When a heart speaks


A heart is something that is connected to our mind , cant produce anything except feelings . Which we feel in our body , that can affects our movement , speech and our way of living the life. Heart always hold something that we cant physically pronounce it but if we keep it for too long , it'll slowly eat your mind and soul , and laugh , laugh crazily like MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! Kidding :3


As day go one by one , im still here thinking about what am i gonna be . Either a success engineer with a beautiful wife and lovely kids . Or I will be that homeless man across the street ? 

I still remember a saying from a blog that is my favorite , it says "everything sacred and important are kept beautifully in our heart and just waiting for the right time to unleash its inner beauty" .

But i always wondered when , when is the time that my heart will beautifully unleash itself . I've been waiting for the moment all my life . Maybe i need to work on something to make it happen , like having a relationship or having a stable job or maybe , i can just lay back on the beach with all my burden freed ? 


Thanks to nature for inspiring me in doing this and a big thanks to the internet too for giving me this oppurtinity to write something useless


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