• Introduction •


                 People. As I stand here, out in the open. I see people all around me, but I know, that every single one of them differ widely in their nature. Some people are of sweet nature. They are loved by all. Everyone wants to win their friendship. On the other hand, there are people who are ill-tempered. They easily offend others, they come to conclusions without having a clearer view of the whole situation, they are the people that I personally dislike.

                Fashion another pet aversion of mine. Now-a-days people are becoming more and more fashion-minded. They may not eat well, but they like to put on costly dresses. Students in my school go to classes with combs in their pockets. They start combing their hair while their teachers are teaching. They waste hours at a time painting their faces with cream, powder, lipsticks, mascara and what not. Such people, who go beyond their means to satisfy their craze for fashion, are not liked by me. 

                There are people who make promises but do not keep them. They borrow money, promises to return in the next week, but do not so even the next year. Students borrow books from their friends for a day, but do not return them ever after a month. I do not like this habit. Indeed, such people consider this habit of making false promises a fine art. They do not think about the loss which they cause to others. I always try to keep such people at an arm’s length. Lies, perhaps the "white lies", that these people make, think that it does not harm the other party receiving it, but once the truth is revealed, may hurt the party in so many ways in which I, myself, cannot explain. Therefore, people who lie are not liked by me.

              Some people think themselves to be very clever and shrewd. They seem to think that three-fourths wisdom of the world lies in their head and that the remaining one fourth is distributed among the rest of the world. The main characteristic of such people is their habit of boasting. They are never tired of praising themselves. Besides this, they never find any good in others. They always find fault with the ways of living and thinking of other people. I feet that no sensible man would like to keep company with them. I have a particular dislike for such people.

             In conclusion, I, Song Eunbi, prefer living the life of solitude. I choose not to socialize with people being an aphephobic[1] person. I prefer to push people away rather than going through the trouble of making friends. Yes, I find socializing and making friends unneeded and troublesome. People can pity me for all I care, because I know that being alone means that I will not be hurt by anyone, because being hurt by a person you once love, is excruciatingly painful. Now, I'm stuck in this big black hole of being alone, I've come this far and I'm not going to let anyone ruin my plans... This is the only way that I can be happy.

             An idiot I will hate forever though is Oh Sehun. He broke me and he will never be forgiven.

--------------------------------End of Intro-------------------------------

It was suffocating, with the dark clouds pressing in as if to crush me, and then pressing the point with a sudden flash of lightning, thunder rumbling like a hungry monster a split second later. I stared down at the picture one more time, this could not be real, the evidence was right in front of me, yet I refuse to believe it. Thoughts of all kinds were running through my head and I was utterly confused. Slowly, I come into realisation of what had just happen and I started to feel beads of teardrops stroll down my cheeks and onto the picture. I've had enough. This picture explains everything. I wasted no time and quickly packed my luggage throwing everything that belonged to me into the bag. I took out a pen and wrote a note behind the picture. *I hate you. Goodbye, forever.* And with that, I lulled my luggage out of the apartment and with no regrets, left.

           I took out my phone and with much hesitation I sent out a message. *Dad, I'm coming home.*




Aphephobic[1] : Someone afraid of being touched.

Here's chapter one. :D Yupp and the first four paragraphs are not to insult like anybody it's just the opinion of the character. :)

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