Tell Me Your Dreams

“Did I make the right decision?”



He went over it again in his mind for the last time; thinking about the predicament he put himself into. He couldn’t back out now, he is a man of his words, but something in him tells him to stop everything.

“It’s just a friendly date right?” He asked himself again for the umpteen time. Sighing, he turned to study himself in his bedroom mirror. What he saw was an image of a man in his early twenties, eyes larger than the normal Korean, lips so beautiful any person would want to kiss.


“Baekhyun will not leave this guy right?” Park Chanyeol needed a reassurance.


Chanyeol glanced at his watch. It was time for Baekhyun to leave for his appointment. Chanyeol looked around the familiar bedroom; he walked towards the drawer and slowly opened it, searching for the small box he safely placed there, opening it, he found his ring; the same one that Baekhyun has. Chanyeol clutched the ring close to his heart seeking some kind of comfort from it.


“It’s just a dinner, Chanyeol.”


He repeated to himself over and over again.







He was trying desperately hard not to panic, but his mind had been filled with unbearable expectations – his heart had been crammed with hopefulness as it beats strongly against his ribcage. Perhaps it's all in his imagination but a few minutes more, he will be able to fulfill one of his greatest dreams.


Palms sweating uncontrollably, “Am I ready for this?” His question was on repeat like a broken disk. He had remembered the first time he saw the pretty face with a voice that struck him – a voice he considered incomparable to him. He recalled the long hours he spent on the internet searching for the same beanie, the same pants, the same shirt, the same everything. Almost letting out a squeal when a box had been delivered to him which he had waited for months,  finally his own pyrex shirt and a photocard that came along with it. A simple card that took him long enough to find and cost him a lot more than he expected to give.


But all was worth it.


Now, a pile of wood was the only one in between them. He thought of million ways how to properly greet a person, practiced everyday on how his expressions would be. But no matter how long he spent in front of the mirror analyzing his best angle, working on his communication skills or even preparing and buying new set of clothes; he still couldn’t find the right words to say, the right things to do and most of all he could not stop his heart from hammering against his chest.


A staff’s voice jarred him back to the present. "You're a million miles away. What are you thinking about?"


He smiled and answered, “This is my dream.”


Park Jaejung will meet Byun Baekhyun.







It was more than Jaejung could ask for. As he opened the door, his ears were the ones who worked the best as he heard a familiar voice singing the lines of Love Song. With his body perspiring uncontrollably, he pushed the door open, causing the voice to stop singing and what greeted him was something surreal. His eyes marveled at how they look unreal and real at the same time. Jajung first laid his eyes on Minseok as the older first saw him entered the room then to Chanyeol and finally, the brunette who greeted and welcomed him with his trademark eyesmile, Jaejung swore his heart left its place.


Jaejung wanted to talk; wanted to tell Baekhyun how much he admired him, the nights he spent in front of his computer downloading videos and live performances of the brunette but Jaejung had to keep it all in him.


Jaejung doesn't know where he gets this confidence to even utter a word while his heart was doing an awful job at keeping his sanity. He thought that if he doesn’t find away to distract himself, he could have confess right then and there so Jajung opted to talk.


He rambled into EXO’s songs and how he was familiar with the cloud background from the practice videos. The topics shifted from how well knew the members addressing them in their real names to their upcoming birthdays.  


But no matter how Jaejung came up with topics diverting his attention from Baekhyun, he couldn’t stop himself from telling the guy that he was a fan, he was not just a fan of EXO, he is a fan of EXO’s Baekhyun.


Jaejung found it hard to decipher what had happened but as he spilled the information, “I am a fan of yours Baekhyun sunbaenim” and then he suddenly regretted it, thinking Baekhyun might feel awkward but as soon as Baekhyun smiled and held out his hand, all the regrets were thrown away and changed into a fluttering heart with wildly roaming butterflies in Jaejung’s stomach.


Every word Baekhyun uttered was music to Jaejung’s ears; it was as if the world had stopped between them and the only people inside the room were him and his most loved idol. Every encouraging words that came from Baekhyun’s mouth were pierced into Jaejung’s heart. Soon, Jaejung could not control himself, “My Baekhyun. My Mr. Byun. My Byun” There was a moment of silence as his tongue spilled the words. It was hurriedly covered with laughs, Minseok and Chanyeol trying hard to cover the awkwardness while Baekhyun was left being flustered.

The interview went by smoothly aside from the slip of the tongue Jaejung had uttered, My Byun.  With luck, Baekhyun found it humorous as he laughed and got shy during the whole scenario. Jaejung swore he could have died. The interview ended with almost 15 minutes of pure eargasm as Baekhyun’s voice vibrated into Jaejung’s ears.


The words were enough, Jaejung thought but as he felt the soft hands against his own, it was hard for him to let go. It was too much for his heart to take. And then he gets a hug, his soul was ripped out from his body.


            The interview ended and the staffs were now clearing the room; he managed to gather up his courage and man up. He noticed the looks he had been receiving from Chanyeol throughout the interview but none of those matters as Jaejung was one step closer to his dream.


            He walked slowly, “Baekhyun hyung.” He softly uttered.


            “Jaejung-shi.” Baekhyun greeted back enthusiastically.




            With every word spoken, Jaejung was betting with all he has. It was now or never.



            “Baekhyun hyung.” Jaejung repeated as he stared directly into Baekhyun’s eyes wanting to convey his innermost feelings.



“If I win Super Star K, will you have a dinner with me?”










When Jaejung returned to the car, it began to rain again. As the driver drove away from SME building, the rain beat against the car’s windshield, fracturing space and turning the streets ahead into surreal pointillistic paintings. He thought of how surreal the things are, how the night had turned into million different things but now Jaejung was more determined than before.


Jaejung smiled to himself as he recalled what had transpired.


With conviction and confidence, Jaejung began his newly written mantra.

“I have to win Superstar K5.”











“What the Baekhyun?”


Even before they reached the dorm, Chanyeol had thrown a fit, who wouldn’t? Chanyeol was beyond furious, everyone was startled at his action.


“Baekhyun! Damn it.”


“Calm down Yeol.” It was the only words the brunette could utter.


“Calm down, why the hell would I calm down?” By this time, all EXO members were out of their respective rooms and now witnessing the commotion unveil.


“Chanyeol.” Baekhyun was smiling, he sure was elated.


“Baek. I’m serious here, you’re not taking me seriously.”


It was maddening for Chanyeol. He felt cheated, betrayed. He felt hurt.



“What happened?” Kris asked Minseok. All the other members turned their attention to the oldest wanting the same answer as Kris.


Sighing, “Well, we had attended this Superstar K 5 interview with Jaejung.” Minseok calmly started. All eyes were on Minseok, wanting to grasp every word.


“Why did you ing agree on a date, what is wrong with you Byun Baekhyun?”


Oohs and Aahs dominated the living room.


“It’s not a date Chanyeol. Well, you’re there and he said dinner, not date. It’s different.”


Shrugging, Baekhyun left Chanyeol and the others in living room and proceeded to his bedroom.

“And besides, we’ll be having our friendly dinner when he wins the show, Chanyeol.” With that, Baekhyun closed the door leaving 9 figures still in dazed, the other sighing, and the other one gritting his teeth in anger.


“That ing Kim Jaejung should not win the ing Super Star K contest.”









One of the most covered titles for aspiring singers is to be the next Super Star K winner. Today was the judgment day Chanyeol could not dare to miss. His eyes were glued to the television, wanting to fast forward time so he could get over this. He thought he was more agitated than the contestants but he really was.


Soon the show was nearing its end, Chanyeol cluthing the remote ever so tightly.


And the nest Super Star K is….


“ YOU!”


The once one piece black rectangle thing was now divided into several pieces as Chanyeol out of anger threw the remote control away.


“Why did he win? I never voted for you! Damn it!”


Chanyeol was cursing uncontrollably; he wanted to just jump inside the television screen and snatch the trophy or the certificate or whatever it was and stop the whole program.


Not a minute had passed; Chanyeol’s temper had reached its maximum,


“Oh! I’m really having a dinner with him.”


Baekhyun smirked.


Chanyeol continued cursing.








            There are too many information budding Jaejung. But he was proud of himself, he tried his best, sing to his heart’s content. He wanted it, he wanted to win not only to fulfill his long time dream but also to fulfill a promise to himself - a promise and a dream to be able to be with Baekhyun at the same stage, he wanted for the longest time to able to formally call Baekhyun sunbaenim.


            “Park Jaejung!”


            The roar of applause was deafening but Jaejung’s heart beat was more earsplitting.


            Jaejung was in tears when reality hit him.


            I won. He repeated in his mind.


            I really won. Then tears started falling




            My Mr. Byun










“Byun Baek.”


“Byun Baekhyun.”



“Chanyeol! What do you want?” Baekhyun sighed as he stopped from applying eyeliner on his left eye.


“Baekhyun, remember, this is a onetime thing. Onetime – it means ONE. Okay? One dinner, O-N-E ONE. Okay?”


“Yeah, yeah, one time.” Baekhun hurriedly answer as he continued to apply his newly purchased eyeliner.


“Baek, why are you applying eyeliner?”


“I need to look good, Yeol.” Baekhyun mumbled and smiled.


“Damn it Baekhyun, you don’t need to look good for him”


Baekhyun shrugged, and completely ignored Chanyeol and when the latter was starting to make comments, Sehun opened their bedroom door.


“Ah hyung.” The maknae greeted unusually happy. “The pants you ordered just arrived.” Sehun was carrying a paperbag. Baekhyun smiled.


“Thank God! I thought this package will not arrive on time. Thank Sehun.”


Before Sehun left the room, he grinned teasingly at an angered Chanyeol while Baekhyun was more than excited to rip the paper bag into pieces revealing what Baekhyun uttered ‘a beauty’


“What the hell is that Baek?”


Furrowing his eyebrows, Baekhyun replied, “Pants Yeol, they are pants.”


“I know Baek, they are pants, skinny leather pants to be exact.”




“Why do you need to buy a new one Baek? And why does it have to be a skinny leather pants?”


“Because they make me look good?”  Baekhyun answered honestly making Chanyeol even more furious.


“That’s it Baekhyun. Call Jaejung, tell him you’re cancelling.” Chanyeol handed his phone to Baekhyun. It was more than Chanyeol had asked for. A day before when it was announced that Jaejung had won, he was not on his self. His mood was changing constantly. Who would not? Baekhyun agreed to a date if Jaejung won, hell, the little er did and now here he was, seeing Baekhyun getting all glammed up for a date. Baekhyun should not be looking pretty for others. Baekhyun owned that beauty, a beauty incomparable to any. Chanyeol owned that, Baekhyun is his Baekhyun.


“Chanyeol calm down, it’s just a dinner. I’m fulfilling a boy’s dream.”


Feeling his heart tightened in pain.


“Baek, for you it’s friendly, for him, it’s not. He likes you.”


Baekhyun sighed and walked towards Chanyeol.




It was too much. Chanyeol did not agree to anything but Baekhyun did. It was crazy. Chanyeol was the one who was excited in meeting a fan. But as the interview went on, the advances that Jaejung made towards Baekhyun left Chanyeol cringing. He was masking his frustrations with his trademark mark but could not concentrate all throughout the interview. He knew the kid likes Baekhyun from the moment Jaejung entered the room but what surprised Chanyeol was the level of attraction Jaejung jas for Baekhyun. It scared him. It scared him a lot.


So when the kid suddenly walked towards Baekhyun after the interview, Chanyeol shot him glares – deathly glares but Jaejung did not even flinched.


And now here he was, feeling more grief than usual, he felt as if he was giving Baekhyun away. He felt that Baekhyun was walking away from him. Tears were threatening to fall.


“Park Chanyeol.”


Baekhyun said softly.



“I love you.”



And it was more than Chanyeol could ask for. It was more than a reassurance. It was everything for Chanyeol.




“I love you so much Baek.”










            There are different kinds of dream.


            One is that of longing and hoping; the other is that of loving, sharing and a promise of an eternal love.


As Baekhyun walked out of the dorm,  one person's dream is hanging by a thread, clutching ever so tightly in words of promises, and the other person's dream is one step closer to it's everything.


Now, tell me, what are your dreams?







And who's dream will be fulfilled?

Is it Chanyeol's dream of an eternal love or Jaejung's dream of starting a new love?









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Chapter 1: of course its beakyeolllllllllllllllllllllllllll
leeraeah #2
Chapter 1: so... will you update the second part? ;-;
Chapter 1: Ofcourse it's chanyeol's dream !!! BAEKYEOL FTW !!
Btw, you still will upload part 2 right ? I mean there's completed sign sooo i hope you're not change your mind~
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA I am excited to read the next chappie. :D
koreasujufan #6
I totally love that boy . He was so cute during the interview . Being all shy at first and then when he releases his inner fanboy ... Damn cute !
Update please..
Chapter 1: WE. Or I, only ship BAEKHYUN WITH EXO MEMBERS ONLY.
Chapter 1: Sorry but.... BAEKYEOL. I only ship Baekhyun with Chanyeol. ONLY CHANYEOL.