m o n d a y

Seven Days



Seven days.


m o n d a y






If you're male, liking someone would imply looking at her face first. Followed by her legs and then her chest, Youngjae guessed. What else is there to love? It's human nature to judge by appearance. It's not just males who care superficial. No one bothers about things they can not see.

Like the heart.


Humans are more attracted to beautiful things and they dislike things that don't fit to their ideals. But how can you tell that something is beautiful? Just by looking at someone's face or his body is rather superficially but that's human nature. Youngjae believed that true beauty can be found inside a person. To him, a kind, gentle person, full of life, is beautiful. But unfortunately, the current society doesn't allow people to consider beauty by character. If you look at the models in magazines you'll recognize immediately that a pretty face; big eyes, full lips and pale skin, long legs and a curvy body, is more important than a moral like helping or acceptance.

It's sad that we're forced to be victims of unreachable ideals, constructed by unknown people.

We don't know other people's life.
We don't know what they had been through and still have to endure. But we judge them and position ourselves above them just due to more expensive clothes or a well build body. It's how the nature works. Adults teach us to step on the weak ones to raise to the top. It's a circle that never faces an end because only winners write history.

»Yah, Yoo Youngjae!«
He raised his head and met a suspicious frowned face. »Why are you staring like that? Stop daydreaming.« He yawned and stretched his tired arm muscles. »I wasn't daydreaming, Sunhwa. I was thinking about important things«, he responded bored. It was kind of true, right?
»What could be that important? You even missed the bell ringing«, she took the chair in front of his table and sat down. She stared at him and he knew from how she furrowed her brows that she was thinking about something, too. But then, she just shook her head and looked out of the window, noticing something before a soft smile appeared on her face. »Look. They're watching you again.« Youngjae followed her direction and saw a group of girls in front of the school building. They were standing outside and looking up to them and when they noticed that Youngjae looked at them, they smiled and waved at him. He sighed, but couldn't help but wave back while forcing a smile on his face.

»Hey, don't wonder when they chase you like a little bunny. I really shouldn't wonder anymore that so many girls try to get you. You don't really give them a chance«, Sunhwa shook her head and placed her chin on her hand, watching him, »and when one of them successfully catches you and even you're interested in her, the relationship doesn't last for long because she's the one to break up.«

Yes, Yoo Youngjae had many girlfriends.
But those girls didn't like ›him‹ as a person, rather, it's every time all about his face.
»It's their own fault for assuming. They're always the one who confess to me to begin with and then get all disappointed when I'm not what they expect me to be«, he defended himself a bit annoyed. They want the boys of their choice to be beyond perfect, which is obviously impossible for anyone. »They should get it in their heads that perfect guys like those from a book or TV drama don't exist.« He leaned back and grinned at Sunhwa. »Fortunately, you're different. You're realistic and you know how life works.«
That's why you're one of my closest friends. You see how things really are and don't pretend to like more for what I'm not.

Sunhwa shrugged with her shoulders and raised from the chair. »Well, I only know you better than them, Youngjae. I know that you can be annoyed and sarcastic and I also know when it's better to let you alone, like when you learn or listen to music. You're hard to handle and I find myself often annoyed by your habit of responding sometimes harsher than usual. Your mood swings are worse than a woman's.« Yeah. That described him perfectly.

Because he didn't fit to people's expectations they didn't like him. Because they didn't like him, they avoided him. He wasn't really popular but he actually also didn't want to be because if there were only a few people who accepted him the way he was it already made him happy. Even if it was just one person.

»Youngjae, why are you smiling like that? You look creepy«, Sunhwa noticed and Youngjae leaned forward. »You know... why don't we get some coffee today after school? I'm gonna pay«, he offered. She smiled and patted his head. »Nice try but I won't fall for your tricks, my fluffy Jae.« She laughed because she knew he hated this nickname. He didn't ask for these cheeks at all. »No tricks, just a nice afternoon between friends.« She didn't look really convinced but agreed though. Unconsciously he smiled to himself and leaned back in his seat.

»Where's Daehyun-oppa today?«, Youngjae suddenly heard the voice of some female classman. They looked out of the window and sighed in disappointment. »I hope he'll come. I want to ask him if he already has a girlfriend for this week«, the right one told her friend and he noticed how unsatisfied the other girl looked, but she didn't say anything. Youngjae was curious. He kind of knew Jung Daehyun but they never talked to each other before and Youngjae wondered what kind of guy he was. Sunhwa noticed Youngjae's questioningly look and played with one of her hair strands, observing the girls from far away. »It seems that Daehyun wasn't asked by a girl yet«, she started slowly while flipping her hair back in a swift movement. Youngjae looked at her and noticed the slight glint in her eyes as she watched the girls. It wasn't the first time he noticed how beautiful she was and he understood why people, mostly boys, called her ›Angel Face‹. He didn't understand though, why people called them both the ›Everything is pretty line‹. What found they so pretty about them? Youngjae didn't know. »It's Monday today, isn't it? The day he'll definitely say ›yes‹?«, Youngjae asked curiously. He already heard about the story with Jung Daehyun and his one-week-lasting-relationships.

»Yes and at the end of the week, he'll tell his partner exactly this: ›I couldn't fall in love with you. Let's break up.‹« Youngjae looked up at Sunhwa and she narrowed her eyes. Now he remembered. »Right . . . you went out with him, too.« To his surprise, she smiled wildly and seemed happy. »Yeah, for exactly one week in May.«

»And why are you so proud of that?« Youngjae thought that she might be sad. To see someone you had been liking finding new relationships must be quite hurting because it shows you that he was able to be happy without you. He didn't need you it all. But Sunhwa was far away from being hurt by that. »I feel proud because it felt like I had hit the Jackpot when it happened«, she shrugged her shoulders and confused Youngjae even more. He ran his hand through his messy hair in annoyance and rose from his seat, groaning due to his asleep legs. »Where are you going?«, Sunhwa asked when he walked past her to exit the classroom. He smiled a little and put his hands in the pockets of his jeans. »I'll tell you when I know.«


He ended up in the schoolyard, watching other students hurrying to their classrooms. It was a nice day and the clear sky made him feel comfortable. He sat under the big tree in the middle of the yard, the branches threw huge shadows at the ground and prevented him from being hit by the sun. Not that the sunlight bothered him. He just liked the forms of shadows that appeared at the ground when the sunlight tried to shine through the tree crown. It looked like a mosaic to him and though he was someone who preferred everything in his order he felt calm when he watched the light move slowly when the wind went through the leafs. It looked like a slow dance and the longer he watched the light the more tired he became. If he fell asleep he would get trouble so he tried to think of something else than how good it would be to take a nap now. He didn't expect his thoughts drift to Jung Daehyun at all. He never had any interest in him but right now he found himself wondering what kind of person he was. And then Youngjae wondered how many girls asked that themselves too because they were attracted to him. Youngjae always thought that if someone was thinking of you then you really existed. For him, it was hard to explain existence because when you die, what can give you the assurance that you really lived and existed? It is when people think of you. When someone needs you to be with him without any regret. It is when you know that you're the reason of someone to live. The only hard thing is to find the person who needs you but isn't it mysterious? The one person you're meant to be with is living under this clear blue sky. The person that guaranteed your existence is somewhere and maybe also thinks about these things and suddenly Youngjae wondered what that person is doing right now and then he heard a sudden noise. Someone was approaching him and when he looked up he thought he saw an angel. Not an angel face like Sunhwa but a real angel that smiled down at him with the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen.


A smooth voice. A beautiful voice.

Youngjae was surprised to see Jung Daehyun right in front of him as it was a sign for something he wasn't able to understand. Like it was faith.

But Youngjae hated the word faith. It never ended to your advantages.

»Hello«, Daehyun tried again and Youngjae finally managed to nod. It was awkward. Just a few minutes ago he was talking and thinking about him and right now he's standing in front of him, one hand hidden in the pocket of his school jacket and the other gripped the strap of his school back. But one thing was for sure. Jung Daehyun always caused a stir with that handsome face of his and Youngjae understood the girls a little bit and he reminded that at every beginning of the week he went out with the first person that confessed him. Suddenly, the voice of Sunhwa appeared in the back of his head.

»The reason why Daehyun's popularity doesn't drop even though he puts such an abrupt end to every relationship is because he would sincerely do everything his partner wants in the one week that they are going out. I think one week is long enough fro a dream. Daehyun is . . . perfectly faithful.«

And barely noticing, Youngjae felt a sudden jealousy in a tiny place at the bottom of his heart.

I bet those girls are still anxiously looking out for him, he thought to himself but asked instead: »So, have you been confessed to today yet?« Daehun was surprised by this question Youngjae could tell by the look in his eyes. He examined Youngjae and shrugged his shoulders. »Not yet.«

»So it's going to start from now, huh?« Youngjae wanted to show that he actually was pretty uninterested and didn't care for Daehyun's case but he couldn't help to ask more questions.

»Then, are you really fine with anyone as long as they confess to you first? Even if they're not your type?« Maybe he just asked because he had bad experiences with being the wrong type for someone but maybe he wanted unconsciously know more about this beautiful boy and again Daehyun seemed surprised by this question.

»My type? You wouldn't know if someone's your type just by looking at their faces, would you?«, he responded out of blue and Youngjae's eyes widened a little bit. He didn't expect that answer but something inside him felt happiness. But not only happiness.

He felt also danger.

»What I meant was, isn't there a type of face or body that you like?«
He wanted to see the superficial side of Daehyun so he knew that Daehyun was like all the other people who took more care about appearance than character.

Because something else would be different.

Difference could be dangerous.

If something was different then it could change something to better or to worse, it just depended on what kind of difference it was. But Youngjae didn't like something become different because people hated difference. They hated it because they were afraid of it and that was also the reason why Youngjae didn't like it.

Because he was afraid.

And fear was able to force people to do something they didn't want and the only thing Youngjae didn't want was to be different.

Daehyun's voice brought him back to earth and he watched him thinking about his previous question. »A type, hmmm? I'm not too sure about that. I don't really think about looks...«, he started but Youngjae didn't want to accept that easily.

»For example, the gentle-looking type or the y type or anything along those lines is fine«, Youngjae gave instances and then, when Daehyun finally gave him his answer, it wasn't what Youngjae expected at all.

»But I like your face, Yoo Youngjae. I guess that's what you mean by ›type‹.«



At that moment I was hit by a sudden impulse.



»I see. Then how about that?«

Daehyun looked confused.



I was just curious to see how he would react if I confessed. That's all.

I really was just curious . . .



»Why don't you go out with me, Jung Daehyun?«



His eyes widened but he didn't have time to answer because the sudden bell ring caused Youngjae to jump to his feet. »Ah, damn it. Lesson's going on. See 'ya.«

Youngjae didn't even look back when he rushed past Daehyun; his question from before was already forgotten because he only thought about not coming too late for the next lesson.

He already forgot Daehyun when he entered the classroom.

He forgot his question.

All he did was going back to his daily routine and prevent from getting different.



When school ended the only think Youngjae wanted was to go home immediately. He was exhausted and he wanted to take a nap before studying for the next test in history. But when he was about to leave the room, a taller person appeared in the frame so Youngjae wasn't able to leave. He was really surprised when he saw the crescent-eye-smile from Jung Daehyun.

»Oh«, was the only not really smart answer from him and this was the strangest thing because Youngjae always gave smart answers. He wasn't being called ›The Brain‹ just for fun.

»I was wondering if we could go home together today«, Daehyun smiled and only causing Youngjae's wonder to grow. At the same moment when Daehyun noticed the confused look at Youngjae's face, he took a step back. »Ah, do you have something on?«, he wondered. Youngjae was really surprised, but slowly shook his head. »I've got nothing on today but aren't you the one who's got something on right now?«, he wondered because it was Monday and Monday was usually the day when someone confessed to Daehyun, right?

»Well no, I don't really have anything I need to do now«, Daehyun smiled softly, his dark brown eyes were locked with Yougjae's when he stepped forward, nearing Youngjae. »By the way, do you have a cell phone?«

»Yes, why?«

»That's great. I was hoping we could exchange numbers and e-mail addresses.« For a reason, Daehyun seemed to be a little bit too happy when he pulled his phone out of his pocket and reached it Youngjae so he could type in his number and Youngjae wondered if he was always the type of person who'd go out of his way to make friends with others. He was surprised by how fast Daehyun started to trust him because he knew that he wasn't able to do that.

After they exchanged numbers, Daehyun seemed to be happier and his eyes glinted excited. »Good, how about I treat you to a meal? I love eating. Let's meet up, okay?« He laughed and Youngjae noticed how loud he laughed so that other people turned their head in their direction.
The younger blushed.
»Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow.« Daehyun waved goodbye and as sudden as he was there, as sudden he also left so Youngjae was alone.

He was never as confused in his life as at this moment. It was the first time he had a proper conversation with Daehyun and surprisingly, Youngjae thought Daehyun was an even stranger person than he thought Daehyun was. All of sudden he wanted to walk home together and asked to exchange cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses. For Youngjae, somehow everything seemed to be progressing too quickly. It changed too quickly.




»Why don't you go out with me, Jung Daehyun?«



His words from the break came up again and Youngjae remembered. He also remembered the surprised look of Daehyun and suddenly he stopped walking. Unconsciously he turned back and looked at the stairs that led up to the school yard. The wind brought the leafs from the school tree to him and he wasn't protected by the branches anymore. The sun shone down at him and blinded him.



» . . . he couldn't have taken me seriously . . . could he?«




Yeees, finally ;___;
I hope you're happy about the chapter update! :D
Yay, so I have holidays and I hope I'll be upload another chapter! Whooop!

To all of you, happy Christmas and a happy new year if we won't see us until then x3

I love you ;3;



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Chapter 1: Yesh! I love this >< Update update update~~

Gawd Jae, you just dig your own grave.. but to a DaeJae heaven! Can't wait to see more of what will happen
Chapter 1: ohhhh this is really interesting but if theres one flaw i could point out it'll be how u wrote the dialog in the »example« way im sorry but its kinda confusing to me tho T__T maybe u could change it to the normal "example" way and bold it ? heheh

anyway, cute chap, great ideas and im looking forward for the next chap !
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 1: Oh my. This such a lovely chapter. Daehyun seems like a nice guy. Please update soon!
Chapter 1: Oh wow, it looks like so much fun already :) I will look forward to see how Dae will treat him this week! It was lovely
wow.. new relationship every monday?? COOL!! update plzzzzz
Waiting ^^
Claudine_NG #7
This sounds sweet. Please update soon!
DaeJaeGyu #8
Mmmmm I like it already .. plz update soon :)