Please Marry Kim So Eun

Please Marry Kim So Eun


Kim Bum’s P.O.V

‘Please marry Kim So Eun,’ echoed repeatedly in my ears, all I could do was, stare at the girl who said that.

“Ne?” was all I could managed, did the secret get out? I didn’t have time to react as Shizuki (the emcee)  proceeded on asking the girl to repeat what she said to me on the microphone. The girl repeated slowly as I watched in horror, a fake awkward smile plastered on my face. Shizuki remained merry when she heard what the girl had said. I looked urgently at Dae Ho (the translator), sending a private message to change his translation. He got the message all right but Shizuki translated the sentence without any hesitation.  

I muttered angrily under my breath the awkward smile still plastered on my face. I listen carefully at what she said, but all I could hear was the Japanese language which I sadly couldn’t understand. I mean sure I know a few words here and there but none of them was included in her translation. Dae Ho gave me a strange look when he heard the translation. The audience became quiet. ‘Great!’ I thought dejectedly, the secret is out. ‘Damn Fan! Damn Shizuki! Damn Dae Ho! Damn fan meet!’ I thought angrily.

“Shizuki!” I called out to her, surprising the urge to run and yell at her. I do have an image to maintain. The fan meet has just ended and we were backstage. Somehow Dae Ho had disappeared. Shizuki turned and grinned at me.

“Oh, Kim Bum-kun, Is there anything you need?” she said cheerfully.

Ignoring all the mean responses that came to my mind, I answered politely, “ Well, about the fan who said something, and umm, I just wanted to know what you translated,” I stammered and ended with a small giggle to lightened the tension.

Shizuki just continued smiling and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Kim Bum-kun, Don’t worry, I did not translate her sentence completely. I changed So Eun-chan’s name to ‘me’. I translated her sentence as Please marry me,” she smiled, “Oh and tell So Eun-chan I said hi,” She said and walked away leaving me speechless and flabbergasted.

“Yo! Bummie!” greeted Dae Ho slapping me on the back. I turned and looked at him wordlessly.

“Listen I’ve something to tell you,” he continued, “the translator didn’t translate what the fan said, so no worries,” he grinned.

I had no time to tell him I knew as my phone rang.

“Yobusayo?” I said into the phone, my voice still tense.

“Sanggy Bum, my don’t you sound serious,” said a familiar playful tone.

I breathe a sigh of relief as  realize who the caller was. There was only one person who will call me that. So Eun, she insisted on calling me Sanggy Bum as everyone calls me ‘Bummie’. “Sonny Eun,” I replied walking away from Dae Ho and towards the Men’s room.

“So..?? How was the fan meeting?”

“It .. was okay,” I said, locking the cubicle door, “ And Shizuki said hi,”

There was a long pause, “Shizuki??” So Eun said in disbelief, “Shizuki as in Yamotoka Shizuki from Tokyo University of Journalism?(A/N: Theres no such university, ITS MADE UP!!)”

“Umm... I guess... She was the emcee for the fan meet,” I said, uncertainly

“What happened in the fan meet?” she replied suspiciously.

“It’s a long story,”

“I have time,”

“Umm.... well, there was this time when 3 fans got to come up the stage and take a picture with me. The last fan said ‘something’ to me,”

“What ‘something’?”

“Umm... well, she said, pleasemarrykimsoeun,” I mumbled quickly, blushing a little saying that line.

“What? I didn’t catch the last line.”

I took a deep breath and said it clearly, “She said Please Marry Kim So Eun,”

There was complete silence.

“I don’t know how it got out, the girl just said that.” I said hurriedly, anticipating her reactions.

Strangely enough when she replied it was calm and gentle.

“Bum ah, I think we should meet up and talk about this. Don’t worry I’m not mad but we should talk. Oh I gotta go, my break is up, Bye,”

And with that she hung up, leaving me stunned.



(A week later)

(Paris)  (17 00)


“Sanggy Bum, why are we in Paris?” inquired So Eun.

I smiled warmly, “Well to throw off any suspicion about us,”



We were in a meadow overlooking Paris, a week have passed since the fan meet and 5 days have passed since we talked about it. Apparently Shizuki is an old friend of So Eun. They had met when Shizuki was on a foreign exchange student programme and So Eun family had volunteered to be one of the hosts. No tabloids have been spouting nonsense about the fan meet and everything is pretty much the way it was before the fan meet.


 A gust of cold wind blow, So Eun snuggled closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her.

“Mmhh, I feel so tired, “ So Eun yawned,” This is so serene,”

We watched the sun set slowly, I closed my eyes tired from the jet lag and soon sleep got the hold of us as we both drifted to sleep.


“Sonny Eun, wake up,” I said gently shaking her. It was 7 o’clock and the Paris is brightly lit with colourful lights. I have one more surprise for her and if she doesn’t wake up soon the surprise might not work.

So Eun eyelashes fluttered open. She grinned at me, her energy fully revived.

I grinned back, “Sonny Eun, listen I have something to tell you, but first,”

I snapped by fingers.

“Pop!” followed by another identical sound, the skies of Paris was soon filled with fireworks of different shapes and colours


“Wow,this is like the Ga Eul and Yi Jung scene,” So Eun grinned and turned to me.


“Not exactly, watch closely,”

Slowly the fireworks formed this words ‘JE VOUS AIME! MARIEZ-VOUS AVEC MOI ?’ in a beautiful golden colour.


“Je vous aime? Vous avec moi? Thats ‘I love you in French,” translate So Eun,, her eyes still not leaving the sparkling words which seem to stay there for quite a while.


I grinned everything was going as planned.

Ga Eul’s POV


“Je Vous aime? Vous avec moi?Thats I love you in French and Maiez-vous avec moi is....?” I rack my head, but still didn’t understand the second line.

I turned and imagine my surprise when I see Kim Bum on his knees.

“Sanggy Bum, mwo-“ I was cut off by him.

“Kim So Eun, we’ve been through ups and down. When you first sat next to me in college, I thought, can this girl be anymore beautiful but back then I only thought of you as my best friend. Then we worked on the set of Boys Over Flowers. I think that’s the time when my feelings for you blossom. After the drama ended, we had the bonjuk contract and after that we had our first real date. When you agreed to be my girlfriend after the fourth date, I felt euphoric, and now just last week ago, a fan asked me to marry you. Thats when it all clicked, our relationship should be taken to the next level. So now, I just want to tell you, Saranghaeyo and  vous marierez-vous avec moi ? Will you marry me?”

I let out a small gasp as he produced a small velvet box and opened it. My mind was still whirling from all this surprises. Tears were cascading down my cheeks,  I stared at the sparkling ring and the man that hold it. Only one word came to my mind.

“Yes,” I said softly, “Yes!! I will!!”

He jumped up and hugged me tightly, “I was so afraid you will say no, but I’m glad you didn’t”

He gingerly slipped the ring into my finger. It was a perfect fit.

“Bum ah, Saranghae,”

He smile and slowly place his hands on my cheeks and pulled in for a kiss.


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annya25 #1
Chapter 1: Omg....really like the story n very happy someone else have a sama dream about they end up for real
saranghaeSUJU_SNSD #3
nice story
i really love this couple..
kyah..<br />
I really loved this two.<br />
I hope they will end up for real..
jamyung #5
Waaaaaa........ Kiyeopda!!!!!! >.< daebakida jinjja! :D
KyraHero #7 cuteeeeeeeeee....
meimeiuno #8
this is so cute <3 omg
waaaaa!! so sweet >.<!!<br />
well about the french not sure if its actually correct xD<br />
je vous aime is already wrong?<br />
it should be je t'aime bien but if you want to say i love you its je t'aime. avec moi is okay since it means with me... <br />
anyway.. ignore me xD
sweet.....<br />
<br />
:) <333~!