes here in the company.”  Yoona started, looked at Yuri who was dozing off.

“Well, most of us…” she teasingly added. Instantly, Yuri’s eyes focused.

“Hey!” She exclaimed. Yuri pouted and then looked at the group’s maknae.

“What do you think of Luhan, Sehun?”

“He’s still the same.” He laughed a little while sipping the tea. In a few minutes, Sehun set the empty cup down. He faced them and moved his sleeves. A silver bracelet shone as the light hit it.


To say he was tired was an understatement. Luhan was beyond exhausted. He almost forgot how tiring it was to roam the streets and trying many things within a day. He was thankful for Kris who drove him back to his apartment. Quickly showering, he changed into his pajamas and settled in a comfortable spot in his bed, under the warm covers. Within seconds, Luhan fell asleep.


Under the cloak of darkness, the clock struck. Swiftly moving, red eyes glowered at the figure by the open windows. The wind blew in and the curtains swayed, giving him an almost unworldly aura. He advanced towards the leering man on the bed. His blue eyes shone in the darkness as he moved away from the moon’s light.

“Don’t tell me, you’ve forgotten about me.” The red-eyed man relaxed and ran into the other’s open arms. He hugged him tightly as he felt tears escaping his eyes. His soul longed to be joined with the other but now is not the time. Unable to speak, the taller of the two comforted the weeping beast in his arms. It was rather unfortunate that the older guardian still didn’t remember the younger but this moment was enough to their beasts. After not meeting for so long, it felt surreal to be holding each other in a tight embrace. The two figures left the bedroom and sat on the couch. The taller hugged the older until he fell asleep in his arms.

“I told you. I’ll be the first one to remember you the next time.”

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Mads31904 #1
Chapter 8: Omg So good plz Update!
this is so asdassdfsdfdsg,,what a story daebak!~
MinSungYoung #3
Chapter 8: A very interesting story!!! A fusion with Mama and Wolf! I love it!! And it's great that you put SuJu, SNSD, and Shinee! I say you should think about about making a school story? Thanks!
Chapter 8: loved it!!! :D I really liked the kaisoo moments and the hunhan too <3
Chapter 4: I love the sequel so far! though one little pointer that actually has nothing to do with your writing or the story xD how come f(x) isn't at SM????? T^T I'm a big fan of them and it's already such a shame they don't get enough attention :(

Okaaayy…on with the actual story comment; I really like SuLay's relationship. I feel sorry for Sehun though for not being remembered by Luhan yet. I'm gonna read the rest now :P
linhairi22 #6
Chapter 1: Hello, i'm Vietnames
I really like your story, so can i translate it to Vietnames, please~~~
I will give credit to you after i translate it. Thank you.
Chapter 8: one of the best sequel ^__^ ahhaha XDD thanks for this story author-nim :DD Lovelots. <3
Chapter 7: Oh gosh !! How i miss this very amazing story ^_^ Love you author!!Thank you for the wonderful UD ^^
Chapter 6: ARGH!!!!!! Cliffhanger!!!!! *flips the table* i like your story.... please update... i really want to know what happen next...
HWAITING!!!!! ^.^