Chapter 1

The Unsaid


the annoying sound of the alarm hit Youngjae's ears once again signaling the start of a new day.... a new boring &tiring day to be more specific

He groaned reaching his phone trying to turn off the alarm when he couldn't find it,
Anger started to build up inside of him as the annoying sound kept on going and going and he sat on his bed and yelled "Why is my life so miserable! WHY???!"
that's when his mom opened the door and he opened his eyelids to a find a faint smile on her face
"What is wrong with my baby boy??!hmm?"
she walked into the room and put the the clean laundry on the table next to the door then she walked towards Youngjae's bed and reached out pulling his phone from under the bed and turned off the alarm.

Youngjae sighed as he fell back into his bed while pulling the covers all over his body covering his face
"It's just that I'm so stressed mom,everything has been getting on my nerves lately and... and I couldn't even find my phone... how the hell did it get under my bed anyway??!! "
"you must have accidentally pushed it off the table while you were sleeping....No need to worry now ,everything is ok so hurry up ,get ready and come down to have breakfast with me ."
"I made you some pancakes! I know that it's your favorite so I'm sure it will cheer you up!"

"okay mom, I'll just take a quick shower then I'll be down in minutes "
she nodded then headed to the door about to make her exit when she turned around and said "Don't forget to put your dirty laundry in the basket next to the bathroom's door!"
"ok mom "
then she left the room heading to the kitchen..
Youngjae got up and he stretched his arms and yawned slightly regretting staying up late the night before then he headed to the the bathroom and took a nice quick shower then he took some time deciding what to wear before he chose a red hoodie with a black jeans and some a white converse.
he grabbed his phone &backpack and headed down stairs towards the kitchen when his stomach growled telling him that he needed food and that he needed it ASAP!

As soon as he reached the kitchen he inhaled the sweet smell of the pancakes and he sighed happily and took his seat dropping his backpack on the floor next to his chair.
"what do you want with you pancakes? "
"Wiped cream please"
Youngjae stared at his mom while she was holding the can and spraying generous amounts of cream all over his pancakes.. He felt his mouth watering and he could already taste the sweetness in his mouth.
His mom pushed the plate towards him and he started eating immediately with a huge smile on his face while he was chewing his food.
"I knew that you would feel better after you have some pancakes! now slow down a little bit you don't want to choke on your food!"
Youngjae nodded and he continued eating.
When he was done he grabbed his things and was about to go out when...
"Youngjae-ah ~Didn't you forget something?? "
he rolled his eyes because he thought she forgot but it turned out he was wrong.
He leaned towards his mom's chair and gave her a peck on her cheek.
she smiled and added "Now that's my good boy!Go now or you'll be late for school " she paused for a moment before adding
"And don't forget that Mrs.Jung is visiting today with her son so don't be late!!"
Youngjae froze when his mom mentioned who was coming over.
Mrs.Jung... and her son. which meant one thing
"Yes Daehyun ,now hurry up! you're going to miss the bus!"

He waved goodbye and walked down the street to the bus stop where he barely missed the bus but he was lucky that he actually didn't.
He passed his card over the scanner and sat in his usual seat near the window.
he pulled out his phone and plugged in his earphones pressing the play button.
and as he did his thoughts drifted away to last summer.
it was such an eventful and life changing summer for Youngjae..
His mom went to visit her family who lived abroad but
he didn't want to go with her ,He hated his uncles,aunts &his cousins because they were nothing but a money wasting, spoiled brats&they always looked down on him&his family because they weren't as rich as they were
so his mom told him that he could stay with Mrs.Jung's family, she was his mother's closest friend and his mom knew that he would be in good hands during the summer.
So he packed his things and went to Busan by train a day before his mom left Seoul.
He thought that Mrs.Jung would come to pick him up from the train station but he couldn't find her when he arrived.
Instead a blond haired guy slowly approached him and asked him if he was Yoo Youngjae.
He nodded not knowing who the guy was when the guy bowed and introduced himself as "Jung Daehyun"
the son of Mr.&Mrs. Jung.
Youngjae was surprised because Daehyun looked nothing like the little boy he used to know when he was younger..
He died his hair and he was way taller and more masculine... he got more handsome to be specific .
Daehyun flashed Youngjae one of his gummy smiles and grabbed his bags walking towards a car that was parked near the station.
not much was said during the drive to Daehyun's house since Youngjae wasn't so talkative and he didn't have a lot to say comparing to Daehyun who kept on rambling about random stuff like the weather,school &how Youngjae is going to enjoy his stay here.

When they arrived to the Jung's resident he was welcomed with Mrs.Jung who pinched his cheeks and pampered him with kisses telling him how much he's grown up since the last tims she saw him.
He was guided to his new room... or more likely the room he was gonna share with Daehyun.. so Daehyun's room.
The days passed and Youngjae got to know Daehyun's closest friend Hoya, who was really nice and they spent a lot of time on the beach playing or swimming.
but Youngjae had something hidden deep inside of him.
During the months he spent with Daehyun he developed some kind of feelings for him that he couldn't describe.
Never in his life he had ever felt this way towards someone.
Everything was so weird and new for Youngjae but he since he himself didn't understand those feelings he decided to keep it buried deep into his soul.
But Daehyun didn't make it easy to do so, the smallest things Daehyun did drove Youngjae crazy... every time he accidentally touched him,smiled at him or even spoke to him..
 Youngjae snapped  back when the bus driver shook him telling him that he arrived to his usual stop.
"Oh thank you I just zoned out a little bit"
he passed his card on the scanning machine again and he got out of the bus heading to his school..

A/N: Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed chapter one and please comment down below telling me if you want me to upload chapter two because I've finished writing it .
This is actually my first time trying to write a fanfic and it happened because I was with no internet for 3 days and I do the most unexpected things when I'm with no internet lol
I was gonna write a daejae one shot but it somehow ended up being like this.
Can you please excuse my sh*tty grammar and bad choice of vocabulary because obviously English isn't my native language and I'm still in the process of learning so don't be so harsh on me :C
as you can see I didn't write a forward for this fic because I basically have no idea for whers this is going and I'm just writing whatever comes up to my mind + I also don't have a poster for this fanfic because I at editing and this kind of stuff so you, the lovely readers are free to send me whatever designs you have either here (Is that even possible? I mean to send pics on aff?) or on my twitter @Woojiwho and I'm going to credit you ofc.
I'm gonna see if this gets s good amount of views and comments then I'll decide if I really want to finish it or not so it's all up to you guys because I'm more of a reader¬ a writer so I need your opinions  ̄▽ ̄
This got longer than it was supposed to be lol... so yeah.
Until next time, May your lives be filled with rainbows &happiness and hot korean idols~

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Chapter 2: Wow I really like your style im looking forward to reading more
Chapter 1: This story look interesting, please continue.
I'm wanna see Jae met Dae again ^^

So i looking forward to next update
whae1234 #3
Chapter 1: hi~! yr foreword seem interesting. looking 4ward the next chapter when Jae n Dae meet again ^^ any by the way, maybe itz a mistake when you have written "Daehyun" instead of "Youngjae" in the last paragraph :)). have a nice day, author-nim
Chapter 1: So this was all youngjaes perspective until the end?