Running after a hat?!

M.Pire's Show K-pop
When you finished shower you saw Lumin coming home. "Hi Lumin oppa" you said and smiled. "Hi (Y/N). Is everyone ready?" he said back. "Everyone else except Jerry oppa" you said and went to your room. After you packed your stuff you went to search where others were. You found Taehee and Lumin from Taehees room. "Hey (Y/N)! Come here sweetie" Taehee said and you sit next to him. "Hyung! Have you seen my hat?" Red suddenly asked. "No. Why?" I can't find it" Red whined. " I come with you. Maybe we can find it together" you said and got up. After 30 minutes of searching you found the hat is in Harus closet. "Haru!" Red screamed. "What?" Haru said when he came in. "Why did you took my hat?" Red asked. "Because it's cute" Haru said and Red blushed. "Aish. Get a room you two" you said causing both of them turn red. "Y-yah! What do you mean by that?"Haru asked. "Nothing" you said and smiled. You knew they liked each other but they haven't tell it to each other yet. You laughed to their faces and left the room. Someone was watching you again.... To be continued...
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AnimeKitty #1
Chapter 21: It's okay, don't worry about it! :3
EXO_HunHan_1 #2
Chapter 7: Can you make your chapters just a little bit more longer not that I hate it It's just that I want to read more cause it's sooooo good!!! :)
AnimeKitty #3
Chapter 13: Red is the king of hackysack :3
AnimeKitty #4
Chapter 12: Is this person another idol?
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 10: "My camera! Mine mine mine!" :3 Haru is too cute!
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 9: i have to apologize for using the wrong form of "you're" in that last comment. (i'm a stickler for proper spelling and grammar)
AnimeKitty #7
Chapter 9: yaaaaay, your back! :D /hugs you/
babymuse #8
Chapter 6: i'm curious. please continue it xD hahaha. hwaiting! x
AnimeKitty #9
This fic looks so cute! I love M.Pire and I wish there were more fics for them! :3